Monday, September 30, 2019
Pans labyrinth
To start off, I am absolutely speechless. I honestly don't know how to feel after watching and researching the movie as well as its concepts. Watching Pan's Labyrinth gave me so much more than Just a cultural connection. In the beginning, I Immediately thought â€Å"what is this? What am I watching? â€Å". I paused the movie midway lust to do a background check on the author! I think that Guillemot De Tort did a fabulous Job directing this movie. There were no famous actors In the movie but I can't even tell you how many times my mother yelled at me for my outbursts.For mineral background information to the story, It takes place In Spain during the Spanish Civil War In 1944. Beginning In July of 1963 and ending on April 1st, 1969, the war highlighted Socialism vs.. Fascism. Spain was once a very powerful country, but was In ruins before the 20th century. The Spaniards were divided Into different forms of government. The monarchists were very conservative while the Catholics refuse d to reform. Those who wanted a republic believed the country needed reformation In areas such as agriculture, regionalism, the church and the army.Francisco Franco represented the fascist and monarchs and eventually won the war in 1939. He left half a million people dead from the war and established a dictatorship. Franco also received military support from Hitler (l find it ironic they strongly resembled each other in the movie) and Mussolini. Guillemot held a great balance between the history and fairy tale concepts of the movie. The story started off by telling its' viewers that a king was waiting for the lost soul of his dead daughter.Soon things renditions to a young girl named Offline and her pregnant mother, Carmen. They were riding to see Franco, to whom Offline was told to call father. Throughout the story, Carmen is very ill and soon stops the car. Offline wonders off and finds a stone on the ground as well as the statue it belongs to. She fixes it, in turn finding a fair y that follows her. That night, the fairy leads her to a labyrinth where she finds a faun. This mystical creature identifies her as the lost princess.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Shedding Light in the Shadow of Misconceptions
With a sad heart, I answer the aforementioned question with yes.  Islam is viewed unfavorably by many people in this globalized world.  Sometimes, it is often dubbed as the religion espoused by the terrorists o extremists. But not all Muslims are terrorists and not all terrorists are Muslims. The media magnified and somewhat vilified the image of Islam more after the September 11 event. But are these accusations and perceptions all true? Misconceptions about the religion continue to generate fear, resentment and judgment among uninformed minds. This paper aims to shed a little light on the three common misconceptions about Islam involving women, Jesus Christ, and the alleged use of sword in spreading the religion. It aims to convey the message to the country’s non-Muslim population. Firstly, non-Muslims thought that Islam degrades women by classifying them as properties or as second-class citizens. The notion is wrong. The Qur’an upholds and esteems women; they are not regarded as evil temptress. Women’s rights were guaranteed by the Islamic Law over 1,400 years ago. Islam allows women to own properties, operate a business and receive equal pay for work.  History tells us that about 50 years ago, women in both England and America were not allowed to acquire any property without the consent and signature of their husbands or father. Likewise, Islam women can’t be forced to marry against their will. Islam women are not confined under the veil, as many see it. The clothes serve as protection against any malicious intention stemming from a man’s sight. Flaunting a body invites rape and harassment; it is therefore logical for a Muslim woman to wrap herself with cover. Many Muslim women around the world are in top positions. Consider the late Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan. Isn’t she the embodiment of Muslim woman empowerment? Women are highly-valued, cared for and esteemed in Islamic society. In addition, Islam stopped the ancient Arab practice of killing newborn daughters. Such is the premium given by Islam on women or young girls. Under Islam, both sexes are treated fairly. Secondly, other people view Islam as against Jesus Christ. But to a Muslim, Jesus Christ is a great prophet. Muslims respect and love Jesus. Muslims call him as Nabi Isa – the Arabic term for Prophet Jesus. The Qur’an speaks about him and admonishes Muslim to believe in his virgin birth and miracles. It must be remembered that Muslims are not attacking Jesus Christ when they speak against the Bible or Christianity. Muslims are just criticizing some claims of Christians. However, Muslims reject the idea of Trinity and the theology of Incarnation. In a Muslim’s heart, Jesus Christ remains the great prophet who performed good deeds and miracles to many people. Lastly, non-Muslims were taught that Islam spread through the use of sword. It must be noted that Muslims are educated by the Qur’an on non-compulsion in religion. If Islam was spread by the sword, then most of India, China and even more than half of the world should be under Islam by now. India remains a predominantly Hindu country and China, a communist republic. Islamic traders went through different places to bring business but did not kill or force people to be converted to Islam. The people were impressed by the traders’ life that they adopted the religion which they have.  In contrast, history attests to the violence and brutal killings by other religions, such as the Crusades, in vain attempt to convert people. Furthermore, according to the Reader’s Digest, for a period of 50 years, from 1944 to 1984, more people converted to Islam than in any other faith. Now, were they threatened to be killed or forced to be converted? Islam means submission and those who chose to be a Muslim, did so volitionally, out of their free will. The above-mentioned are just a few among the many misconceptions about Islam. Still, much of the world’s humanity has animosity towards the religion or its followers. For someone to understand Islam, one has to open his or eyes. Judgment must be suspended first to see that Islam is more than a religion, but a way of life. It is a life of submission to the will of God. Muslims are not enemies. Like us, they are also humans in need of acceptance and belonging. Like any other religions, Islam must be respected, too.  If one would take the time to study and understand its teachings, only then will he o she would be able to correct the misconceptions on the religion.    Â
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Sociology of sports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sociology of sports - Essay Example In 2008 Black Americans represented 8.5 percent of the players in the National Baseball League, twenty-nine percent were Hispanics with most of the having a Caribbean origin. Also, racial representation is evident in athletics where most of the athletes who participate in short sprint races are blacks while the whites and Hispanics tend to participate in the long distance races (Floyd, Kimberly and Monika 2013). Edwards (1972) argued that blacks are superior to the whites in terms of physical strength but are inferior in terms of intellectual ability. Hoberman (1997) argued that physical prowess has become a characteristic of African-American community in sports like basketball. This is as a result of the idolization of famous black athletes such as Michael Jackson. This, he argues has reduced the importance placed by African-Americans on their intellectual and social economic development (Jon 2008). The statistics showing that blacks dominate the whites and people from certain places in the world dominate in different forms of sports raises the question whether genetics have a role to play in this. Is the genetic makeup of black people different from the white people hence their dominance in certain sports and not in others? Is the genetic makeup of Jamaicans different so as to dominate the short distance races? People might argue that people with a certain genetic makeup would excel in a certain sport more than people with a different genetic makeup. However, there are several sociological concepts that can correctly explain this phenomenon. The idea of self-fulfilling prophesy argues that what a person believes to be true becomes true due to positive feedback between behaviour and beliefs. Self-fulfilling is in the beginning a false understanding of a situation which then leads to a new behaviour which makes the originally false definition become true. In sports, the misplaced believes that a certain race is best suited for certain sports
Friday, September 27, 2019
What factors do designers and programmers need to take into account in Essay
What factors do designers and programmers need to take into account in other to make web pages as user friendly as possible Examine ways that we page designers can ease decisions making by users - Essay Example Other than getting business exposure and attracting customers, a professional website also provides a lot of other valuable benefits to any business or a company. Some of these benefits include increased business credibility, increased volume of sales through attracting more customers, enabling a business to reach international market, improved and efficient customer service through online forums, and reduced business activity’s operating cost. Talking about websites and their importance in the world of businesses, let’s get to know why user-friendly websites are more popular among users and the customers and how do they prove to be beneficial for the companies. The main reason for developing user-friendly websites is ease of interaction between the website and its users. If a company makes a website which is very heavy or complex in nature, it will not only waste precious time of the users but will also result in less productivity for the company. It is because customers are the main source of productivity for any company and if the customers do not get attracted towards a company, it can never achieve its desired goals and objectives. So it is very important for a company to be customer oriented. If a company does an online business, it should create such a website for product marketing which should be able to attract customers. And this goal can only be achieved through creating a user-friendly website. There are a lot of factors and issues which should be considered while planning to create a user-friendly website. These factors include appearance of a website, navigation and controls, access to pages, layout and design, and download speed. If anyone of these factors is sidelined during the process of website development, the basic goal of creating a user-friendly website can never be achieved. Appearance is one of the most important factors to be considered while
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Paraphrasing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Paraphrasing - Essay Example The heart of the house is an interior connector located in the hall. The materiality of the house could only be described as massive, timeless and substantive. The vertical design aims to benefit users from the sun. The irregular, thick perforations have been arranged in line with the interior visuals resulting in a non-obvious, primitive order. The principal actor in this house, and also on the land where it occurs, is the tectonics system where an eighteen-meter beam has been suspended, ceiling placed on structural walls and a crack dug in the ground in an effort to save steep drop. 2- A House in a Wine Road – This is an innovative house, a result of the architectural acumen of Lisbon, Portugal’s Plano B. It uses the hybrid earthen wall which combines wattle and daub, cob and rammed earth, resembling the boxed method which was employed in the momentous Briones House, California. This project reconstructs from an existing ruin with the site located in an environmental protection area. Thus, the architects had to keep the use, position and height of previous building, proposing to use previous materials, namely earth, stone and wood, to rebuild, but adopting a different design. The firm developed an intricate building skin, integrating traditional methods of construction with contemporary materials. Wood from the previous construction was used for structural framing while stones were used in laying the foundation. It is a â€Å"do-it-yourself†model where residents are greatly involved in construction works. For effective ventilation and insu lation, cork boards, reinforced by polycarbonate plates combined with natural materials such as stone, wood and earth, were used to construct the exterior skin. Using industrial materials, including concrete, asphalt and polycarbonate, this project could be considered as a model for sustainable practice, upholding an acute approach to expressive
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Cognitive Development In Early Childhood Education Research Paper
Cognitive Development In Early Childhood Education - Research Paper Example This paper declares that cognition of every child tends to be different from another. This means that the level at what one child tends to perceive will be quite different from another child having the same age and circumstances. This merely means that the capability of each individual is different from another. Therefore comparing cognition f one child to another is practically useless as that would only undermine confidence. The only way to overcome this problem is that one needs to critically evaluate the child's way of learning, capabilities and social interaction and then device a way to deal and nurture the cognition in accordance with the child's pace of development. This essay makes a conclusion that cognition is an essential feature of a child's development. It gives a child the capability to understand the world that surrounds him, develop his perception about various things and finally build up his stance on the things. Cognition is a major area of concern which at times is neglected especially when it comes to the lower class as they usually do not spend much time and the required attention on the cognition of their child in the early years which causes them to suffer eventually. Cognitive development in early years of education is also essential because during early childhood a child is developing various concepts which he implements and executes throughout his life if at this point his concepts are clear and has a targeted sort of thinking therefore then many problems can be countered which a child having weak cognition might suffer from.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2
Case Study Example The inputs are the tourists and passengers as well as the supplies such as the foods. The inputs are the personnel in different departments and the supplies such as the foods and beverages. The resources include the cruise ships, personnel while the output is the different services offered to the customers. This process is summarized in Figure 1 below. The location of CII affects several aspects of the firm. The location of the firm will affect the firm’s future expansion plan and policy, the diversification plan as well as the supply of raw materials. The decision to locate the headquarters at Miami which is one of the cities with the highest number of embankments in the United States brought the services closer to the customers. It is responsible for ensuring that the main propulsion plant and its auxiliaries are operated in a safe, smooth and efficient manner. The Chief engineer is responsible for to overseeing the overall operations of the engine department. The department is tasked with the responsibility of commanding and navigating the cruise ship. The highest officer in the department is called the Captain and is the staff who is ultimately responsible for the smooth navigation of the ship but can delegate the work to other members of staff. Production of high quality and appealing meals to the cruising passengers in the ship as well as the staff is tasked to the catering department. The department also employs waiters beakers, food and beverage managers as well as store keepers. CII is committed to provide high quality services to their customers, be it guests or travel agents. It is done by timely and accurate processing of all travel bookings with the highest respect and courtesy. The other aspects of the mission statement are the relationship with suppliers and the employees of the company. The company acknowledges the importance of the suppliers and distributors as well as their right to make a fair
Monday, September 23, 2019
Why, if at all, is freedom a good thing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Why, if at all, is freedom a good thing - Essay Example The Anti-Terrorism Act 2001 has already made privacy and freedom to conduct political manifestations of the Freedom of Speech a thing of yesterday.We have accusations of hate speech and incitement everywhere.. All this has left us wondering whether Freedom can exist with law or Voltaire said we are in the shackles of law,regulations and even democracy everywhere we go.Are we actually free or have we been led to believe that we are free in the trap of the legal norms of this society The so called modern British Citizen is not free from the nuances of being controlled by the Government.Many recent developments would indicate that the modern British citizen despite being domiciled in a free country is still subject to draconian laws like the Regulation of Investigatory powers Act 2000 which allows public authorities to access communications data, of British citizens for investigation. Furthermore these public authorities can also obtain communications data from operators of telecommunications or postal services. Therefore now the police, the National Criminal Intelligence Service, the National Crime Squad, the Commissioners of Customs and Excise, the Commissioners of Inland Revenue and any of the intelligence services all have access to an individual's private information which is indeed a scary prospect.It is also true that the word freedom has become a concept much played by political bias and historical arm twisting.Consider the situation post 9/11 where Mrs M ary Robinson,1 once stated "Unfortunately, what I saw and heard was undemocratic regimes using the tragedy in the United States of 9/11 to pursue their own repressive policies, secure in the belief that their excesses would be ignored. New laws and detention practices were introduced in a significant number of countries, all broadly justified by the new international war on terrorism. The extension of security policies in many countries has been used to suppress political dissent and to stifle expression of opinion of many who have no link to terrorism and are not associated with political violence." Of course then all the atrocities in the Iraq and Afghan war were carried out in the name of Freedom.The media responded by taking "freedom of speech" for granted by showing its own versions to the audience and shamelessly selling its credibility as many "fair and balanced" members of the media chose to become "embedded" journalists. Today there is no concept of paid political advertising on television and radio. This is a flagrant breach of the freedom of speech and expression. Moreover this ban on political advertising does not just apply to political parties, but anyone with political views. All is not lost however. The saving grace comes from the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Human Rights Act 1998 which have aided the judiciary in upholding the notions of Freedom of speech and privacy. Taking the example of the Data Protection Act 1998.This act compels data controllers to erase information like patients details or telecoms customers call records etc. Data controllers can be anyone from a doctor to a telecom company. Moreover the Human rights Act 1998 has played a large role in strengthening the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Global Health Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Global Health - Term Paper Example Rather, many nations throughout Africa, Southeast Asia, and even parts of South America face the growing threat that is presented by contaminated drinking water. This is a massive problem due to the fact that is affecting the healthy and natural development of millions of individual throughout the developing world. Without a categorical response to this issue, the ability of these societies to continue to develop and advance in the same way that our own societies have advanced, it is necessary to solve the problem of potable water. In order to accomplish this, this philanthropist will invest heavily in infrastructure within high density population centers throughout the developing world as a way to encourage public health while at the same time providing clean/fresh drinking water to those that are at the highest risk. The main goals that the philanthropist will hope to effect include the following: Fresh Water Resources Around the World - Earth Web Site. (2011, September 8). The Global Education Project. Retrieved October 26, 2012, from UN Chronicle - ACHIEVING GLOBAL HEALTH. (2010, August 5). Welcome to the United Nations: Its Your World. Retrieved October 26, 2012, from
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Genesis World View Essay Essay Example for Free
Genesis World View Essay Essay What does Genesis, chapters one through eleven in particular, teach pertaining to the world? Specifically speaking in regards to the natural world, human identity, human relationships, and civilization. In accordance with all that, how then could this affect your worldview today? What exactly does the bible say? How exactly can it shape the way we see life and are these conclusions about the world we live in today parallel with what the bible states as truth? First of all, when referring to the natural world itself, we’re specifically talking about its fallen state. The world as we know it and as the bible states, â€Å"The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time†(Gen 6:5), is wicked. See, when I look at the world I see exactly what Genesis 1-3 describes as truth. I see a perfect world that has gone bad. I see the beauty of the formation of this world, the gloriousness of the trees swaying in the wind, the mountain tops overlooking the plains, the waters brushing up against the sand, and the wind whispering across the ground. But then I also see the fallen state of mankind. I not only see it with my eyes, but I experience it too. With my eyes, hands, mind, heart. I’m a result of that fallen sin. I AM that fallen sin. My viewpoint is the same as any reader of Genesis 3 would picture the text in their mind. I see Satan everyday crawling about and tempting me to eat of the forbidden tree. I know what is right and I know what is wrong, but even with that for-knowledge of good and evil, I am a sinner and therefore I eat of that forbidden tree time and time again. â€Å"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them†(Gen. 1:27). The Lord created us in His image, and in His likeness. Therefore we were without fault, without wickedness, without sin. Genesis describes the mighty power of God, His love and sovereignty, His grace and mercy. In other words, we’re shown the importance and value of the Lord Himself. Therefore, if we are made in the image of this almighty, all loving, omnipotent Creator, then we too must be of great value and worth. That being said, this shapes my world view towards many different things, one of those in particular being abortion. If we are of such grand qualities, then we must protect and cherish every single image bearer. Having accounted for all that Genesis 1 describes, I’d venture to say that abortion is a smack in the face to God Himself. How dare we take it upon ourselves to decide which image bearers of the Lord live and which die. Though once again, this is yet another result of how we allow that serpent to persuade us to eat of the tree that leads to death. Now, we must look at where and how human relationships ti e in. We’ve talked an awful lot about man. What if we bring woman into the picture? How exactly do they fit together? Well first of all when we look at scripture we see that it is written, â€Å"Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man†(Gen. 2:22). This conveys a few truths. First of all, woman was taken from the side of man. This would mean, A, she is to be equal to and treated as so for she was taken from man’s side. B, she was taken from man to be his helper. And C, she was to be his wife and as it is stated soon after, â€Å"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh†(Gen. 2:24). Why was woman taken from man’s rib? I believe that nothing in scripture is random, and so therefore I believe that it is to indeed signify that she was to be considered â€Å"next to†man in every aspect of life such as marriage, parenti ng, and as a helper. That being said, she was in fact as scripture states to be a helper. Also, as it is strongly influenced throughout scripture, she was to be his wife, and he her husband, and the two would once again become â€Å"one flesh†. How about civilization? What does Genesis say about the human development? Our advancement as a species? Well, Genesis has very much to say about our growth as a whole. In fact in Genesis 11 the Lord says â€Å"Come let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other†(Gen. 11:7). And so after He had done this, He scattered them among the earth and spread them out far and wide. This causes me to believe and understand several truths yet again. First of all, I believe that at this separating of the people at the Tower of Babel, is how we came to know different ethnicities such as Asians, Africans, Spanish, English, etcetera. I also believe that after the flood the atmosphere and climate were much different. Which would also compensate for certain physical aspects of the different ethnicities as well, having been spread to different climatic areas of the world. And also, with the human existence in general, I believe that we started with Adam and Eve, and given thousands of years, we’ve thus reached our current population. Given the previous truths of scripture, as well as the current world standings, I’d say these truths represent a very high understanding of our world. God has blessed us, we have fallen. God has made us in His image, we have taken it upon ourselves to depict the value of that image. God has given us relationships to glorify Himself through us, we have created our own mindset to decide for ourselves who is equal and who is not. Last, but not least, we have grown immensely over time. Starting with two, and reaching over 7 billion.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Yum! Brands Food
Yum! Brands Food Yum! Brands America is not what it once was. Gone are the times of spending hours sitting on the front porch while grandma snapped a pound of green beans for dinner. Instead, those times have been replaced with speeding through a drive-thru window to grab a quick bite to eat. Foods that were once referred to as slow-cooked, wholesome, and hearty, are now being described by words such as, fast, convenient, and fatty. We now live in an evolving world, where a single moment of free time is branded as wasted time for progress. The fast-food industry has emerged almost immediately. â€Å"Yum! Brands, Inc., was reported as the largest fast-food company in 2004†(Krug (2004) pg. 627). This company is made up of many household brands such as KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Long John Silvers, and AW restaurants. In the fast-food industry, they are the market leader in the chicken, pizza, mexican, and seafood segments (Krug, 2004). Yum! Brands goal is to be the market leader in the United States, and also increase market share in high growth areas around the world. One strategy that Yum! Brands implemented to increase market share in the United States was to combine two of the companys franchises into one location to attract a broader customer base. This has brought tremendous success to the company. Yum! Brands has since shifted its focus to an international strategy to expand on their current market share. The rise of the fast-food industry is not confined to the United States alone. The world as we know it has evolved into a fast-paced no wait zone. Although based on a countrys culture, the dining practices of the worlds countries are quite different. Some countries remain steadfast to their culture and have been reluctant to embrace the fast-food concept. This presents the strategic issue. How can Yum! Brands continue to expand on their international strategy while sustaining their leadership and competitive advantage in the United States and other countries? We will now address this issue by applying an analysis that will help Yum! Brands decide which countries need to be evaluated and when to expand their company into new markets. In order for Yum! Brands to venture outside of the United States, they must first evaluate the markets in which they are planning to enter. This type of analysis requires a model that evaluates the economic conditions, political stability, cultural differences, resources, society conditions, and supporting industries associated within a given market. Michael Porter of Harvard University concluded that â€Å"there are four broad attributes of nations that individually, and as a system, constitute what is termed ‘the diamond of national advantage†(Dess, Lumpkin, Eisner 2007 pg. 240). We will find this analysis to be the most beneficial to Yum! Brands. In this analysis, we will be analyzing what issues Yum! Brands should address before entering a market. These issues are factor conditions, demand conditions, related and supporting industries, and firm strategy, structure, and rivalry. We begin the analysis with factor conditions. These conditions reflect each nations factors of production and should be industry and firm specific. Yum! Brands should be looking at what each country possesses, as far as firm-specific knowledge and skills created within the country that are rare, valuable, difficult to imitate, and rapidly and efficiently deployed. If these factors do not exist in a country, then Yum! Brands will need to consider whether the firm can create these factors using their own intellectual assets. One factor advantage for expanding into the Latin American markets, for instance, is that the costs associated with labor and salaries will be significantly less than in the United States. This is due to inflation rates, economies of scale, and unemployment rates. Yum! Brands has been successful in other markets because almost all of their franchises outside of the United States are locally owned and operated. This reduces the language barriers and allows a cultura l perspective that might otherwise be a major concern. By allowing local business people to own the franchise, Yum! Brands gains intellectual knowledge on the countrys culture and consumer demands in a given market. Analyzing demand conditions is important because without knowing what the customers wants and needs are, we cannot efficiently serve the market. In the United States, we know that the demand for fast-food is high, based on our lifestyle and growing population trends. Although in Latin America, this may not be the case, due to consumer awareness and cultural differences. Yum! Brands will need to rely on economic and trend analysts to predict the cultural and societal trends of that market. Among the things analyzed should be the ethnic and immigration trends of that country. In the United States, we have seen a growth in ethnic food, due to the recent growth in immigration. Another thing to consider when analyzing demand conditions is the level of income individuals are receiving. A rise in income stimulates growth in the dine-in restaurant segment as consumers receive higher disposable incomes (Krug, 2004). Yum! Brands may need to expand and improve on existing products in order to s ustain competitive advantage. Related and Supporting Industries deal with countries managing inputs more efficiently. Close working relationships with suppliers is a key factor in gaining competitive advantage. In the United States, we have seen that distribution of products is highly correlated with production. Distribution between states within the country is non problematic, based on the free trade barriers that exist between them. This is also true of distribution to Canada and Mexico, due to the North American Free Trade Agreement that enabled free trade and tariffs between North American countries. Also, the geographic proximity of Latin America to the United States gives the firm an advantage towards supplier power. Yum! Brands will need to assess the supplier power, as well as other related relationships relevant to success, in each market before entering. Also, it is important for Yum! Brands to research trade laws and regulations between their home market and potential foreign markets. Firm strategy, structure, and rivalry is perhaps the most important segment in analyzing a foreign market. â€Å"Rivalry is particularly intense in nations with conditions of strong consumer demand, strong supplier bases, and high new entrant potential from related industries†(Dess, Lumpkin, Eisner 2007 pg. 243). In the fast-food segment, we have seen that domestic rivalry is very high within the United States. Although, based on cultural differences in Latin America, the demand is low, because most Latin Americans have not yet acquired a taste for American food. Instead, Latin Americans continue to embrace dining at home. Economics are another factor reflecting domestic rivalry. As we have already discussed, the pay rate in Latin American countries is significantly lower than in the United States. This results in lower consumer demand which reduces the competitive environment in Latin America. How a country is run can also influence domestic rivalry and strategy. With popul ations on the rise around the world, as well as in Latin America, a trend may soon be emerging that will shift all dining practices to a more American style of eating. As long as Yum! Brands continues to innovate and make changes in its internal framework, they should be able to achieve their international strategic goals. It is imperative that Yum! Brands does not venture into foreign markets without first analyzing the market in which they are entering. Also, if they try to expand too rapidly, they may experience limited resources and cash flow. Yum! Brands will want to expand into areas with high economic growth potential, as well as, regions with rising population and political stability. â€Å"Firms that succeed in global markets had first succeeded in intense competition in their home markets. We can conclude that competitive advantage for global firms typically grows out of relentless, continuing improvement, innovation, and change†(Dess, Lumpkin, Eisner 2007 pg. 243). Based on the history of Yum! Brands success in the United States, we can assume that the company is a prime candidate to venture into international markets. Works Cited Krug, Jeffrey A. (2004). Yum! Brands, Pizza Hut, and KFC. Appalachian State University, 627-638. Dess, G. Gregory, Lumpkin, G.T, Eisner, B. Eisner (2007). Strategic Management 3e. Mcgraw-Hill. Diamond of National Advantage Domestic Rivalry high in the U.S. based on cultural trends economics low in Latin America fast-food versus dining at home Factor Conditions Demand Conditions requires high population low in Latin America modern technology high in U.S. communication systems dining practices language barriers immigration trends tariffs and trade regulations consumer awareness legal system growth in suburban areas banking system unemployment rates labor costs Related and Supporting Industries close proximity to the supplier supplier bases must be prevalent in an industry can a supplier base be created trade barriers can similar suppliers be substituted
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Jungle Night :: essays research papers
Critical Analysis of Jungle Night The speaker of the poem is a civilian observer, probably a local. There is a sense of tension and fear in the speaker’s tone. The speaker uses an observatory tone in the poem, a combination between 1st and 3rd person. The author shows us that the speaker is an observer when he says "They are not there†¦/You finger the trigger of your Bren." (ll. 8&10) You can clearly see that the author creates tension when he says "Half-fearing, half-desiring the sudden hell/ Pressure will loose." (ll. 11-12) The poet has a way of building us up to a climax then letting us down, and again he gets us on the edge of our seat, only to sit back down quickly. This poem is written very literally and does not have any deep hidden meanings. The author gives us a sense of predator prey between the "Man with the green cigarette" and the "Man with the dark blue cloak." We are given a feeling that the cigarette man is hunting and stalking waiting to kill the man with the cloak. The author also uses the image of a "Man with the tiny anvil" who we see as really un-important however we fail to realize that he actual adds a great deal of suspense with the way he taps the metal. In the first stanza he "†¦Strikes it softly like a bell-Tink-tink; tink-tink." (ll. 3-4) and in the second to last stanza "Strikes-twice; Strikes-twice" (l. 21) which gives a sense that something more is yet to come. In the first stanza when the two men are first introduced, the author uses very soft words, which gives us a sense of peace and serenity. However in the second to last stanza he uses onomatopoeia again saying "Drip-drip; drip-drip"(l. 19) and "Strikes-twice; strikes-twice"(l. 21) which shows us that there is a greater sense of urgency arising and perhaps something is going to happen between these men. Through the use of the language the author is able to give us a sense of what the lone soldier with the Bren is feeling when he sees the two men walk by. The speaker gives us a very human feel when he says, "They are not there/then one of the whistles softly/you finger the trigger of your Bren (ll. 8-10), which allows us to connect with this soldier on a very real and human level.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
How does Miller show his ability to build up tension in this extract? E
How does Miller show his ability to build up tension in this extract? (page 50 "How about some grape juice" - page 52 "the court did not know him Annie!) Throughout the play "all my sons" Miller thoroughly expresses his ability to change and strengthen our emotions and develop tension between characters. I found this effect of tension particularly evident in this extract, a discussion between George, Chris and Annie. Due to past history, we already know that feelings between Chris and George are going to be "on edge". It appears that tension is already apparent in the first few lines although the overall atmosphere appears fairly mellow and laid back: "How about some grape juice? Mother made it especially for you" -Chris George replies with forced appreciation, perhaps indicating that he doesn't really want to be there. The argument between Chris and George doesn't actually begin until George states: "When you make suckers out of people once, you shouldn't try to do it twice." I believe this hurtful remark against Chris is in view of his father. By ...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Term Paper Intro to I.T.
Week 10 Term Paper Tommy Coney, Jr. CIS 106 – Introduction to Information Technology Week 10 Term Paper Professor Clifton G. Howell, Ph. D. The technology that I feel has created a paradigm shift and is now as well as further in the future is Cloud Computing. By definition Cloud computing is s a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e. g. , networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. Mell & Grance, 2011) Cloud computing is one of the leading buzz terms in the world of IT today. Seemingly every possible solution has been enhanced with the mere addition of the word â€Å"cloud†. Cloud computing refers to applications and services offered over the Internet. These services are offered from data centers all over the world, which collectively are referred to as the â⠂¬Å"cloud. †This metaphor represents the intangible, yet universal nature of the Internet. The idea of the â€Å"cloud†simplifies the many network connections and computer systems involved in online services.In fact, many network diagrams use the image of a cloud to represent the Internet. This symbolizes the Internet's broad reach, while simplifying its complexity. Any user with an Internet connection can access the cloud and the services it provides. Since these services are often connected, users can share information between multiple systems and with other users. Examples of this technology include online backup services, social networking services, and personal data services such as Apple's MobileMe.Cloud computing also includes online applications, such as those offered through Microsoft Online Services. Hardware services, such as redundant servers, mirrored websites, and Internet-based clusters are also examples of cloud computing. (â€Å"Technology terms,†2009) In its own way, â€Å"paradigm shift†has lost much of its meaning over the past twenty years through overuse. Each year, changes in technology are heralded as paradigm shifts, changes that will alter the IT landscape. There are two keys to this definition.The first is the recognition of value produced from an IT environment. Value is less clearly defined than a more concrete metric like cost or performance, but value multiplies throughout an environment and increases with the expansion of the scope and reach of systems. Reduced cost for the same eventual value is a plus, but mere lower cost does not create the dramatic value required in the definition of a paradigm shift. The second key is the recognition that the value must be accrued by the eventual users in an organization.Once again, allowing IT departments to fulfill their mandates better or for less expense is certainly positive, but without the demand for value driven by consume rs of IT services, you will not see the sort of changes required to classify an innovation as a paradigm shift. Cloud computing does, when properly implemented, deliver vastly more value to IT consumers, it does in fact, fit the definition of a paradigm shift. And cloud computing will, over the next 3-5 years, dramatically change the landscape of information technology.Because of this, an errant choice could not only waste money but, more importantly, lead you down a detour that will delay your adoption of cloud computing and leave you at a competitive disadvantage (Greenwald, 2011) A paradigm shift can produce a tidal wave of increased value from IT resources, but nothing comes for free. In order to get these great accumulations of new value, IT departments may have to modify the way they think about, design and implement systems.To understand this, you only need think back to the dawn of graphical user interfaces, where old applications were created with a â€Å"GUI†(Graph ical User Interface) interface, but ended up as just a bit of makeup on an earlier generation of technology. The new look did not produce new value, and were fairly rapidly rejected by consumers. In the same way, the great benefits of the cloud do not naturally accrue by simply shifting your IT stack to an outsourced provider.You may, for the sake of expediency or organizational necessity, choose to follow this route to get some advantages without extensive modifications to your existing solutions. (Greenwald, 2011) There are however advantages and disadvantages to cloud computing. Some of the advantages are; Convenience, Security, Backups, Collaboration and being environmentally friendly. Convenience meaning you can access your data anywhere you can connect to the Internet. Security being that most companies use industrial level security software and practices which make it harder for hackers to get at your data.That’s harder, but not impossible. Backups being, you have a ba ckup of your data in case your local computer crashes. Collaboration being that with your permission, others can access, view, and modify your documents. Environmentally friendly means it takes fewer resources to cloud compute, thus saving energy. Some businesses take it a step further and incorporate cloud computing into their telecommuting strategies. (Morris, 2011) The disadvantages to cloud computing are; security breaches, outages, storage limits, slow speeds, and limited features.Security breaches meaning that remote server security makes it harder, but not impossible, for hackers to reach your data. If there is a compromise of the server or servers where your data is stored, your personal information may be exposed to the world. There’s also a good chance that more than just your information may be affected, we're talking possibly millions of other users. Outages meaning, have you ever been unable to access your email due to your provider being down? Now, imagine if you needed a document for an important business meeting or presentation and your storage provider’s site was down.Believe me it happens, and it happens at the most inconvenient times. Storage limits meaning that while your local hard drive may be able to hold 500GB or more of data, unfortunately a remote server may only allow you to freely store about 5GB. If you want more room, you’ll have to pay. Still, even with a paid account, it can’t begin to touch the amount of room you have locally. There also may be a limit on the size of the data that can be stored. Slow speeds of course being uploading and downloading of large documents may take a long time.Limited features being that if you use remote software that’s provided by the storage service to manipulate and modify your data, it usually lacks the features of a program running locally. (Morris, 2011) To understand exactly how cloud computing works, let’s consider that the cloud consists of layers -mainly the back end layers and the front end layers. The front layers are the parts you see and interact with. When you access your profile on your Facebook account for example, you are using software running on the front end of the cloud.The back end consists of the hardware and the software architecture that delivers the data you see on the front end. Clouds use a network layer to connect users’ end point devices, like computers or smart phones, to resources that are centralized in a data center. Users can access the data centre via a company network or the internet or both. Clouds can also be accessed from any location, allowing mobile workers to access their business systems on demand. Applications running on the cloud take advantage of the flexibility of the computing power available.The computers are set up to work together so that it appears as if the applications were running on one particular machine. This flexibility is a major advantage of cloud computing, allowing the user to use as much or as little of the cloud resources as they want at short notice, without any assigning any specific hardware for the job in advance. I think the easiest way to explain this was through Wikipedia â€Å"End users access cloud-based applications through a web browser or a light-weight desktop or mobile application while the business software and user's data are stored on servers at a remote location.Proponents claim that cloud computing allows enterprises to get their applications up and running faster, with improved manageability and less maintenance, and enables IT to more rapidly adjust resources to meet fluctuating and unpredictable business demand. †(Wikipedia, 2012) Cloud computing is the delivery of computing as a service rather than a product, whereby shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices as a utility like the electricity grid over a network typically the Internet. C loud computing is as described above and should be seen as such.It can be a benefit if used properly but make no mistake about it, it needs to be configured correctly to maximize each and every benefit. I gave 5 pros and cons to using the cloud computing but there are more and all should be explored before committing to the use of cloud computing. References Mell, P. , & Grance, T. (2011). Retrieved from US Department of Commerce website: http://csrc. nist. gov/publications/nistpubs/800-145/SP800-145. pdf (Mell & Grance, 2011) Greenwald, R. (2011, November). Creating value with the oracle database cloud service. Retrieved from ttp://www. oracle. com/technetwork/database/database-cloud/public/extreme-productivity-wp-1844125. pdf (Greenwald, 2011) Technology terms. (2009, April 23). Retrieved from http://www. techterms. com/definition/cloud_computing (â€Å"Technology terms,†2009) Morris, K. (2011, Spetember 26). Five advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing. Retrieved from http://www. examiner. com/article/five-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-cloud-computing (Morris, 2011) Wikipedia. (2012, August 13). Wikipedia. Retrieved from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Cloud_computing (Wikipedia, 2012)
Monday, September 16, 2019
Leadership Communication
With each volunteer I ensure that I am able to cater for each person's individual needs by ensuring there is structure for those who have Learning difficulties ii peeping to times, easy read information, clear verbal information in meetings and in writing. Ensuring that only one person is talking at one time so not to confuse anyone and to prevent too much nose for those with environmental sensory difficulties. Easy read minutes are taken at each team meeting and at support sessions.Staff information is kept in a locked filing cabinet in Rose Buddies, there is information stored on my USB which is locked and I have a second back up storage device in the safe in Rose Buddies. Communication book, notice board, diary, staff planner, handovers Members- to ensure ACH member is kept informed in different ways to suit their needs. We ensure that if a member has a preference with how we communicate with it is to suit their needs; these are easy read posters, newsletters by post, text message , email, faceable, phone call, letter this information is to promote our services to each member.Members details are kept in a locked filing cabinet the key is then stored in a locked draw or myself and Denies Dixon holds a key. Each member has a file note folder on my laptop and on a lockable storage devise held in the safe. I steering group meetings every 12 seeks, we have a chair minute taker and time keeper for each meeting these are all people who have additional needs. These meetings are to ensure the service is running to meet the needs of its users, they decide what activities, events, social events, workshops etc we run throughout the year.Before each meeting we agree that anything we discuss is confidential and should not be discussed without anyone's permission. Notices, planner, diary, Social workers, Gap's, Community nurses, Tot's, etc – most of my communication is through restricted emails and phone calls and is redecoration referrals. I have strategy meetings a bout new members to ensure we have a clear understanding of the support they require. As an organization we are required respect confidentiality and have a good understanding of the company's Data protection policy. I use initials, where possible, when I am communication with external stakeholders.Any emails receive are saved into the members file, if there are any actions required I fill in this section of the members file note. Police and Community Wardens – The communication have is predominantly verbal, I always ensure that this s recorded in the members file note and any actions are recorded. Council employees work and pensions employees – The communication I have with these organizations are when we provide support to Rose Buddies members, this can be verbal or written. This is recorded in the telephone log book or in the members file note.Local stakeholders – The communication I have with our local stakeholders Include Waking Learning Disability Partnersh ip Board, CLASP (self advocacy group) support Horizons (Social enterprise) Transform (housing support) Bradbury Community Centre, Day Services I communicate verbally or written. If it involves members this is documented in their file notes or If I am working on a joint project this is documented through our publicity material ii where, when, who attended and feedback forms. 2. What types of barriers and challenges do you come across in your line of working and how do you overcome these challenges? 1. 3 & 1. 4) The barriers I have faced are: Due to supporting vulnerable adults we communicate with parent/ careers on a regular basis. Have found that on a number of occasions when parents are attending events with Rose Buddies members they will speck on behalf of our embers and not give them the opportunity to speck for themselves, to overcome this barrier I give eye contact and use the members name when I'm directly specking to them, I have found this empowers and gives them the confide nce to speck back and answer for themselves.Parents/careers respond positively and its enables those to see that there child can speck independently if given the opportunity. When supporting Adults who have Learning Disabilities they find it difficult to process and retain information we are providing, to over come these barriers we use direct, clear, non jargon, easy read material, weather it be verbal, Ritter or through the use of video, pictures, posters etc. O ensure that we communicate well with Rose Buddies members we hold steering group meetings with members who help to lead the service to suit the needs of its users, at these meetings we receive feedback from them about how we can communicate better with all our members. Due to the way the service run I. E. We support 140+ members to live independent fulfilling lives, providing sessions in the community these include: Cooking skills, workshops, social events, courses, allotments, crafts sessions, gym sessions and walking gro ups.Staff and volunteers predominantly loan work and may be see each other for a number of days, it came to my attention that there was no formal way of a hand over or if information needed to be shared. This prompted me to hold a team meeting about how we could communicate better with each other. We now have a system for each member of the team contacts the office to let me know that the session has finish and if there is anything that needs to be passed on, this is the recorded the message book or in the client file. I am due to hold a team meeting on 25th Feb. 2014, for a review. 3.Talk about a situation where you have reviewed a particular communication method in your workplace, how you have proposed improvements to this method and how you have monitored its effectiveness after implementing the changes. (age new care plan review system, implementation of a new service user monthly meeting). (2. 1 – 2. 4) In the service I manage for Creative Support, we are expected to pro vide the local authority records for monitoring as they provide funding to the prevention service, the service is due to be re-tendered and I have needed to provide monitoring records involving the service over the last year.Information that has been required were – Numbers visiting the Drop-in, Numbers (signing in book) attending our activities (attendance list), number of members requiring telephone support (call log) etc this information is stored in different formats and the Council required this to be put into one report. Found this very time consuming as we provide support to over 130 members with one full time (me) one part time member of staff and 8 regular volunteers.I decided this service needed to set up a system that would include all the relevant monitoring information that could be sent to the Council commissioning am. When visiting Head office I remember seeing a system on excel that would meet my requirements. In my supervision with my line manager mentioned t he difficulties I was having providing all this information, and that remembered seeing this excel document, my manager know the document I was talking about and would be able to help me set this up, we arranged a time for her to visit my project to set this document up to meet our needs.This document is now in place and provides me with all the information that is required for monitoring. This document saves time as I am no longer squired to be contacted on a number of occasions as all the information is in one place; this system is far more efficient. 4. Talk about how you have reviewed the communication methods that you have been using with those you work in partnership** (egg doctors, social services, pharmacists etc) and how you have improved the communication methods that you use with them.You must compare the different methods and how effective (or not) these methods have been, or are. (3. 1 – 3. 3) Rose Buddies has over 140 members and ensuring that we are able to pro mote all the activities in the past Rose Buddies would send all resplendence through post this was a very expensive. At one of the steering group meetings we asked our members how we could improve the way we communicate with our members and let them know what we are up too.A number of them thought that Faceable would be a good way, many of Rose Buddies members use Faceable, I decided that a survey to find out how people would like to find out about what we are doing, would ensure that We are meeting the needs of our members, from this survey I Was able to indemnify that some members would like to still receive information through he post, some on Faceable, some by text message and others by coming in to see us as the could not read the content.We now have a more diverse way of communicating and a greater number of members attending our activities. The Rose Buddies team work out in the community supporting members, all our where bout's was recorded in a diary that is kept on the desk . I felt that we needed to have more visual way of being able to see where and what was happening as the Drop-in can become very busy and nosy, and members like to know where, what, when and who is organizing sessions. Team members ND Rose Buddies members can now look at the big board to know who and where activities are taking place.I have found that as a team we have a better way of knowing who is where and members feel more included about what's happening in the service. Rose Buddies hold a lot of information about wars happening in the local area this includes health services, what's going on, events, training, courses, news and general information, most of this information are posters which cover most of the walls in Rose Buddies, I felt that there was so much information that members found it hard to know what they were looking for ND would be discouraged when seeking information independently.To promote independence I felt we needed to improve the way we organism our informat ion to members, I have now used visual signs and pictures to section each topic, this provide members with a visual tool to seek information that is relevant to them and members are now able to access the information more independently. 5. You receive a telephone call from a family member of one of your service users who asks for details of the doctor's visit that took place earlier in the day.Explain what the legal responsibilities there are for maintaining infallibility and sharing information (you must explain the different pieces of legislation and the ICQ/CASSIS requirements). (4. 1) I would ask the caller to provide me with the service users name, date of birth and address to ensure I am not disclosing information about an incorrect person and I would also ask the caller for their name, DOBB and address to ensure they are who they say they are.When making my decision on what information provide, I would consider Creative Supports policies and a number of legislative documents and department of health guidelines that are relevant to confidentiality and access to information or records. The most significant are the Data Protection act 1998, Confidentiality code of practice Human Rights act 2000, Freedom of information act 2000, Public records act 1 958, every employee has a personal common law duty of confidentiality to service users and to Creative Support. Some staff are also bound by professional codes of conduct which relate in part to confidentiality.Creative Support adhere to the Coalition principles which aim to share the minimum information necessary to provide safe care or satisfy other purposes, these principles include: Justify the purpose of the discloser Not using identifiable service user information unless absolutely necessary, and where required, using the minimum necessary Ensuring that access to service user information is on a strictly need to know basis Ensuring all staff are aware of their responsibilities understanding and complying w ith the law.Since all information divulged must be treated with respect, it is important to establish with the client if this information may be passed on to anyone else. Wherever possible, permission to share information must be sought from the individual client concerned. The confidentiality policy is outlined and explained as an important part of the introduction training received by all members of staff. This is further reinforced through supervision, training, team meetings, performance appraisal and other methods. Leadership Communication With each volunteer I ensure that I am able to cater for each person's individual needs by ensuring there is structure for those who have Learning difficulties ii peeping to times, easy read information, clear verbal information in meetings and in writing. Ensuring that only one person is talking at one time so not to confuse anyone and to prevent too much nose for those with environmental sensory difficulties. Easy read minutes are taken at each team meeting and at support sessions.Staff information is kept in a locked filing cabinet in Rose Buddies, there is information stored on my USB which is locked and I have a second back up storage device in the safe in Rose Buddies. Communication book, notice board, diary, staff planner, handovers Members- to ensure ACH member is kept informed in different ways to suit their needs. We ensure that if a member has a preference with how we communicate with it is to suit their needs; these are easy read posters, newsletters by post, text message , email, faceable, phone call, letter this information is to promote our services to each member.Members details are kept in a locked filing cabinet the key is then stored in a locked draw or myself and Denies Dixon holds a key. Each member has a file note folder on my laptop and on a lockable storage devise held in the safe. I steering group meetings every 12 seeks, we have a chair minute taker and time keeper for each meeting these are all people who have additional needs. These meetings are to ensure the service is running to meet the needs of its users, they decide what activities, events, social events, workshops etc we run throughout the year.Before each meeting we agree that anything we discuss is confidential and should not be discussed without anyone's permission. Notices, planner, diary, Social workers, Gap's, Community nurses, Tot's, etc – most of my communication is through restricted emails and phone calls and is redecoration referrals. I have strategy meetings a bout new members to ensure we have a clear understanding of the support they require. As an organization we are required respect confidentiality and have a good understanding of the company's Data protection policy. I use initials, where possible, when I am communication with external stakeholders.Any emails receive are saved into the members file, if there are any actions required I fill in this section of the members file note. Police and Community Wardens – The communication have is predominantly verbal, I always ensure that this s recorded in the members file note and any actions are recorded. Council employees work and pensions employees – The communication I have with these organizations are when we provide support to Rose Buddies members, this can be verbal or written. This is recorded in the telephone log book or in the members file note.Local stakeholders – The communication I have with our local stakeholders Include Waking Learning Disability Partnersh ip Board, CLASP (self advocacy group) support Horizons (Social enterprise) Transform (housing support) Bradbury Community Centre, Day Services I communicate verbally or written. If it involves members this is documented in their file notes or If I am working on a joint project this is documented through our publicity material ii where, when, who attended and feedback forms. 2. What types of barriers and challenges do you come across in your line of working and how do you overcome these challenges? 1. 3 & 1. 4) The barriers I have faced are: Due to supporting vulnerable adults we communicate with parent/ careers on a regular basis. Have found that on a number of occasions when parents are attending events with Rose Buddies members they will speck on behalf of our embers and not give them the opportunity to speck for themselves, to overcome this barrier I give eye contact and use the members name when I'm directly specking to them, I have found this empowers and gives them the confide nce to speck back and answer for themselves.Parents/careers respond positively and its enables those to see that there child can speck independently if given the opportunity. When supporting Adults who have Learning Disabilities they find it difficult to process and retain information we are providing, to over come these barriers we use direct, clear, non jargon, easy read material, weather it be verbal, Ritter or through the use of video, pictures, posters etc. O ensure that we communicate well with Rose Buddies members we hold steering group meetings with members who help to lead the service to suit the needs of its users, at these meetings we receive feedback from them about how we can communicate better with all our members. Due to the way the service run I. E. We support 140+ members to live independent fulfilling lives, providing sessions in the community these include: Cooking skills, workshops, social events, courses, allotments, crafts sessions, gym sessions and walking gro ups.Staff and volunteers predominantly loan work and may be see each other for a number of days, it came to my attention that there was no formal way of a hand over or if information needed to be shared. This prompted me to hold a team meeting about how we could communicate better with each other. We now have a system for each member of the team contacts the office to let me know that the session has finish and if there is anything that needs to be passed on, this is the recorded the message book or in the client file. I am due to hold a team meeting on 25th Feb. 2014, for a review. 3.Talk about a situation where you have reviewed a particular communication method in your workplace, how you have proposed improvements to this method and how you have monitored its effectiveness after implementing the changes. (age new care plan review system, implementation of a new service user monthly meeting). (2. 1 – 2. 4) In the service I manage for Creative Support, we are expected to pro vide the local authority records for monitoring as they provide funding to the prevention service, the service is due to be re-tendered and I have needed to provide monitoring records involving the service over the last year.Information that has been required were – Numbers visiting the Drop-in, Numbers (signing in book) attending our activities (attendance list), number of members requiring telephone support (call log) etc this information is stored in different formats and the Council required this to be put into one report. Found this very time consuming as we provide support to over 130 members with one full time (me) one part time member of staff and 8 regular volunteers.I decided this service needed to set up a system that would include all the relevant monitoring information that could be sent to the Council commissioning am. When visiting Head office I remember seeing a system on excel that would meet my requirements. In my supervision with my line manager mentioned t he difficulties I was having providing all this information, and that remembered seeing this excel document, my manager know the document I was talking about and would be able to help me set this up, we arranged a time for her to visit my project to set this document up to meet our needs.This document is now in place and provides me with all the information that is required for monitoring. This document saves time as I am no longer squired to be contacted on a number of occasions as all the information is in one place; this system is far more efficient. 4. Talk about how you have reviewed the communication methods that you have been using with those you work in partnership** (egg doctors, social services, pharmacists etc) and how you have improved the communication methods that you use with them.You must compare the different methods and how effective (or not) these methods have been, or are. (3. 1 – 3. 3) Rose Buddies has over 140 members and ensuring that we are able to pro mote all the activities in the past Rose Buddies would send all resplendence through post this was a very expensive. At one of the steering group meetings we asked our members how we could improve the way we communicate with our members and let them know what we are up too.A number of them thought that Faceable would be a good way, many of Rose Buddies members use Faceable, I decided that a survey to find out how people would like to find out about what we are doing, would ensure that We are meeting the needs of our members, from this survey I Was able to indemnify that some members would like to still receive information through he post, some on Faceable, some by text message and others by coming in to see us as the could not read the content.We now have a more diverse way of communicating and a greater number of members attending our activities. The Rose Buddies team work out in the community supporting members, all our where bout's was recorded in a diary that is kept on the desk . I felt that we needed to have more visual way of being able to see where and what was happening as the Drop-in can become very busy and nosy, and members like to know where, what, when and who is organizing sessions. Team members ND Rose Buddies members can now look at the big board to know who and where activities are taking place.I have found that as a team we have a better way of knowing who is where and members feel more included about what's happening in the service. Rose Buddies hold a lot of information about wars happening in the local area this includes health services, what's going on, events, training, courses, news and general information, most of this information are posters which cover most of the walls in Rose Buddies, I felt that there was so much information that members found it hard to know what they were looking for ND would be discouraged when seeking information independently.To promote independence I felt we needed to improve the way we organism our informat ion to members, I have now used visual signs and pictures to section each topic, this provide members with a visual tool to seek information that is relevant to them and members are now able to access the information more independently. 5. You receive a telephone call from a family member of one of your service users who asks for details of the doctor's visit that took place earlier in the day.Explain what the legal responsibilities there are for maintaining infallibility and sharing information (you must explain the different pieces of legislation and the ICQ/CASSIS requirements). (4. 1) I would ask the caller to provide me with the service users name, date of birth and address to ensure I am not disclosing information about an incorrect person and I would also ask the caller for their name, DOBB and address to ensure they are who they say they are.When making my decision on what information provide, I would consider Creative Supports policies and a number of legislative documents and department of health guidelines that are relevant to confidentiality and access to information or records. The most significant are the Data Protection act 1998, Confidentiality code of practice Human Rights act 2000, Freedom of information act 2000, Public records act 1 958, every employee has a personal common law duty of confidentiality to service users and to Creative Support. Some staff are also bound by professional codes of conduct which relate in part to confidentiality.Creative Support adhere to the Coalition principles which aim to share the minimum information necessary to provide safe care or satisfy other purposes, these principles include: Justify the purpose of the discloser Not using identifiable service user information unless absolutely necessary, and where required, using the minimum necessary Ensuring that access to service user information is on a strictly need to know basis Ensuring all staff are aware of their responsibilities understanding and complying w ith the law.Since all information divulged must be treated with respect, it is important to establish with the client if this information may be passed on to anyone else. Wherever possible, permission to share information must be sought from the individual client concerned. The confidentiality policy is outlined and explained as an important part of the introduction training received by all members of staff. This is further reinforced through supervision, training, team meetings, performance appraisal and other methods.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Fenix Del Sur Case Study
F ‘Nell del Sure is currently aced with an opportunity to obtain a contract with a mass merchandising retailer to sell their products at 10% below their current prices. The contract would start out with an initial purchase of $750,000 and possibly generate as much as 4 million in sales annually. The dilemma is whether or not the company feels that this contract is a good fit strategically. Also of concern is whether or not this opportunity conflicts with the organizational culture. 2 Available Courses of Action 1 .Accept the contract with the department store This alternative would require tripling the amount of replica products that the F' Unix el Sure is producing. One question that F' Unix del Sure should address is, how would this affect the image of the company? Their focus would be somewhat taken away from acquiring authentic products and directed towards the replica industry. From the SOOT analysis in the appendix, one of Fennel del Subs strengths Is the ability to produ ce high quality replicas. This strength aligns well with the opportunity to obtain the contract with the department store.When evaluating opportunities, It Is good to classify them in terms of the type of strategy employed. Since the contract tit the department store would not necessarily be a new offering, they are looking to execute market penetration with their existing products. The retailer currently sells similar products, and is going to attempt to sell F' Unix del Sure as a more exclusive line. This is a market position strategy In which they are trying to utilize the price and quality attribute of positioning to compete.A few questions that need to be asked are ; What is the desired position? -The position is an exclusive line of decorations, priced higher than current offerings by competition. F' Unix del Cur's products must be understood by customers to be the real deal†, even if they are replicas. ; Which competitors must be bested to gain the position? -Competitor s very similar to F ; Nell are signing salary contracts with retailers, but pro- vide a mixture of quality of products. F' Unix needs to deliver solid quality every time in order to compete well. Is Fiend del Sure capable of holding the position? -F ‘knell's success in holding the position will depend on several factors. Can they Increase their volume of replica products to meet the demand? Will current the quality of their decorations stay in the top tier, and can they build brand equity ever time that allows them to retain a sustainable advantage? 2. Create a sub brand of products that are sold in retail stores. Fiend del Sure could create a sub brand of their replica products, which are only sold in mass merchandising stores.This alternative has several pros and cons. Pros: ; Evoke the reputation for quality associated with their products to sell in the retail environment ; Could utilize a down-market stretch to capture more sales at the lower end of the market. ; Overall g rowth of the business could enable Fiend del Sure to have more purchasing power in the authentic market. Cons: ; If replica brand is too good, sales from it my begin to cannibalize the genuine artifacts. ; Some potential customers might perceive the company as being too cheap if they sell in these stores. Splitting into two brands may cause conflicts within the company and erode the culture they have worked hard to establish. ; Current suppliers may feel undercut by cheap replicas that are sold in retail 3 Recommendation Currently, the gross sales of F' Unix del Sure is at $MOM and information indicated that it has been growing its sales by 20% a year from the previous decade. Adding the retail account will increase estimated sales by $MM on top of current growth. With current growth at $MM over the previous decade, $MM would be a 16% increase.The question that remains unanswered is can Fiend del Sure keep their current growth with the competitive conditions, and would adding the ne w contract hurt their sales? Since their current demand is already calling for more replicas to be made, perhaps F ;Unix del Sure should negotiate with their retailer to obtain a contract that allowed them to sell a dual braded offerings, replicas and genuine artifacts and crafts. They loud sell the brand name as â€Å"Fiend del Sure Designs†This plan would allow them to retain their current plan, and Just retool for increased production.This opportunity could neutralize the threat of a hyper competitive environment that is inevitable. Also, choosing this plan of action would allow them to keep their core culture and be honest about the source of their offerings. Perhaps their new marketing statement could be: â€Å"For the savvy cool elector and interior decorator , Fiend del Sure Designs provides a beautiful rustic look that will I transform any space with real world charm.
Joyce Carol Oates`s Short Story Essay
The story ‘Where are you going, where have you been? ’ is a story about a girl about fifteen years of age and having behavioral problem originated from her poor relationship with her mother. She is described in the story as stubborn, rebellious, self-centered, and vane. The story is a tale of insecure woman and romantic but a skilled flirt; and she is drawn in a situation where she could not handle. Connie’s relation with her family and the way she thinks of them shows they were not close. Connie seemed to lament the way her mother would treat her and her older sister June to the point that she â€Å"wished her mother was dead and she herself was dead and it was all over. †She lamented to her friends, â€Å"She makes me want to be thrown up some times. †Connie at fifteen still has childish behavior perhaps typical for young woman like her, showing little concern with house works as her mind was all filled with trashy day dreams. Connie’s behavior though seemed to be very selfish as she cares only of her looks and her own happiness as if she was her own world. She is less interested in family relationship as she would rather go with her friends than going with her family, or prefer to just listen to music. Her behavior is quite a little less to be described as a spoiled brat. She seemed to lack positive traits particularly family values. There might have some reasons for these. First, her mother seemed to show favoritism as she is often compared to her older sister. Her ways and action are viewed as un-acceptable without considering that she is only fifteen and surely needs guidance. Her mother can only appreciate the simple or maybe almost naive orientation of her older sister June. Second, her father does not care of them, as when he comes home, he only cares for the supper, newspaper and his bed. There seems to have no legitimate authority except her mother’s voice always scolding her which to her, â€Å"she had a high breathless, amused, voice that made everything she said a little forced. †The way Connie thinks of her self shows that she was not positively motivated to have a more meaningful outlook in life which at her age, she suppose to have already. Her mind is full of fantasies about someone she meets and the imagination that comes along with it. Her relations with her family have not helped or motivated her toward having a more mature attitude and outlook in life. John Updike`s Emphasis on Marriage relates to larger American issues. In other words, do you think the marriages he portrays result from certain social conditions typical of the U. S.? The novel â€Å"Separating†was about a couple who had lived together for quite long years, a couple with four young children who seemed to be aware of how their parent’s relation ships are going on over some years of the married life. Richard and Joan had been married for quite long years already as they have four young children who were all in school and seemed to have capability of understanding the situation which their family faces. The novel did not mention exactly why Richard and Joan’s marriage come to that point that it was not working well for each other any more except that â€Å"they felt they no longer love each other. †Richard seemed to just short of saying that all those years of living together under one roof was just pretensions which was merely for the sake of the children. But now the situation has grown worse that requires him to make decision to put an end with all these pretentious relation ships. Certainly, Richards wants to be happy. He might have thought it, he deserve happiness and this is now just the right time to reveal the situation to their children. So he announced that bad news while all the kids were gathered at the table for the post welcome celebration of his daughter Judith’s arrival from England. As he revealed his decision, his children seemed to be prepared to hear the bad news as they have not shown hysterical or any strong reaction. Richard must have thought that they understood the situation that everything will come this way which separating would just be the best option. That their dad will leave them to find his happiness in the comforts of another woman which he has already found. Richard feels comforted by the mild reactions of his children as if they had accepted it that the family which they found warm embrace, comforts when they are hurts or having problems, love, care, safety, affection, and shared laughter that only intact family can provide, now stand to break up. But behind the mild reaction and seemingly prepared feelings, as Richard bent to kiss his son good bye, â€Å"turned and with wet chicks embraced him and gave him a kiss, on the lips, passionate as woman, and in his father’s ear as he moaned one word, the crucial intelligent word â€Å"why†? John Updike has powerfully related his novel to larger American social issues affecting the society by emphasizing the consequence of divorce among children and their family that cares for them. Updike also strongly demonstrated the emotional struggles, and the pains the children suffer when their parents come to a point of making a decision of separating. Updike was also able to point out that children are innocent of their parents’ problems and they are victims because their parents instead of cultivating their relationship opted to find their happiness in the comforts of another. Work Cited Updike, John. â€Å"Separating†American Since Mid-Century Updike, John. â€Å"Where are You Going, Where Have You Been? †American since Mid-Century
Saturday, September 14, 2019
U.S. Federal Government Expansion
UNIT 1 INDIVIDUAL PROJECT HIST105-1204B-14 U. S. History By Espola R. Smith AIU Online October 7, 2012 Abstract The U. S. federal government expansion of authority between the beginning of the U. S. Civil War and the end of the Civil Right Era had many historical events that took place. You will learn about some of these events that went on between the times of the Civil War and the Civil Right Era. These events have played a major role in the world today. They have made the world what it is today. You will learn the time periods in which the acts were enacted; these altogether are relevant periods that happened.UNIT 1 Individual Project Everything that happened in the U. S. federal government expansion of authority between the beginning of the U. S. Civil War and the end of the Civil Right Era was very important. The events that happen have had an effect on everything that is going on in the world today. Some people do not know it, but what happen is still affecting the way that thi ngs are being done today. There are plenty examples of the things that happened. One example of U. S. federal government expansion of authority between the beginnings of the U.S. Civil War and the end of the Civil Right Era were in 1865 when Congress was authorized to eliminate slavery. By doing this they created the thirteenth amendment. The Proclamation to stop slavery had already been presented. It was an executive order. The political structure showed that the Proclamation granted Congress the power to enforce through legislation, which is considered the most important part (Tony, 2012). This gave them the ability to go ahead and take further action against the Ten Confederate States.This gave the government a way to introduce and pass further proclamations and anything else they had to do in regards to the rights of slaves. Social structures showed that the full civil rights were still way off. The law and public opinion were not always on the same page. While knowing that by l aw freed slaves and their descendants were citizens and they still had the same rights as whites, but they were still getting treated differently than others (Tony, 2012). The Civil Rights Act of 1866 was another example. It was passed on 9th April 1866. This act declared that everybody that was born in the United States were now citizens.As being a citizen, they could now make and enforce contracts, sue and be sued, give evidence in court, and inherit, purchase, lease, sell, hold, and convey real and personal property. People who denied the rights to former slaves were guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction they were faced with a fine, imprisonment, or both (Reconstruction, 2003). The Force Act of 1870 was another example of the federal government expansion. This force act was passed by the congress of the United States shortly after the American Civil War helped protect the voting rights of African-Americans.This act enforced the right to the people of the United States to vo te in the several States. In this act, the government banned the use of certain things to prevent people from voting because of their race. The Force Acts were mainly aimed at limiting the Ku Klux Klan.. Thus the federal government had the power to prosecute the offenses, including calling federal juries to hear the cases (Shay, 2012). My last example of the federal government expansion happened in 1869. On May 10, 1869 was the completion of the first Transcontinental Railroad.This railroad was also known originally as the â€Å"Pacific Railroad†and later as the â€Å"Overland Route†. It was a railroad that was built in the United States of America between 1863 and 1869 by the Central Pacific Railroad of California. A transcontinental railroad had been dreamed of as early as 1836 ((Completing the Transcontinental Railroad, 1869, 2004). The transcontinental railroad had long been a dream for people living in the American West. From time to time it was suggested by visi onaries and discussed by the orators and newspapers.The first transcontinental railroad link was almost instantly celebrated around the nation because a telegraph wire was connected to the last rail spiked. For many Americans, the new transcontinental link seemed to usher in a new era. The completion of the transcontinental railroad made the American West easily accessible, creating a boon of trade, business and population. The railroad has brought the country together (Completing the Transcontinental Railroad, 1869, 2004). These historical events have led to social, political, economic, and cultural change within the United States. They are important in the world today.If these historical events would not have taken place, than the world would be different as of the things that are going on today. It is a good thing that these events did take place, because it has made the world what is today. Not saying that the world is perfect, but it is better today than it was in the past. How ever, these events have made the world a better place. These events have changed the way people think and how they do things now. I am so glad that the historical events took place. If I had to grow up in the world before these events happen, I do not know if I would have been able to handle it.It was rough back in the day, but that is part of life. References â€Å"Completing the Transcontinental Railroad, 1869†. (2004). EyeWitness to History. Retrieved from www. eyewitnesstohistory. com. Reconstruction. (Dec. 19, 2003). Retrieved from http://www. pbs. org/wgbh/amex/reconstruction/activism/ps_1866. html Shay, A. (May 31, 2012). Publishing the Long Civil Rights Movement. Retrieved from https://lcrm. lib. unc. edu/blog/index. php/tag/force-act-of-1870/ Tony, P. (Jan. 31, 2012). U. S. Congress. Retrieved from http://www. newsinhistory. com/blog/us-congress-passes-13th-amendment-abolish-slavery
Friday, September 13, 2019
Literature Review Paper about The children of Vietnam 's veteran with Essay
Literature Review Paper about The children of Vietnam 's veteran with PTSD - Essay Example y other traits are linked to PTSD due to which, such people are in need of treatment and intervention steps with the support of which, they can become effective parents as the greatest loss they can give someone is to their families and children. Children of Vietnamese veterans with PTSD undergo through traumatic disorders because of their parents traumatized experiences at the war. The persons attached to one exposed to â€Å"unusual and intensely disturbing event†show signs of negative influence. People with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) influence their families negatively and this negative influence can be seen in form of PTSD in the families and children of survivors of Holocaust. The problems include â€Å"depression, mistrust, aggression, emotional numbing, and isolation†(Jordan, et al, 1992). These problems are found out in the children of Vietnam’s veterans. According to the scientific studies on the behavior of families of Vietnam’s veterans with PTSD, the majority of families of male veterans undergo increased violence, comparatively elevated levels of demoralization, elevated level of stress, inability to handle personal and family problems, having behavioral problems and disturbed children (Jordan, et al, 1992). People with PTSD influence their family members negatively and their children show severe developmental, behavioral, emotional and psychiatric problems. A person with PTSD is ineligible to show effective parenting after having direct combat experience in a war due to which, his children suffer through many issues. The children of war veterans with PTSD show influence of their PTSD parents through transformations in normal â€Å"biopsychosocial functioning and personality†development. The traumatized parents with PTSD deliver their traumatic experiences to their children eventually are further traumatized and stressed (Klaric, et al, 2008). Veterans with PTSD show re-experiencing symptoms, avoidance and numbing symptoms and hyper
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Journal Review of this article - The consequences of visual impairment Essay
Journal Review of this article - The consequences of visual impairment for childrens symbolic and functional play - Essay Example is paper will analyze, the importance of vision or how the lack of vision through some visual impairment will affect the overall development of the children, through a journal, The consequences of visual impairment for children’s symbolic and functional play written by V. Lewis, S. Norgate, G. Collis and R. Reynolds. The crucial formative years only functions as a perfect setting for the child to develop physically, intellectually and emotionally. And with the eye playing the chief role, the children with visual impairment are put at a disadvantage and the journal justifies it through lot of studies and surveys about functional and symbolic plays. Functional play is defined as the appropriate play with toys, which are physically similar to everyday objects but often of a different size. While symbolic play is defined as the play, in which the children will participate, where they will substitute something for something else. The main aim of the studies carried out in this journal is to find out, the effect, visual impairment (VI) will have on the symbolic and functional play of the children. Other aims of the study include, to explore the relationships between functional and symbolic play and language ability as well as autistic-like behaviors in children with VI. By using the Symbolic Play Test (SPT) and by using the Test of Pretend Play (ToPP), the study confirmed the previously reported fact that delay in the development of pretend play occurs in children with VI. And the final results of this study have clearly demonstrated that children with VI are more likely to produce functional and symbolic play in structured settings only. But even in the structured settings, they will be at a great disadvantage if they are required to play with several objects at a time. So this article gives lot of views and results that gives new meanings and reasons. The reasons for the total absence or partial absence of functional and symbolic play in visually impaired children
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Analysis of the Present and the Future Based on History Essay
Analysis of the Present and the Future Based on History - Essay Example He predicts that no shots will be fired, instead the three imperial rivals will woo and coerce, relying on distinct styles. The United States bids military protection, along with the promise of democracy and human rights. The European Union hangs down the prospect of affiliation with the world’s most successful economic club. China talks trade, investment and infrastructure projects with its would-be client states. (Khanna 09) Mr Kotkin is an optimist urban scholar. In stark contrast to Mr Khanna’s â€Å"Second World†, Mr. Kotkin in his book "The Next Hundred Million," looked deep into the opportunities America has to maintain it rule as a world power in the future. He shed light on the facts like Americas population is expected to expand dramatically in coming decades and points to a slowly rising birth rate and to the continuing in-migration of young workers from poorer countries. Apart from this he mentioned that most of Americas population growth between 2000 and 2050 will be in its racial minorities providing it a wide ethnic diversity unmatched to any other developed regions in the world. Mr. Kotkin in translates population growth into economic vitality, the capacity to create wealth, raise the standard of living and meet the burdens of future commitments. Thus in relative terms a country with a youthful demographic enjoys a big advantage over its global counterparts. In the upcoming decades most of the developed countries in both Europe and Asia will transform into old-age homes due to the stagnant population growth. And thus the state apparatus of such economies will face crushing pension obligations and without the young workers cost couldn’t be defrayed. (Kotkin 11) In one sense the two books contradict each other, Mr. Khanna in the â€Å"Second World" argues that the United States is in decline as a World
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
How the globalization of industry has led to the deterioration of the Essay
How the globalization of industry has led to the deterioration of the position of women in Third World countries - Essay Example The fact that these percentages are indicative of the importance of women for the increase of performance of firms in Third World countries does not seem to have been taken into consideration by legislators in these countries – the same assumption can be made regarding the behaviour of the members of International Organizations that have the obligation to examine the respect of rights of women and children globally. In accordance with the study of Nanda (2000, 25) ‘literate but unskilledâ€â€and largely femaleâ€â€labor has thus far fuelled the tremendous increase in manufactured exports of garments and micro electronic products from the Third World to the industrially-advanced economies of the North’. In the above study, it is made clear that women have a critical role in the development of industrial activities in most countries around the world – not only in these belonging in the so-called Third World. From another point of view, this study could lead to the assumption that in the future women in those countries would need to be appropriately trained in order to meet the demands of market globally (development of technology used in all industrial sites, improvement of communication among employees and managers, increase of daily performance and so on). The above projects – if attempted - could meet a series of obstacles; more specifically, as it is noticed al so by Nanda (2000) – women in firms in Third World countries are likely to be non-skilled - at an extremely high percentage.
Monday, September 9, 2019
International Trade Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
International Trade - Research Paper Example wing the standards required for being a part of the euro-zone (Maastricht criteria) would indirectly mean not just stability of currency, but also good economic policies and sustained growth for the region Austria or the Republic of Austria is a landlocked country with a population of about 8.5 million. It forms a trade route between eastern and western Europe and as such, its location in central Europe is quite strategic. Austrias terrain is highly mountainous due to the presence of the Alps; only 32% of the country is below 500 metres (1,600 ft). As such, it is a very beautiful county and a major tourist destination. Austria has a well-developed economy with a high standard of living. Austria has achieved sustained economic growth and belongs to the richest countries in the EU (4th after Luxembourg, Ireland, and the Netherlands). After a period of low growth of only around 1.0% annually during 2001-2003, Austrias economy recovered again in 2004 and 2005 and grew 2.5% and 2.9%, respectively, driven by booming exports in response to strong world economic growth. Primarily due to higher growth in Europe, particularly Central and Eastern Europe, and continued export growth, Austrian real GDP grew 3.3% in 2006 and 3.4% in 2007. (US Dept of State, 2009) Austria, being one of the richest countries in world as well as in the EU, has a very developed banking system. The Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) is the central bank of Austria and, as such, an integral part of both the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and the Eurozone. Though the banking sector of Austria has been going through a period of steady restructuring and consolidation since 1990, this period has also seen the rise of relatively large banking groups (e.g., Erste Bank and Raiffeisen Zentralbank (RZB)). Also, smaller banks have clustered together and became increasingly tied through cross-guarantee schemes. Nevertheless, with some 900 (although mostly small) banks, â€Å"Austria retains one of
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