Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Bobs Meltdown Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Weaves Meltdown - Case Study Example As the conversation plots the primary elective that Singer could take is to fire Dunn, who is the senior Vice President and General Manager, Services. Be that as it may, the contextual analysis recognizes that Dunn is the best chief and the gainfulness of the organization presumably rides on his shoulders. This elective will cause the organization to lose income, and most likely end up ruined. The other elective that Singer could take is to seriously criticize Dunn and cause him to apologize to Ms. Annette over his conduct. Authoritative conduct ethos direct that the best working of an association as a group requires the attachment that must be accomplished by a solidarity between the administrators. The third option is expect that Dunn was under a great deal of weight from the obligation endowed to him. Consequently, this option would necessitate that Mr. Vocalist converses with Dunn and instructs him to quiet down, and that Annette would be made to comprehend the significance of th e administrations office. From this examination unmistakably all the choices proposed over their own constraints and qualities, principally in view of the profound moral and expert ramifications of Dunn’s activities. The main option is the primary thought, on account of the amateurish idea of Dunn’s response. Be that as it may, this option would bring about a misfortune in gainfulness for the organization before another chief on a par with Dunn is found. The second alterative, a censure and no other move being made, isn't entirely prudent for the firm. This is a result of the translations that the activity would evoke from different representatives. This option would suggest that the organization couldn't care less about certain workers, particularly the female representatives, and that the exhibition record by Dunn gives him more room than different representatives.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Death Penalty Essay -- essays research papers fc
At the point when New York State’s senator George Pataki got to work in 1995, wrongdoing dropped altogether of 45%, and the homicide rate dropped by 1/3. As of September first 1995, capital punishment was restored in the territory of New York, guaranteeing more secure networks and less casualties, and an over all drop in crime percentage. Individuals have utilized various contentions to help their perspectives with respect to capital punishment. Among the contentions utilized incorporate discouragement, crippling, strict perspective, restoration and cost. However it is recommended that the genuine judgment of a people position on the death penalty is dictated by passionate and moral convictions. The essential inquiries raised by capital punishment are whether it is a compelling obstacle to vicious wrongdoing, and whether it is more powerful than the drawn out crippling. Safeguards of capital punishment accept that by taking an offender’s life is a more serious discipline than any jail term, it must be the better obstacle. â€Å"A life term is ordinarily a short get-away at State cost with nothing to do except for eat the product of others industry.†(Opposing, p43.) The term discouragement is utilized to propose that with the execution of killers, there will be an immediate lessening in manslaughter rate, because of the possibility that potential killers will fear for their own lives. Under some states’ capital punishment law guilty parties including: murder of a cop; a probation, parole, court, or prison guard; an appointed authority; or an observer or individuals from witness’s family. Additionally thos...
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Welcome Home
Welcome Home My office is currently under serious reconstruction. New walls, new doors, new carpets, new paint, and everything. Mikeys gone on vacation, so, unbeknownst to him, Im commandeered his office, kicked out on his couch, and put my feet up on his desk. The downside, I guess, is that I no longer have my protein shakes and favorite notes from applicants within arms reach and eyesight, respectively. On the other hand, its pretty comfortable right here, and the space is more well-designed and welcoming. Ive only been in here a few minutes, but already I know I could definitely get used to this. Hopefully, you feel the same way about the new website weve launched today. Our old site, which was launched by our much beloved former Communications Director Ben Jones in 2004, was a legendary, landmark effort. Bens central use of blogs to speak honestly and frequently with prospective students revolutionized the admissions communications industry. Weve been proud, and grateful, to call it our home for the past 7 years. But, just as Bens blogs often noted, all things must evolve and grow over time. Well over a year ago, Matt asked the communications team to begin thinking about developing a new MIT Admissions website. This isnt an easy task. We are deeply invested in our website. When you have a good thing going, in can be difficult to motivate yourself to rethink what makes it good, and even more difficult to force yourself to risk playing the alchemist and trying to cook things up to make it even better. But this is MIT. We wouldnt be who we are if we were afraid to get our hands dirty, to move fast and break things, and to try for something really awesome. I think weve done it. And I hope you feel the same way. With that said, let me give you a little tour of the new website, focusing on three themes: simplicity, accessibility, and transparency. The first thing you will likely notice is that weve drastically simplified the site. Weve reduced twelve navigational buttons to five, and transitioned from over 100 secondary navigational links to just over 20. This was one of the most difficult things to do. Over time, the old site had accumulated dozens and dozens of beloved pages, like the family attic storing years and years of toys and photo albums. At some point, though, the floorboards began to creak; we realized that there were so many pages and options on the new site that it had become difficult to navigate them all! In behavioral economics, this is known as the paradox of choice: too many options can introduce cognitive costs that exceed the marginal benefit of their inclusion. However, we didnt want to simply delete everything and start afresh. Even if 80% of people didnt use all of the extra stuff we had on the site, those 20% who did REALLY LOVED IT. We had a duty to our readers to come up with a way to offer just as much content as the old site did, but in a way that was less architecturally intimidating to encounter. We think weve found a way: the MIT Admissions Wiki. The Wiki is the new home for all of the miscellanea wed like to offer prospective students but couldnt include in the new, streamlined site navigation. Were slowly rolling out editing rights to the MIT community. Just as the blogs have, over time, become an authoritative source of MIT student culture, we hope that the Wiki will happily accumulate all of the information about MIT that its community could ever wish to provide, and that prospective students could ever wish to discover. That brings me to the blogs. Youll notice some immediate changes to the blogs new, hand-drawn avatars; new profile page layouts; and some new (if subtle) post production and editing functionalities. But my favorite thing about the new redesign is our new feature at the bottom of almost every page: the Best of the Blogs. The MIT Admissions blogs grew slow and steady, like a coral reef of content; bloggers depositing individual bit of wisdom for the better part of a decade, until it was almost 4000 entries strong, deep and dense. But, as with an iceberg, only a small portion the ten most recent entries on the homepage was ever clearly visible to new visitors, who had no way to easily and serendipitously encounter the incredible wealth of wisdom beneath their feet. Best of the Blogs changes all that. Admissions staff and bloggers have combed through every entry ever made and handpicked a few less than 5%! that are exceptionally excellent. These entries load randomly into the grid at the bottom of pages, so that new visitors can stumble upon terrific older entries that they otherwise would never have known existed. Were incredibly excited about this feature, and believe that it will do for blog entries what the Wiki will do for the overall community. Weve also labored to make our process and statistics as transparent as possible. Veterans of the old site will recall that we have, for years, published admission statistics and class profiles that far exceed information released by the admissions office of almost any other university. With this site, weve taken the dramatic step of doing the same for our Financial Aid office, not only with an overview of our financial aid philosophy but also with discrete sample cost and aid packages. Under the Apply heading weve also launched an entirely new navigational design called the stepthrough: By clicking the arrows on the page, or by descending vertically through the navigational bar on the left hand side, students will be able to chronologically step through the admissions process chunk by chunk. We think this will help prospective students think more linearly and clearly about the admissions process. And we think it will be especially helpful for our international and transfer applicants in helping them understand how our process works for them. Were also continuing to provide unparalled insight into how we make admissions decisions and what we look for in students. So: three principles simplicity, accessibility, transparency have guided our design and development of this new site. Were very happy with it, and we hope you will be too. Of course, were not done thinking of ways to make things even better. Weve already got some things in the pipeline (sexy new search, comment meta-moderation, foreign language support, etc) to add and tweak ASAP. And were always looking for additional ideas, insights, and inspirations from all of you. So please check out the new digs. Invite your friends. Kick the tires and let us know what you think. Because in the end, everything we do here is for all of you. Enjoy!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
PHILIP MORRIS - 1141 Words
Joseph Taj Ahn Nyguyen J Yu Fin 423 Haddad Nov 18, 2014 Philip Morris Inc.: Seven Up Acquisition (A) This case discusses Philip Morris Inc. intentions to acquire the Seven-up Company in an effort to diversify their consumer goods. The decision has already been made, however they must decide on an offer price to buy out the company. This report will discuss PM’s acquisition strategy and its appropriateness, along with whether or not 7up fits the criteria of PM’s strategy. The report will further discuss the methods used to determine the maximum amount that Philip Morris should pay for 7up, while also going into detail about the minimum price 7up should accept as a buyout. Philip Morris Acquisition Strategy Philip Morris bases its†¦show more content†¦Lastly, the interest rate was calculated by dividing interest expense by long-term debt for the company. These numbers, along with equity and debt data given to us in the case, resulted in a WACC of 13.89%. The next step was to calculate the free cash flows for the eleven-year period. In order to do so, we used to following formula: FCF = EBIT(1-tax) + depreciation - change in NWC – CapEx. From here, we used to WACC of 13.89% previously calculated, in order to find the present value of each FCF. Next, the terminal value at year ten was calculated. The following formula was used to do so: terminal value at year 10 = (FCF at year 11)/(WACC - g). This time we used the long-term growth rate of 7up, which was given by the case as 1% less than the industry rate. This resulted in a terminal value of $848M with its present value calculation being $231M. In order to calculate the FMV of 7up, we took the sum of FCF present value, which equaled to $248M, and added it to the present terminal value of $231M. This resulted in a fair market value of $479M. This is believed to be the minimum amount that 7up should accept as an offer from PM. Max price In order to find the maximum price that PM should pay for 7up, we once again calculated the fair market value of 7up, however this time we used PM’s expected growth rate of 14% and applied that to 7ups sales. This rate was used in
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Various Learning Disabilities - 1834 Words
Learning Disabilities Unlike other disorders an individual may have, there is no quick way and easy way to confirm or deny a learning disability. There is no x-ray, blood tests, easy and quick surveys to help educators determine whether a learning disability exists. Many of the problems with identifying and assisting children with learning disabilities are to have knowledge of the various learning disabilities and how they affect students. The lack of information available to parents and teachers causes the students to continue to struggle in school and diagnosis for any disabilities to be postponed even further in their schooling. Finding reliable sources of information for learning disabilities is difficult. The subject is broad†¦show more content†¦A student with a learning disability in writing may include the physical act of writing or the ability to comprehend information. Additionally dysgraphia can include the inability to organize thoughts on paper. Some of the symptoms of a written language deficiency can include neatness, spelling consistency, accurate copying of letters and words, and writing organization (Kemp, M.A, Smith, M.A and Segal, Ph.D. par 19). Fionna Pilgrim has outlined the seven causes of dysgraphia to be one of the following: brain damage, physical illness or deformity, intentional poor penmanship, nor or in adequate instruction, this orientation, multiple mental images, or inadequate natural orientation (Pilgrim par 4). A second site visited for information regarding dysgraphia determined the learning disorder was not truly a learning disorder but it was more of an unlearned skill. The source compared this learning disability to learning how to count before you can learn to add and subtract. Additionally it is important to understand the website was from a learning center specializing in helping children with dysgraphia. The site claims to be effective in overcoming dysgraphia by helping the student overcome poor motor skills, poor visual perception of letters and words, and help with poor visual memory (du Plessis, Susan par 5-8). The source which recommended the parent to purchase their product is obviously not as reliable asShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Websites, Links And Articles On Learning Disabilities And Families1007 Words  | 5 Pages Webliography: Websites, Links and articles on Learning Disabilities and families Sha’Vonne J. Walker North Carolina Central University Abstract Pikes Only for Module 6 One paragraph, single spaced, do not indent. single space citations and complete quotes Ldpride.net is a website that provides information on Learning Disabilities. The website defines LD as a term used to describe â€Å"a wide range†of learning and/or social impairments (Bodgod, 2015). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Fight for Women’s Rights Free Essays
Today, women have more liberty to do as they please. There are many positions in companies held by women. There was even a woman who ran for presidency in 1872. We will write a custom essay sample on The Fight for Women’s Rights or any similar topic only for you Order Now Additionally, there are many companies founded and ran by women. These show that home is not the only place for women, and they should not be tied as individuals running the house while their husbands work. The freedom that women have today cannot be possible without the events in the past that gave them identity in a society initially dominated by men. Women in the Past and Their Place in Society Time and again, people bore this thinking that women were just â€Å"a creative source of human life. †Many people considered them as forever inferior to men, creations that were under the opposite sex. Furthermore, women were constantly referred to as source of temptation. Even in other countries, women were viewed as children, meaning they would still be inferior to men. In Greek mythology, Pandora opened the box and was then responsible for all the unhappiness among mankind. This was the same viewpoint among Christians in the early times. For instance, St. Jerome believed that â€Å"Woman is the gate of the devil, the path of wickedness, the sting of the serpent, in a word a perilous object. †This was agreed by Thomas Aquinas, a Christian theologian who believed that the primary role of women is for conception. He further claimed that in other things, men are better assisted by their fellow men (Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia, 1995). The lack of womenâ⠂¬â„¢s rights has placed women in delicate situations. During the 17th century, some women were believed to be witches, and were executed. The majority, consisting of men, believed that the weaker sex was more likely to be corrupted by the devil. Interestingly, most of the women charged with witchcraft were brave or stubborn while some were childless, spinsters, or successful. These were the characters that were not in the Puritan idea of femininity (Kendall, 2001, p. 9). Furthermore, the past seen women as domestic partners, tending about the orchard, or making cheese or baking pies. Women were also serving guests and cleaning the house. Aside from numerous household chores, many of these women have many children to feed and take care of. A typical family would have twelve to thirteen children, aside from extended families. The father was seen to be the head of the family, and this belief was taken from Bible passages which says that man leads the woman. Furthermore, special emphasis was put on the role of women to be submissive on their husbands (Kendall, 2001, p. 10-11). Additionally, books were published which further strengthened the division of labor between man and woman. An author, George Savile, claimed that men were created more intelligent and logical than their counterpart. Thus, men should be the head of families, businesses, and enterprises. Also, Savile emphasized the woman’s need to have a husband. And for women who were not happy with their married lives, they should just â€Å"make the best of it†(Kendall, 2001,p. -11). Many colonies had fewer unmarried women. This was because life was not easy for spinsters, or those unmarried women. For instance, they did not have many opportunities to earn. As a result, their parents or brothers or married sisters provided them with their expenses. When this happened, the unmarried women would help care for their relatives children or clean the house (Kendall, 2001, p. 11) Women also did not have liberty with money. Laws did not have provisions for women regarding owning a property or making contracts. It was the men who have the liberty to sell their possessions according to his judgment. Further, when a single woman has money, it becomes the property of her husband upon their marriage. Women lacked the legal right to the money they earned. On top of this, her belongings could be seized by creditors when his husband lacked the money to pay his debts. It was also the men’s discretion to leave their properties to anyone upon their death. This power came to be called as â€Å"the apron-string hold. The only right that women have was only a one-third of their property after the death of the husband (Kendall, 2001,p. 11-12). Women in the past also did not have rights over their children. Under the law, the children were the property of the husbands. In cases when a couple divorces, the sole custody of the children is to the father. Men also have the right to grant custody of the children to anyone but their wives. In addition, laws also permitted husbands to physically discipline their wives. This means that husbands could whip their wives for as long as they want provided that the whip was not thicker than his thumb. This was known to be the â€Å"rule of thumb. †However, this was not seen as oppression against women, but instead it was an assertion of the women’s right not to be beaten severely (Kendall, 2001, p. 12). Women were also considered as the weaker sex. They were thought be squeamish and unable to do heavy chores. During the preindustrial times, women were assigned to domestic chores while heavier tasks were done by men. The belief that women were the weaker sex, as seen from the division of labor, forgot to consider that domestic chores, including taking care of children and other tasks, required sustained labor. However, recent studies showed that women have greater tolerance for pain compared to men, and live longer and more resistant to some diseases (Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia, 1995). In opportunities for education, the provision for women came as second to that for men. During the colonial times, girls learned to read and write from dame schools. They could join schools for boys during the summer when boys were working and there were vacant seat in classrooms. Fortunately, changes were in store for the education of both sexes. The late 19th century witnessed the increase in the number of women students. There were colleges and universities founded for women, and the schools for boys also began to admit women students. By 1870, one-fifth of students from colleges and universities were women. It further increased during the early 1900s (Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia, 1995). In addition, the traditional role of women as child-bearers gradually changed. It used to be that people has this stereotypal opinion about women whose place is at home. As times changed, women gained freedom and a voice in choosing contraception or undergoing legalized abortion. These choices have given them greater control over how many children they wanted to bear. Despite these positive changes, women were still tied to their roles as mothers and wives. Most of them were talented but did not have freedom to pursue studying or other careers (Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia, 1995). In place of formal education, many young women learned things from their mothers. They were expected to learn cooking and caring for children as preparation for their future roles. During the 1960s, tests were conducted that showed the scholastic achievement of young girls as higher during the early grades. The explanation behind this finding was the decline in the girls’ expectations because their families or their teachers did not expect them to prepare for a future different from marriage and motherhood. The good thing was that changes were taking place with regards to this trend (Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia, 1995). By the start of the 20th century, women were able to obtain undergraduate college degrees. In 1984, 49% of undergraduate degrees were by women, a sharp increase from just 19% during the onset of the century. Furthermore, more women became interested in taking graduate studies. This was further improved when, in the mid-1980s, women held 49% of masteral degrees and 33% of doctoral degrees. Moreover, women students in college comprised 53% in 1985 (Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia, 1995). Another area where women came as inferiors to men was at work. During the colonial times, women who earned a living were seamstresses or in charged of keeping boardinghouses. There were some women who worked men’s jobs, such as doctors, preachers, writers, and lawyers, among others. At the onset of the 19th century, occupations allowed for women were either factory labor or domestic work. They were generally excluded from higher professions but were allowed to write and teach (Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia, 1995). Several changes took place in the following centuries. Career opportunities such as medical profession have undergone changed attitudes. Anyone could practice medicine, but obstetrics was generally a woman’s domain. Unfortunately, the educational preparation needed for this profession increased, limiting some women to further pursue medical practice. On top of it, racial discrimination began against certain groups of women. For instance, the American Medical Association did not accept females. They were also barred from medical colleges for men. This changed by 1920s. During this period, a significant number of women attended certain leading medical schools. This was further strengthened when the American Medical Association accepted women members in 1915 (Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia, 1995). Women’s Rights It is common knowledge among people that women did not have as much legal rights and other opportunities compared to men. Women were confined in homes, where their major roles were wives and mothers. They could not join in political or social matters, as these were the spheres of men. Women lacked many rights that in a sense, they were like slaves. Women have been fighting for their rights as early as the 19th century, spearheaded by evangelical groups and volunteer associations among middle women from class and upper class. They have strived to affect changes in the American society whose perspective on women was too limiting (Walter, 2001, p. 184). Rights that women can freely obtain indicates the â€Å"understanding of global well-being. †This issue is something that every country should resolve, and not only those ones where religion is the law (Shah, 2007). Rights that women should have equal access to include human rights, equality rights, and political rights, among others. The road to these rights was not a smooth one. Women were constantly in battle for equal footing with men. It took almost fifty years before the Equal Rights Amendment was passed to the states for ratification. Women from all races and nationalities united to support and push the ratification of ERA. Rallies, fundraising activities, marches and many other events were conducted to encourage supporters for the amendment. However, many politicians did not see the need to ratify the ERA for women. They argued that if women were allowed rights, it would destroy families or the women’s credibility. However, these issues that were once debated on now became a part of the society (Eisenberg Ruthsdotter, 1998). Voting rights have also been fought for by brave women. Starting in 1920, women were allowed to vote, although their other political roles were limited (Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia, 1995). However, this was a major change in a nation dominated by men who did not believe in allowing women to participate in political matters, including voting. But certain women, such as Stanton, believed that obtaining voting rights was a start to a greater role for women in the society (Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia, 1995). Reproductive rights, under basic human rights, were also fought for many years. These rights would allow women the right to determine how many children they wanted to have. Without these rights, their other rights would have no profound meaning. This was because when they were not granted reproductive rights, they would not be able to fully make decisions about other areas including education and work. History witnessed the significant decrease in birth rate during the 19th century as women became more educated (Lewis, 2009). Women’s Struggles As women battled for their rights and for an equal place in the society, they were faced with opposition from all sides. They have struggled for equality, for voting rights, and for political power. They have struggled to have an identity in the American society. And they have struggled to be freed from the chains that kept them inferiors for many years. Although many changes took place and women now have more liberty compared to the past, women were still in struggle for equality. History has witnessed women’s struggle against oppression, as commenced in 1857 in textile factories, to stop racial segregation. They have also demanded to be paid equally with that of their male co-workers. Furthermore, women struggled to push their rights through movements and marches. Many people were firmly opposed to this that some women who participated in these events were jailed or, in remote cases, tortured (TamilCanadian, 1999). The importance of a women’s liberation struggle cannot be emphasized enough. Women should be given the freedom from oppression in any form, from discrimination and from their economic dependence on men. Although women have come a long way in their struggles, and now have many rights, there were still some women who faced oppression and in many forms. Sexual harassment is prevalent in some places, especially at work where women’s jobs are considered inferior to that of men’s. Furthermore, women faced challenges with regards to shared responsibilities between them and their working husbands. On top of these, there is still the segregation of jobs between sexes (TamilCanadian, 1999). In addition, an article in 1999 reported that women in jails were especially susceptible to oppression in the form of sexual abuse and slavery to male prisoners (TamilCanadian, 1999). The Amnesty International reported that women in jails around the world are always victims of human rights violations due to their gender and vulnerability. Women have been the victims of sexual violence, including torture and rape. Furthermore, many of these women were not given proper health care and were instead targeted for punishments and discrimination (Amnesty International, 1999). Even today, women’s struggles are still prevalent in the society. Young women struggle for their own equality and democracy. It was claimed that young women have been the targets or victims in many instances. Equal pay for equal work was pushed ahead despite the trying times during the Bush administration. Young women have struggled for reproductive rights, welfare reinstatement, criminalization, violence against them, and better access to public education. In addition, further claims were made regarding the exploitation of young women by capitalists and the structures that they control. This was especially true among young women of color, who are more likely to be the subject of sharper racist edge (Wheeler, 2001). Furthermore, women have experienced being paid less compared to men doing the same job. They have also gone through the lack of job security in the retail/sales industry. Aside from this, women have to submit to restrictions on hours rendered for work. Also, many of these industries do not allow workers to organize. And the worst thing is that immigrant women fall prey to the most despicable working conditions. Between work and families, young women continue to struggle to attend to both. A 2000 census showed that more than 12 million families are led by single parent who also manage the household. Furthermore, 2. 4 million of these families are below the poverty line (Wheeler, 2001). Women’s Rights Movement As women became more aware of the importance of obtaining their rights, the Women’s Right Movement was put into action in 1848. No one thought that a small group of dedicated women could change the course of history to be able to achieve full rights in America. Women’s fight for changes within the family life, employment, government, and education have been notable. These changes did not just happen overnight. Women of different races from different places all desired to affect changes by conducting meetings, nonviolent resistance, and public speaking (Eisenberg Ruthsdotter, 1998). According to past historical accounts, the birth of the agitation for women’s rights was brought about by Frances Wright, a Scotchwoman who visited the United States in 1820. She was popularly known as an intellect on matters regarding politics and social reform. She would live from one place to another, always encouraging both men and women to think differently on traditional beliefs including slavery and the degradation of women in the society. Eventually, Wright succeeded in her efforts, evidenced by literature written by various women. The articles that women wrote talked about the status of women. Furthermore, there were lectures conducted, although some women were bannished for doing so (Hecker, 2004, p. 81). These events have led women to question women’s rights, especially among those who were against slavery. Further inquiry into the validity of slavery caused these women to investigate the enforced status of women in the society. Meeting were conducted to address these issues. However, the women, including Angelina and Sarah Gimke, often faced hostility in meetings where there were men. In fact, during a meeting of the Anti-Slavery Association in 1840, men did not take part in committees where there were women involved. This was despite women held a larger contribution to uphold the cause (Hecker, 2004, p. 81). These affairs reached London during the World’s Anti-Slavery Convention. Some alti-slavery organizations sent women as their delegates. Unfortunately, the English members refused to allow these women to take part in the proceedings due in part to the opposition of the clergy. The latter believed that St. Paul did not permit women to teach. Thus, delegates Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, the first president of the Female Anti-Slavery Society of Philadelphia, decided to start a women’s rights convention upon returning to the United States. The World’s Anti-Slavery Convention caused a larger cause to exist (Hecker, 2004, p. 81). July 13, 1848 is the birth of the movement in New York during a tea party. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a housewife and mother, along with four friends, was in attendance. During their conversation, the topic turned to the situation of women. Stanton made known of her discontent about the limitations enforced on women in the America’s new democracy. Despite the American Revolution which was fought 70 years earlier, women still lacked freedom. Stanton believed that the society could benefit more if women were given active roles. This was something that Stanton’s friends agreed with, and thus they carried out a large-scale program (Eisenberg Ruthsdotter, 1998). Days after this conversation, they set a date and location for their first convention. It was held on July 19-20, 1848, at Seneca Falls, New York. Newspapers attributed the organization of the event to the â€Å"divorced wives, childless women, and sour old maids,†referring to Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Mrs. McClintock and other brave women who attended to their domestic lives and to their children. This first convention attracted a large crowd which reached 300 (Hecker, 2004, p. 81). During the convention, the women presented and signed the Declaration of Sentiments and Declaration of Resolutions mainly based on Declaration of Independence. These include the objectives of the women’s rights movement. After this convention, many others were held for the following years (Adams, 2003, pp. 7-8). As Stanton herself expected, newspapers and certain people backlashed them. This was because newspapers believed that the Declaration of Sentiments was shameless, most especially the demand for women to vote. They attacked women on all sides. Fuirthermore, the newspapers published the document, along with the signatures of women who supported it. As a result, many of the women from the Convention had doubts and even withdrew their signatures from the document. Despite being embarrassed, some women were steadfast in what they believed in. Fortunately, something happened which favored the women upon the publishing of the document. The negative articles that editors published became widespread that even the people from isolated towns were informed to the issues. As a result, many people became involved in the heated debate regarding the women’s rights in the society (Eisenberg Ruthsdotter, 1998). The push for women’s rights was further supported by two factions of the movement in 1869. One was the American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA) and the other, the National Woman Suffrage Assocation (NWSA). AWSA was organized in Boston by Lucy Stone, a woman popular for advocating anti-slavery and for lobbying the women’s rights. NWSA, on the other hand, was organized by Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. The organization aimed to change federal law and passionately opposed the 15th Amendment as it excluded provisions for women (Women in Congress, n. d. ).. The two factions could not unite because the supporters of AWSA believed that their rival was â€Å"racially divisive and organized†¦ to continue a national reform at the state level†(Women in Congress, n. d. ). Furthermore, NWSA did not include alternative arguments and strategies. The NWSA founders also ignored other women groups, including organizations ran by laborers, civic reformers and farmers (Buhle, M. J. , Buhle, P. , Stanton, 2005, p. xix). With the delicate balance between these factions, the AWSA and the NWSA strived to maintain momentum. The latter attracted recruits from the public speaking activities of both Stanton and Anthony. AWSA, on the other hand, did not have the wide reach that the rival organization enjoyed, but it was better funded and larger. However, the factions were not able to attract broad support from women. They did not even encourage male politicians to allow women to vote (Women in Congress, n. d. ). Between the 1880s and the onset of 1890s, a surge of volunteerism swept the nation. Many of these volunteers came from middle-class women, most of whom were members of clubs and professional societies, supporters of progressive causes, and members of charity organizations. The surge of volunteerism was brought about by these women’s desire to â€Å"expand their sphere of activities further outside the home. Thus, the suffrage movement was further strengthened, and both the AWSA and the NWSA gained momentum. Finally, the two factions united in 1890 as they took advantage of the â€Å"constituency†brought about by the event. AWSA and NWSA united and formed the National Americal Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA), led by Stanton and, later, by Anthony. The new organization drew support from various organizations ran by women, including the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), the National Consumer’s League, and the Women’s Trade Union League (Women in Congress, n. . ). The new organization aimed to gain votes in states and went through some challenges. Finally, in 1869, Wyoming became the first state to allow women full voting rights. Afterwards, Colorado, Utah, and Idaho followed suit. These were the only states which allowed women to vote. The period covering 1910 to 1914, the NAWSA furthered its efforts to encourage other states to do the same thing. C onsequently, the states Washington, California, Kansas, Arizona, and Oregon extended voting rights to women. In 1913, the Illinois followed suit, and the state’s future congresswoman, Ruth Hanna McCormick, helped advance the fight for suffrage. In 1914, Montana joined the states, mainly due to the efforts of its future Congresswoman, Jeannette Rankin (Women in Congress, n. d. ). Women’s fight to obtain full rights like those of men’s is not finished yet. There are still cases of oppression and violence against women. Women are still struggling to rise to be able to obtain a strong identity in the American society. The liberty and rights that women have today became impossible due to events in the past that put women in the frontline. The Women’s Rights Movement have enabled women to obtain voting rights and, consequently, human rights and equality rights. The selfless efforts of several notable women opened the eyes of all women regarding their place in the society. In the past, the only place for women was the home. They lacked basic rights and were mainly inferior to their husbands or to men in general. However, times have changed. In most places, women now stand side by side and in equality with men. The efforts of women to push forward a better life full of opportunities for all women brough forth these fruits. How to cite The Fight for Women’s Rights, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Blueprints Business Planning Australia †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Blueprints Business Planning Australia? Answer: Introduction The primary aim of this report is to compare two business plans of small businesses based in Australia, one is Blueprints Business Planning Pty Ltd and the other is Sams Fast food Truck Pty Ltd. Both are small and medium enterprise, that target a sector in Sydney and other localities around the city(Crumpton, 2012). While Blueprints Planning Pty Ltd targets Sydney along with other adjoining areas from New South Wales, Australia, the other business is limited to Sydney alone. Both are proprietorship based businesses that have their owners as business full time employed. The scope of this report analyses marketing, operations and finance activities for both the businesses such that an appropriate comparison can easily be achieved. Mission of Blueprints Business Planning Pty Ltd is to provide business planning assistance to small and medium scale e businesses. The Company will aim to provide varied range of advices to small-scale organisations. Mission of Sams Fast food Truck is to provide lip-smacking snacks near office areas of Sydney during their recess hours. The Company will provide variety types of burgers, sandwiches, milk shakes, fries and other snacks at cost affordable rates, such that consumers make repeated purchase at the food truck. The former business employee is Jessie Jones along with four other people, the other business employs Scarlet Tassel along with two other employees. Earlier, Jessie Jones had been working as a management consultant and has good foothold on providing clients with well-equipped business plans along with feasibility analysis. Scarlet Tassel, has previous work experience with various restaurants and fast food stall, hence now she plans to extend such expertise in creating a business and patenting some creations of her own. The former business aims to generate a revenue of A$100,000 and make revenues worth A$2000, whereas the other business aims to generate an annual revenue of A$50,000 with profits amounting to A$1500 in the first year alone. When operations of both the business will be started then there will be one employee managing director who will be handling all functionalities from home for the former business. While for the later business, the owner cum managing director has alre ady painted his truck and arranged for it to form a food truck. The former business will be entirely self-funded and director intends to provide the necessary capital as an initial investment worth A$10,000. For the food-truck business the director has already sanctioned a bank loan worth A$12,000 for purchasing necessary equipment for establishing the business. Thus, the following brief comparisons for the business will allow grater insights into them. Business goal of the former business is to employ a full-time employee with a salary of A$42,000 annually. This is a short-term goal, whereas its long term goal is to generate a net profit of A$2000 and set up a consulting firm at Sydney employing a minimum of five people. For the later business, short term business goal comprises of establishing the food truck in an attractive office location at Sydney and repay the business loan within one year of operations. Whereas, for long term the managing director aims to open a small restaurant in Sydney suburb location and starting with home delivery systems. Prior to building any sort of business plan it becomes crucial to collect information and data from relevant sources(Allen, 2015). For purpose of constructing both the business plans secondary sources as well as primary sources were used as from Australian Bureau of Statistics, NSW Small Business Advisory Network. Data from primary sources were gathered by means of interviews with business enterprises in and around Sydney. There were also reference drawn from business journals and magazines as well as newspapers. External Industry Analysis Market analysis of Sydney reveals that there is a requirement for management and consulting services for catering to small and medium scale businesses. Though the market is competitive with a number of well-established companies yet there remains immense scope un-explored for small and medium scale enterprises(Holmes, 2016). For food-truck business, there are a large number of restaurant, catering services and office canteens at Sydney. Hence, the market space is extremely competitive for establishing a business in food business, but if the owner can create an unique flavor then he might be able to attract a sizable number of regular customers. Holiday season during December and January makes it a seasonal business throughout the year, except these two months. Hence the owner can devise and make strategizing for business of making extraordinary management plans during this time. Food business is an all year round business and profits rise considerably during holiday seasons. Especially during December and January, sales from the food tcuk is expected to shoot up. There are a number of managing and consulting agencies in and around Sydney but they generally cater to large-scale businesses. There are a large number of competitors in the food business, which comprises of office canteens, restaurants, food-trucks and so on. The management consultancy can seek strategic alliances from various accounting firms and data collection agencies. The fast food truck should seek strategic alliances from suppliers of raw materials, as meat, bread and so on. Internal Analysis of Company SWOT analysis is a comprehensive strength, weakness, opportunity and threat analysis. Strength of management consultancy is that owner has immense knowledge and ideas regarding the business. Weakness is low availability of funds for expanding and setting up a professional business mode. Opportunity from the business is immense to expand to cater to large scale corporations. Threats are from other consultancies offering lower rates and more integrated services for the same. Strength of the fast food truck business is that most of the expertise of the business is extended by the owner cum managing director. The owner have made use of own truck to create and deliver business strategy, weakness comprises of less knowledge regarding diversified cuisines. However, there is immense opportunity to diversity into restaurant business later on. The management consultancy will cater to areas in Sydney and cities around New South Wales. Target market will comprise of mainly small and medium scale enterprises. Food truck will be based in key office area in Sydney and can easily relocate. Thus, its prime areas will be to cater to office going customers in Sydney. The management consultancy firm will aim to place its products exclusively for small and medium scale enterprises. The food truck will cater to young office goers by providing them cost effective products. Management consultancy will adopt word of mouth advertising methods mostly. It will adopt promotions through references. Food truck will have advertising through traditional modes whereas promotion will be through distribution of brochures and pamphlets in various offices. Management consultant will make use of digital and social media form of ICT. Whereas food truck will adopt traditional modes of ICT. Both the companies being start-ups will adopt affordable pricing policy for the same. The management consultancy will offer its services at cost affordable rates but will enter market will skimming pricing strategies. The food truck will sell lip smacking foods at affordable prices in bundle pricing methods. Marketing for both the companies needs to be done extensively such as to attract customers towards the business. Management consultancy will adopt digital market strategy, whereas food truck will include marketing through pamphlets, brochures and other traditional modes of advertisement. The management and consultancy firm will need to have an appropriate licensing requirement for starting its business which needs to be obtained. The food truck business will need to obtain trade license and food safety license prior to conducting its business(Amato, 2016). Management details for both organisations are not applicable as solely their owners are operating both now. But both the organisation can expand and will have a suitable management structure. At present organisation structure for both the companies will not be applicable at it will be operating directly under the owners(Chell, 2016). Later, management consultancy will employ 1 full time staff. Food business will have a full time staff from the beginning. There will be a legal advisor and accountant consultant for tax filling and other company related issues for both the companies. Management consultancy owner needs to purchase an online security for preventing loss or theft of business plans developed. The food truck business will accommodate will need to have a food taster along with insurance for the truck. The management consultancy will be operating from the home of the owner cum managing director. Premises for food truck would include, food truck and home of the owner will also be required. Equipment required for the purpose of developing business plan will be a laptop, router for connecting to broadband. There will be need for plentiful utensils for cooking, marinat ing and serving clients for the food business. Oven, chimney and refrigerator are some other key equipment for the business. Management plans will be made and delivered by the managing director himself. There will be need of a laptop and internet connection for production of the plan(Audretsch, 2012). The food truck will prepare half the preparation at home including marinating. In the food truck ,it will just fry and pack to deliver various items. Thus, production process will be half done at home of the owner and half in the food truck itself. The management consultancy business will be operating through a direct phone line and 24 hours broadband internet connection. It will have two laptops for the purpose of conducting business and another for making presentation to its clients(Hatten, 2012). The food truck will require just a mobile phone connection for taking orders and a bill printing machine. Management consultancy business will face tremendous risks from meeting short term financial obligations. Further it needs to appoint an executive for collection of payments and other dues form clients. Risks faced by food truck business are regarding storage of excess food. Such storage or reduced sale can lead to reducing of long-term profitability. Basic assumption in the financial forecast is that for the former business, owned capital is the cash at bank and depreciation for equipment is at 10%. For the second business basic assumption is that loan capital servicing rate is 5%. Depreciation for various equipment is at 12% due to high wear and tear. Sales for business planning management consultancy will be at A$75,000 for the first year. Sales forecasted for Food-truck will be A$105,000 for the first year of business(Carland, 2015). Blueprints will have a cash at bank balanc e at the end of the year forecasted to be at A$5,000. Food-truck will have cash in hand forecasted balance at the end of the year amounting to A$7,000. Projected profit and loss for management consultancy will be profits in the first year amounting to A$20,000. For food-truck business projected profits will be A$35,000 for the first year of operation. The management consultancys owner will withdraw a minimum of A$1500 for the purpose of his personal expenses, whereas any profits generated form the business will be reinvested. In the food-truck business, the owner will withdraw a sum of A$2,000 for his personal expenses and rest revenues earned will be reinvested and used for paying of business loan. The management planning consultancy has been set out of the entire funds from the owner. He has set aside this fund for conducting business A$10,000. Whereas, the food truck business has been set out from back loan of A$12,000. Thus, the owner needs to payout the business loan from month ly incomes of the food-truck. Conclusion Analysis of the two business plans reveals, that both businesses have viability and potentially to expand. However, marketing tactics for each business is different compared to each other. Financial setup is also different as one is a self-funded organisation and the other has obtained bank loan to start business. Operations for both businesses also greatly vary as the former comprises of business that can operate from home itself and the later has to be established on the streets. Thus, while both businesses are different it can be understood that both entrepreneurs possess immense capabilities to expand the business beyond boundaries and potentialities. Reference Lists Allen, K. 2015. Launching new ventures: An entrepreneurial approach. Nelson Education. Amato, C. A. 2016. Regulatory modes and entrepreneurship: The mediational role of alertness in small business success. . Regulatory modes and entrepreneurship: The mediational role of alertness in small business success. . Audretsch, D. 2012. Entrepreneurship research. Management Decision, 755-764. Carland, J. C. 2015. Seeing what's not there: The enigma of entrepreneurship. Journal of small business strategy, 1-20. Chell, E. S. 2016. Social entrepreneurship and business ethics: does social equal ethical?. Journal of Business Ethics, 619-625. Crumpton, M. 2012. Innovation and entrepreneurship. . The Bottom Line, 98-101. Hatten, T. 2012. Small business management: Entrepreneurship and beyond. Cengage Learning. Holmes, R. Z. 2016. Two-way streets: The role of institutions and technology policy in firms corporate entrepreneurship and political strategies. The Academy of Management Perspectives, 247-272.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
Introduction This paper presents a detailed review of an interesting book titled â€Å"The Prince†that convey vital principalities of leadership. The book was a masterpiece work of an Italian who was a renowned historian, and a diplomat called Niccolo Machiavelli. The writer was also known as a strong politician who had noble political ideals and theories.Advertising We will write a custom book review sample on The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Despite developing his writing skills from a humble background, his insightful narratives have been instrumental in transforming individual’s social and political lifestyle. This explains why the book that has been branded as a traditional peace of work by critics due to its â€Å"mirrors of prince style†remains one of the innovative political narrations of the day. Imperativeness of the book and its theme Indeed, the information conta ined in the book has been instrumental in transforming political activities in various settings. It has been helpful in inculcating noble ruling guidelines and principles among leaders. It adopted a political theme with an aim of enhancing leadership by fostering democracy and understanding through integration of effective ruling principalities (Machiavelli, 2004). The author focuses on the theme due to the unfair experiences and treatment that he was facing because of bad governance and oppressive rule. The book’s ideals and key concerns or areas The book focuses on leadership ideals and effective principalities that shape good governance or political practice. Its aim is to convey credible information about political issues and the role of leaders in the development of cohesive societies (Landon, 2005). Machiavelli opens his narration or political observation by stating that all forms of dominion in various jurisdictions are republics or principalities. He asserted that, an y leader who seeks to exercise good leadership should adopt noble principalities (Machiavelli, Skinner Price, 1988). Such leaders should ensure that the set rules that guide operations in their territories are favorable and acceptable. That is the rules should be ideological, socially relevant and economically viable. In the book, the author’s concern is seen to be exclusively with principalities. He noted that ethical ruling principalities are the primary virtues that leaders are under obligation to practice or adopt especially in the current environment. He innovatively concentrated on the best techniques of governance and holding up to the noble principalities in the first eleven chapters of the book (Machiavelli, 2004). This shows how individuals can achieve greatness in their respective areas of operation.Advertising Looking for book review on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Discussions Impe ratively, the author provided educative information that seeks to foster unity and excellent leadership. He distinguishes the three types of principalities in the first eleven chapters. He also analyzed the best techniques of acquiring the principalities and the process of achieving their absolute maintenance. Firstly, he considers hereditary principality that pose minimal difficulties in various settings. Marriott (2012) noted that hereditary principalities are consistent ruling ideals that â€Å"princes†or territory leaders acquire through experiences, historical studies and predecessors. Secondly, he considers mixed cases that explain the process through which rulers’ annexes new possessions in their territories. He asserted that this is where key issues that threaten political integration begin. This is because the annexing process leads to unfair acquisition or expansion of territorial setting by some leaders. This happens especially in territories whose leaders lack democratic ideals and regard for other peoples basic rights (Machiavelli Rebhorn, 2003). In this regard, the author insists that leaders or rulers should hold and practice complete composite principalities. This is essential in ensuring that they foster peaceful coexistence and political stability. It is also vital in ensuring that they exercise total political control in their territories. Other chapters of the book focus on the procedures of acquiring new principalities and its consequences. The chapters state that individuals can acquire new principalities or control ideals by their own arms, ability or good lack. They also convey essential information on the consequences of obtaining leadership principalities through wickedness. This is why the author emphasizes on the need for civilization and adoption of civil principalities (Landon, 2005) Notably, leaders should get full acquaintance with the way one can measure ruling principalities and potential leadership ideals. The measurement guidelines are crucial in providing them with a viable benchmark through which they can gage their performance. It is also significant to ensure that their actions are executed with good intentions to boost social and economic integration.Advertising We will write a custom book review sample on The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In addition, the author affirmed that ruling principalities affect human affairs and productivity. They influence communication and understanding between individuals especially leaders and the public. This hinders progress since inferior operating principles impede sharing of ideas and development of innovative concepts through teamwork (Marriott, 2012). Lack of noble principles in leadership also compromises liberty and execution of activities under democratic guidelines. Conclusion Indeed, the book provides insightful information that has been significant in shaping individuals perception on the significance of good leadership in our societies. It gives essential leadership principalities that leaders should adopt to foster unity among locals where democratic ideals have been cited. It also recognizes that rulers should exercise composite guiding principles within their territories. References Machiavelli, N. (2004). The prince: And, the art of war. London: Collector’s Library. Machiavelli, N., Skinner, Q., Price, R. (1988). Machiavelli: The prince. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Machiavelli, N., Rebhorn, W. A. (2003). The prince and other writings. New York: Barnes Noble Classics. Marriott, K. (2013). The Prince. Retrieved from http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1232Advertising Looking for book review on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Landon, W. J. (2005). Politics, patriotism and language: NiccoloÌ€ Machiavelli’s â€Å"secular patria†and the creation of an Italian national identity. New York [u.a.: Lang. This book review on The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli was written and submitted by user Paulina Mcclure to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Medias Bias Against Minorities essays
Medias Bias Against Minorities essays Todays media is biased toward minorities. Everyday it is easy to see that racial and ethnic stereotypes still dominate much of reporting today. On television shows and film, African-Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans and Native Americans are also shown in stereotypical ways. This media coverage perpetuates racism and increases the hardships that minorities may face. In the news African Americans are portrayed as criminals. The news selectively covers murders and drug busts, but only acknowledges black achievements as a special occasion. News companies make it seem normal for blacks to be criminal; while black achievements are rare flukes. An example of this is nearly every year, there is a story of a poor, black high school senior who overcame living in a poor neighborhood to graduate and attend college. Granted, this is a great achievement, but it happens more than the media portrays. This selective coverage creates connotations of lower achievement for urban blacks. In movies blacks are portrayed as thugs and criminals, and when not portrayed as such, they are used for comedic effect in the fish out of water sense. They will place a black man in a movie surrounded by white people and make him stand out as not belonging for the sake of comedy. Latinos are portrayed similarly in the news. In other media, they are portrayed as lazy and/or criminal. Asians on the other hand face stereotypes of being nerds. They are portrayed as being geniuses with no character. This leads to stereotypes such as all Chinese people are good at math etc. One movie that gives a clear look into Asian American youth is Better Luck Tomorrow, a film that explores and dispels stereotypes of Asian Americans. Native Americans are portrayed negatively in the media as well. This can be seen primarily in sports mascots, and Westerns. ...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Personal Statement for the admission of University of California
For the admission of University of California - Personal Statement Example My main motivation behind this application for admission in your University is my keen interest and experience in the field of Economics /Business major. I have completed third year in the Community College. I feel confident to seek admission in your University as the next step of the ladder of education and as the natural progression of my present academic qualifications. I hail from a business family from China. My father owned a factory and he was a watch manufacturer. He handled his business well and possessed good experience in production and marketing but the economic crisis of the 2007 was beyond the control of any prudent businessman. With such a severe jolt to the economy of the country he also suffered heavy losses and had to shut down the factory and our family budget was in shambles. Until then father used to manage everything, I did not have an idea as to what the family budget was, and suddenly we were in dire straits. At that juncture, I realized the value of money. As an inquisitive young man I began to do my own research as to why the country’s economy went haywire affecting thousands of families like us and what preventive or remedial measures would be necessary to challenge such a precarious situation. Each dollar was important, and we learnt how to prune the family budget and how to segregate the luxuries from the necessities. I was still in the high school, and the idea sprouted in my mind that the intricacies of business, the causes for rise and fall in prices and the events that led to the economic crises must be studied with a scientific approach. I broached the subject of economic theories with lots of application and got solution to some of the questions that bothered me. That was the beginning of my interest in the subject of Economics/Business. My next task was to cement my theory knowledge with real life applications. To gain practicalities of market functioning, I did my internship with an insurance company during the summer holidays in Hong Kong. Besides the experience in dealing with insurance related issues I got an opportunity to study the computer applications, as the working of the insurance company was totally computerized. Insurance companies have developed many types of packages depending on the need of various types of customers. Mostly, customers are not aware of the differentiation in different policies. Soon I developed expertise in handing insurance customers and completed the documents as per guidelines provided by my Supervisor. Though insurance business involves lots of discussions and convincing with the customers, I conclude that ultimately the issue is that of faith and mutual trust. Once the customers are convinced about the services and the end results of the products offered, they are willing to buy the policies. This internship completely changed my outlook about the application of technology in office procedures and the enormous advantages the clientele derived out of the same. Business tools and strategies have changed and are continuously on the change with rapid progress that is taking place without intermission in technology. If given an opportunity I will make it a point to make a detailed study of computer and technology applications in the insurance sector and prepare a research paper on the subject. My father was not much educated in the academic sense of the term, but he was a man of practical wisdom. He often used to say, ‘I study in the college of self-education, where my mind
Monday, February 3, 2020
Performance Related Pay in TYLT Mobile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Performance Related Pay in TYLT Mobile - Essay Example In an attempt to practicalize Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Professor John Callaghan identified that most people aged between the mid-20s and the mid-30s with graduate and postgraduate qualifications and employment in top companies in modern urban settings tend to belong to Level 3 of the Maslow scale: The Social Belongingness Stage. This is because most of such persons have access to the basic physiological needs because most of them are from privileged backgrounds and have a lot of options and do not see some of these basic needs as necessary. Also, such persons have their social security needs are settled because they possess good qualifications and with the advantage of being young and energetic, such persons have a lot of prospects and have fewer limitations. Their needs are to build social lives like marriage, joining a strong network of friends and building business links. So the best rewards for them include socioeconomic rewards that would enable them to meet their needs. Als o, since these young employees have many options, they need hygienic factors that would make them happy in a given workplace and not necessarily motivators. This is because they often tend to select the best work environment and not just a work environment that pays well. The expectancy theory also implies that the effort of these young people who dominate the R&D department of TYLT Mobile will want to blend their individual needs which include entrenching their social belongingness needs into their expectations. These expectations would reflect in their performance at work and it would affect the outcome of TYLT Mobile's output. As such, it is reciprocal for TYLT Mobile to find a way of recognizing continuous improvement and rewarding them appropriately. This forms a hygienic factor which when
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Yips Drivers Of Globalisation Management Essay
Yips Drivers Of Globalisation Management Essay There is an increasing trend to market globalisation for a variety of reasons. In some markets, customer needs and preferences are becoming more similar. The opening of McDonalds outlets in most countries of the world signalled similar tendencies in fast food. As some markets globalise, those operating in such markets become global customers and may search for suppliers who an operate on a global basis. The development of global communication and distribution channels may drive globalisation- the obvious example being the impact of the internet. Marketing policies, brand names and identifies, and advertising may all be developed globally. This further generates global demand and expectations from customers, and may also provide marketing cost advantages for global operators. Cost globalisation may give potential for competitive advantage since some organisations will have greater access to and/be more aware of these advantages than others. There might also be cost advantages from the experience built through wider scale operations. Other cost advantages might be achieved by central sourcing efficiencies from lower cost suppliers across the world. Country specific costs such as labour or exchange rates, encourage businesses to search globally for low cost in these respects as ways of matching the costs of competitors that have such advantages because of their location. For example given increased reliability of communication and cost differentials of labour, software companies and call centres are being located in India, where there is highly skilled but low cost staff. Other businesses face high costs of product development and may see advantages in operating globally with fewer products rather than incurring the costs of wide ranges of products on a more limited geographical scale. The activities and policies of governments have also tended to drive the globalisation of industry. Changes in the macro environment are increasing the global competition, which, in turn, encourages further globalisation. If the levels of exports and imports between countries are high, it increases interaction between competitors on a more global scale. If a business is competing globally, it also tends to place globalisation pressures on competitors, especially if customers are also operating on a global scale. Porters 5 forces (diagram p.80) Porters five forces framework was originally developed as a way of assessing the attractiveness of different industries. As such it can help identifying the sources of competition in an industry or sector. Although initially used with businesses in mind, it is of value to most organisations. It must be used at the level of SBUs and not at the level of the whole organisation. For example an airline might compete simultaneously in several different arenas such as domestic and long haul, and target different customer groups such as leisure, business ad freight. The impact of competitive force may be different for each of theses SBUs. Understanding the connections between competitive forces and the key drivers in the macro environment are essential. For example technological changes can destroy many of the competitive advantages and barriers that have protected organisations historically. The five forces are not independent of each other. Pressures from one direction can trigger off changes in another in dynamic process of shifting sources of competition. Competitive behaviour may be concerned with disrupting these forces and not simply accommodating them. Threat of entry will depend on the extent to which there are barriers to entry. These are factors that need to be overcome by new entrants if they are to compete successfully. These should be seen as providing delays to entry and not as permanent barriers to determined potential entrants. They may deter some potential entrants but not others. Typical barriers are as follows- Economies of scale The capital requirement of entry. The capital cost of entry will vary according to technology and scale. Access to supply or distribution channels. In many industries manufacturers have had control over supply or/and distribution channels. Customer or supplier loyalty. It is difficult for a competitor to break into an industry if there are one or more established operators that now the industry well and have good relationships with the key buyers and suppliers. Experience. Early entrants into an industry gain experience sooner than others. This can give them advantage in terms of cost and/or customer/supplier loyalty. Legislation or government action. Legal restraints on competition vary from patent protection, to regulation of markets through to direct government action. Threat of substitutes. Substitutes reduces demand for a particular class of products as customers switch to the alternatives-even to the extent that this lass of products or services become obsolete. This depends on whether a substitute provides a higher perceived benefit or value. Substitution may take different forms- There could be product for product substitution- for example email, substituting for a postal service. There may also be other organisations that are complementors-meaning that they have products and services that make organisations products more competitive-and vice versa. There may be substitution of need by a new product or service, rendering an existing product or service redundant. For example, more reliable and cheaper domestic appliances reducing the need for maintenance and repair services. Generic substitution occurs where products or services compete for disposable income, for example furniture manufacturers compete for available household expenditure with suppliers of televisions, videos, cookers, cars and holidays. The power of buyers and suppliers. Buyer power is likely to be high when some of the following conditions prevail. There is a concentration of buyers, particularly if the volumes purchased by buyers are high and/or the supplying industry comprises a large number of small operators. This is the case on items such as milk in the grocery sector in many European countries, where just a few retailers dominate the market. The cost of switching a supplier is low or involves little risk-for example, if there are no long term contract or supplier approval requirements. There is a threat of the supplier being acquired by the buyer and/or the buyer setting up in competition with the supplier. This is called backward integration and might occur if satisfactory prices or quality from suppliers cannot be obtained. Supplier power is likely to be high when: There is a concentration of suppliers rather than a fragmented source of supply. The switching costs from one supplier to another are high, perhaps because an organisations processes are dependant on the specialist products of a supplier, as in the aerospace industry, or where a product is clearly differentiated-such as Microsoft products. There is the possibility of the suppliers competing directly with their buyers(this s called forward integration) if they do not obtain the prices, and hence the margins, that they seek. Competitive rivals are organisations with similar products and services aimed at the same customer group. There are a number of factors that affect the degree of competitive rivalry in an industry or sector: The extent to which competitors are in balance. Where competitors are of roughly equal size there is the danger of intense competition as on competitor attempts to gain dominance over another. Industry growth rates may affect rivalry. The idea of the life cycle suggests that the stage of development of an industry or sector is important in terms of competitive behaviour. High fixed costs in an industry, perhaps through capital intensity, may result in price wars and low margins if industry capacity exceeds demand as capacity fill becomes a prerogative. Where there are high exit barriers to an industry, there is again likely to be the persistence of excess capacity and, consequently, increased competition. Differentiation can, again, be important. In a commodity market, where products r services are undifferentiated, there is little to stop customers switching between competitors increasing rivalry. The following questions help focus on the implications of these forces- Are some industries ore attractive than others? This was the original purpose of the 5 forces model, the argument being that an industry is attractive when the forces are weak. For example, if entry is difficult, suppliers and/or buyers have little power and rivalry is low. What are the underlying forces in the macro environment that are driving the competitive forces? For example, the lower labour costs for software and service operators located in India are both an opportunity and a threat to European and US companies. So five forces needs to be linked to PESTEL as mentioned earlier. Critical success factors-from the potential providers viewpoint it is valuable to understand which features are of particular importance to a group of customers(market segment). These are known as the critical success factors. Critical success factors are those product features that are particularly valued by a group of customers and, therefore, where the organisation excel to outperform competition. Strategic capability can be defined as the adequacy and suitability of the resources and competences of an organisation for it to survive and prosper. Tangible resources- are the physical assets of an organisation such as plant, labour and finance. Intangible resources- are non physical assets such as information, reputation and knowledge. Typically, an organisations resources can be considered under the following 4 categories: Physical resources- such as the number of machines, buildings or the production capacity of the orgnaisation. The nature of these resources, such as the age, condition, capacity and location of each resource, will determine the usefulness of suc resources. Financial resources- such as captal, cash, debtors, and creditors, and suppliers of money (shareholders, bankers, etc) Human resources- including the number and mix of people in an organisation. The intangible resource of their sills and knowledge is also likely to be important. This applies both to employees and other people in an organisations networks. In knowledge based economies people do genuinely become the most valuable asset. Intellectual capital is an important aspect of the intangible resources of an organisation. This includes patents, brands, business systems and customer databases. There should be no doubt that these intangible resources have a value, since when businesses are sold part of the value is goodwill. In a knowledge based economy intellectual capital is likely to be a major asset of many organisations. Such resources are certainly important but what an organisation does-how it employs and deploys its resources-matters at least as much as what resources it has. There would be no point in having state of the art equipment or valuable knowledge or a valuable brand if they were not used effectively. The efficiency and effectiveness of physical or financial resources, or the people in an organisation, depends on not just their existence bt how they are managed, the cooperation between people, their adaptability, their innovatory capacity, the relationship with customers and suppliers and the experience and learning about what works well and what does not. Competences is used to mean the activities and processes through which n organisation deploys its resources effectively. In understanding strategic capability, the emphasis is, then, not just on what resources exist but on ho they are used. Threshold capabilities are those essential for the organisation to be able to compete in a given market. Without these an organisation is unlikely to be able to survive in the market. The first 2 basic questions are- -what are the threshold resources needed to support particular strategies? If an organisation des not possess these resources it will be unable to meet customers minimum requirements and therefore be unable to continue to exist. For example, the increasing demands by modern multiple retailers made on their suppliers means that those suppliers have to possess quite sophisticated IT infrastructure to stand a chance of meeting retailer requirements. Threshold levels of capabilities will change and will usually rise over time as critical success factors change and through the activities of competitors and new entrants. An example is the way in which the premier league developed during the 1990s created a gulf between those who were able to spend money on players and who were not. While threshold capabilities are fundamentally important they do not of themselves create competitive advantage. Competitive advantage is more likely to be created and sustained if the organisation if the organisation has distinctive or unique capabilities that competitors cannot imitate. This may be because the organisation has unique resources. Unique resources- are those resources that critically underpin competitive advantage and that others cannot imitate or obtain. It is, however, more likely that an organisation is able to achieve competitive advantage because it has distinctive, or core, competences. Core competences- are taken to mean the activities and processes through which resources are deployed in such a way as to achieve competitive advantage in ways that others cannot obtain or imitate. For example, supplier that achieves a competitive advantage in a retail market might have done so on the basis of a unique resource such as powerful brand, or by finding ways of providing service or building relationships with that retailer in ways that its competitors find it difficult to imitate, a core competence. The summary argument is this. To survive and prosper an organisation needs to address the challenges of the environment that it faces. In particular it must be capable of delivering against the critical success factors that arise from demands and needs of its customers. The strategic capability to do so is dependant on the resources plus the competences it has. These must reach a threshold level in order for the organisation to survive. The further challenge is to achieve competitive advantage. This requires it to have strategic capabilities that its competitors find difficult to imitate or obtain. These could be unique resources but are more likely to be the core competences of the organisation. Cost efficiency An important strategic capability in any organisation is to ensure attention is paid to achieving and continually improving cost efficiency. This will involve having both appropriate resources and the competences to manage costs. The management of the cost base of an organisation could be a basis for achieving competitive advantage. However, for many organisations in many markets this is becoming a threshold strategic capability for 2 reasons; First, because customers do not value product features at any price. If the price rises too high they will be prepared to sacrifice value and opt for a lower priced product. Second, competitive rivalry will continually require the driving down of cost because competitors will be trying to reduce their cost so as to under price their rivals while offering similar value. Sustainable competitive advantage If capabilities of an organisation do not meet customer needs, at least to a threshold level, the organisation cannot survive. If it cannot manage its costs efficiently and continue to improve on this, it will be vulnerable to those who can. However, if the aim is to achieve competitive advantage then this itself is not enough. The question then becomes, what resources and competences might provide competitive advantage in ways that can be sustained over time? If this is to be achieved, then strategic capability has to meet other criteria. It is important to emphasise that if an organisation seeks to build competitive advantage it must meet the needs and expectations of its customers. There is little point in having capabilities that are valueless in customer terms; the strategic capabilities must be able to deliver what the customer values in terms of product or service. Given this fundamental requirement, there are then other key capability requirements to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Rarity of strategic capabilities Competitive advantage cannot be achieved if the strategic capability of an organisation is the same as other organisations. It could, however, be that a competitor possesses some unique r rare capability providing competitive advantage. For example some libraries have unique collections of books unavailable elsewhere. Competitive advantage could also be based on rare competences such as years of experience in, for example, brand management or building relationships with key customers; or perhaps the way in which different parts of a global business have learned to work harmoniously. Rarity may depend on who owns the competence and how easily transferable it is. For example, the competitive advantages of some professional service organisations are built around the competence of specific individuals- such as a doctor in leading edge medicine. An organisation may have secured preferred access to customers or suppliers perhaps through an approval process or by winning a bidding process. This may be particularly advantageous if this approval for access cannot be obtained without a specific history of operation or having followed a specified development programme-say with pharmaceutical products. This means that a competitor cannot find a short cut to imitation. Some competences are situation dependant and not transferable because they are only of value if used in a particular organisation. For example, the systems for operating particular machines are not applicable to organisations that do not use those same machines. Sometimes incumbent organisations have advantage because they have sunk costs that are already written off and they are able to operate at significantly lower overall cost. Other organisations would face much higher costs to set up to compete. Whilst rarity of strategic capabilities can, then, provide the basis of competitive advantage, there are dangers of redundancy. Rare capabilities may come to be core rigidities difficult to change and damaging to the organisation and its markets. Robustness of strategic capabilities (diagram p.128) It should be clear by now that the search for strategic capability that provides sustainable competitive advantage is not straightforward. It involves identifying capabilities that are likely to be durable and which competitors find difficult to imitate or obtain. Indeed the criterion of robustness is sometimes referred to as non-imitable. Advantage is more likely to be determined by the way in which resources are deployed to create competences in the organisations activities. For example, as suggested earlier an IT system itself will not improve an organisations competitive standing; it is how it is used that matters. Indeed what will probably make most difference is how the system is used to bring together customer needs with areas of activities and knowledge both inside and outside the organisation. It is therefore to do with linking sets of competences. Core competences are likely to be the liked activities or processes through which resources are deployed in such a way as to achieve competitive advantage. They create and sustain the ability to meet the critical success factors of particular customer groups better than other providers and in ways that are difficult to imitate. In order to achieve this advantage, core competences therefore need to fulfil the following criteria: -they must relate to an actitvity or process that underpins the value in the product or service features-as seen through the eyes of the customer. -the competences must lead to levels of performance that are significantly better than competitors. -the competences must be robust-that is, difficult for competitors to imitate. Stakeholders are those individuals or groups who depend on an organisation to fulfil their own goals and on whom, in turn, the organisation depends. Important external stakeholders usually include financial institutions, customers, suppliers, shareholders and unions. External stakeholders can be usefully divided into 3 types in terms of the nature of their relationship with the organisation and therefore, how they might affect the success or failure of a particular strategy. -stakeholders from the market environment such as suppliers, competitors, distributors, shareholders. These stakeholders have an economic relationship with the organisation and influence the value creation process as members of the value network. -stakeholders from the social/political environment such as policy makers, regulators, government agencies who will influence the social legitimacy. -stakeholders in the technological environment such as key adopters, standards agencies and owners of competitive technologies who will influence the diffusion of new technologies and the adoption of industry standards. These 3 sets of stakeholders are rarely of equal importance in any specific situation. For example the technological group are clearly crucial for strategies of new product introduction whilst the social/political group are usually particularly influential in the public sector context. Since the expectations of stakeholder groups will differ, it is quite normal for conflict to exist regarding the importance or desirability of many aspects of strategy. Stakeholder mapping identifies stakeholder expectations and power and helps in understanding political priorities. It underlines the importance of 2 issues: -How interested each stakeholder group is to impress its expectations on the organisations purposes and choice of specific strategies. -Whether stakeholders have the power to do so. Power/interest matrix(diagram p.182) It seeks to describe the political context within which an individual strategy would be pursued. It does this by classifying stakeholders in relation to the power they hold an the extent to which they are likely to show interest in supporting or opposing a particular strategy. Stakeholder mapping might help in understanding better some of the following issues: -whether the actual levels of interest and power of stakeholders properly reflect the corporate governance framework within which the organisation is operating. -who the key blocker and facilitors of a strategy are likely to be and how this could be responded to. -whether repositioning of certain stakeholders is desirable and/or feasible. -maintaining the level of interest or power of some key stakeholders may be essential. Equally it may be necessary to discourage some stakeholders from repositioning themselves. Stakeholder groups are not usually homogeneous but contain a variety of sub groups with somewhat different expectations and power. Most stakeholder groups consist of large numbers of individuals (such as customers or shareholders), and hence can be thought of largely independently of the expectations of individuals within this group. Power Power is the mechanism by which expectations are able to influence purposes and strategies. It has been seen that, in most organisations, power will be unequally shared between the various stakeholders. For the purposes of this discussion, power is the ability of individuals or groups to persuade, induce or coerce others into following certain courses of action. There are many different sources of power. On the other hand, there is power that people or groups derive from their position within the organisation and through the formal corporate governance arrangement. since there are a variety of different sources of power, it is useful to look for indicators of power, which are the visible signs that stakeholders have been able to exploit one or more of the sources of power. Corporate parent The levels of management above that of business units are referred to as the corporate parent. So, a corporate centre or the divisions within a corporation which look after several business units act in a corporate parenting role. The corporate parent refers to the levels of management above that of business units and therefore without direct interaction with buyers and competitors. The discussion does not only relate to large conglomerate businesses. Even small businesses may consist of a number of business units. For example, a local builder maybe undertaking contract work for local government, work for industrial buyers and for local homeowners. Product/market diversity An underpinning issue related to how a corporate parent may or may not add value to that created by its business units is the extent and nature of the diversity of the products or services it offers. Diversification may be undertaken for a variey of reasons some more value creating than others. These are as follows- First, there may be effieciency gains from applying the organisations existing resources or capabilities to new markets and products or services. These are known as economies of scope. Second, there may also be gains from applying corporate managerial capabilities to new markets and products and services Third, having a diverse range of products or services can increase market power. With a diverse range of products or services, an organisation can afford to susidise one product from the surpluses earned by another, in a way that competitors may not be able to. Related diversification can be defined as strategy development beyond current products and markets, but within the capabilities or value network of the organisation. For example procter and gamble and unilever are diversified corporations, but virtually all of their interests are in fast moving consumer goods distributed to retailers, and increasingly in building global brands in that arena. Related diversification is often seen s superior to unrelated diversification, In particular because it is likely to yield economies of scope. However, it is useful to consider reasons why related diversification can be problematic. These include- -the time and cost involved in top management at the corporate level trying to ensure that the benefits or relatedness are achieved through sharing or transfer across business units. -the difficulty for business unit managers in sharing resources with other business units, or adapting to corporate wide policies, especially when they are incentivised and rewarded primarily on the basis of the performance of their own business alone. Unrelated diversification is the development of products or services beyond the current capabilities or value network. Unrelated diversification is often described as a conglomerate strategy. Because there are no obvious economies of scope between the different businesses, but there is an obvious cost of the headquarters, unrelated diversification companies share prices often suffer. It is important also to recognise that the distinction between related and unrelated diversification is a matter of degree. It is the role of any corporate parent to ensure it does add value rather than to destroy it. Indeed how many corporate parents create value is central not only to the performance of companies but also to their survival. (diagram p.309)The portfolio manager is, in effect, a corporate parent acting as an agent on behalf of financial markets and shareholders with a view to enhancing the value attained from the various businesses in a more efficient and effective way than financial markets could. Its role is to identify and acquire under-valued assets or businesses and improve them. It might do this, for example, by acquiring another corporation, divesting low performance businesses within it and encouraging the improved performance of those with potential. Portfolio managers seek to keep the cost of the centre low, for example by having a small corporate staff with few central services, leaving the business units alone so that their chief executives have a high degree of autonomy. Synergy manager a corporate parent seeking to enhance value across business units by managing synergies cross business units. Resources or activities might be shared, for example, common distribution systems might be used for different businesses, overseas offices may be shared by smaller business units acting in different geographical areas. There may exist common skills or competences across businesses. The parental developer seeks to employ its own competences as a parent to add value to its businesses. Rather parental developers have to be clear about the relevant resources or capabilities they themselves have as parents to enhance the potential of business units. The parental developer; a corporate parent seeking to employ its own competences as a parent to add value to its businesses and build parenting skills that are appropriate for their portfolio of business units. Managing the corporate portfolio This section is to do with the models managers might use to make sense of the nature and diversity of the business units within the portfolio, or businesses they might be considering adding given the different rationales described above. A number of tools have been developed to help managers choose what business units to have in a portfolio. Each tool gives more or less focus on one of these criteria: -the balance of the portfolio, eg in relation to its markets and the needs of the corporation; -the attractiveness of the business units in the portfolio in terms of how profitable they are or are likely to be and how fast they are growing; and -the degree of fit that the business units have with each other in terms of potential synergies or the extent to which the corporate parent will be good at looking after them. The growth share (or BCG) matrix (diagram p.315) One of the most common and long standing ways of conceiving the balance of a portfolio of businesses in terms of the relationship between market share and market growth identified by the Boston Consulting Group. The types f businesses in such a portfolio are- -star is a business unit which has a high market share in a growing market. The business unit may be spending heavily to gain that share. -question mark or problem child is a business unit in a growing market, but without a high market share. Cash cow is a business unit with a high market share in a mature market Dogs are business units with a low share in static or declining markets. The growth share matrix permits business units to be examined in relation to (a) market (segment) share and (b) the growth rate of that market and in this respect the life cycle development of that market. It is therefore a way of considering the balance and development of a portfolio. It is argued that market growth rate is important for a business unit seeking to dominate a ma
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