Saturday, August 31, 2019
Othello Coursework Essay
Othello is one of Shakespeare’s tragedies but also a love story of two lovers. Shakespeare’s tragic heroes always had at least one main flaw, which contributed to their downfall. In Othello’s case it was jealousy; when he was told Desdemona was having an affair. Other themes the play deals with includes hatred, racism, betrayal and discrimination. Although Othello is the main protagonist in the play, however, in many ways Iago seems to be the dominant character. Iago is presented in complete contrast to Othello, and is the villain of the play. Othello is a respected high-ranking general whereas Iago is a lower status and referred to as in his ‘ancient’ or his ‘ensign’. Many critics often describe Iago as the narrator of ‘Othello’; a fascinating character who is the main focus of the play. Many critics also see Iago as an intriguing character as he can be unpredictable. At the beginning of the play, it is Iago and Roderigo who are the first on stage, not Othello. If one were to form an opinion of Othello from this discussion, it would not be a favourable one. The audience is made aware of Iago’s hatred of Othello because Othello promoted Cassio instead of him and his belief that Othello slept with his wife. Furthermore Roderigo is jealous of the fact that Othello has taken Desdemona as his wife. In Act 2 Scene 3 of Othello, Iago is presented as the puppeteer, constantly manipulating everyone around him. Critics have argued about Iago’s motives for wanting to hurt others but in this scene he comes across as cruel and malicious. The scene is set in a castle and opens with Iago trying to get Cassio drunk. Iago motivated by his lust for power is attempting to dispose Cassio of his position as a lieutenant. Knowing that Cassio cannot handle his liquor it would be more likely he would fight if he’s drunk and that would make him look bad in Othello’s eyes. The opening scene presents us with a brief exchange of Cassio and Iago controversial analysis on Desdemona. In the dialogue, Cassio remarks are polite and complimentary to Desdemona stating she is ‘exquisite lady’, ‘fresh’, ‘delicate creature’, ‘modest’ and ‘perfection’. Iago on the other hand has a contrasting view compared to Cassio. Iago suggests that Desdemona is ‘full of game’ and ‘sport’ and that there is ‘provocation’ in her eye suggests both characters have different views on women. Iago’s low opinion of Desdemona only deepens his misogynist view and his hate for women because of the control Desdemona has over Othello. This can portrays his jealousy because Desdemona is an extremely attractive character with a higher noble status than his wife, giving him a reason to hate Othello. Iago has the opportunity to consider his plans in his soliloquy when Cassio leaves to invite some friends for a drink. One way we can tell the presentation of Iago as a character in Act 2 Scene 3 is through his soliloquies. It reveals Iago’s true character and intention to get Cassio drunk so that he loses control and becomes quarrelsome to get into a fight with Roderigo, ‘Am I to put our Cassio in some action’. His skills of persuasions show his power to manipulate people into trusting him to cover his act of being an ‘honest’ friend that adds to the presentation of his character. Iago’s clever perspective to observer this from a person allows the audience insight into various schemes or secrets to his motives that other characters are blind to. Furthermore, Iago’s understanding and manipulating the weakness of those around him make him a powerful and compelling figure that Shakespeare have portray in this scene. Cassio who has been left in a position of responsibility by Othello will shame himself as a lieutenant and loose his position as part of Iago’s plan that will gain him power for his talent of understanding and manipulating people’s weaknesses, ‘If consequences do but approve my dream’. Iago states he is willing to take on revenge on anyone that gets in his way of achieving Othello’s downfall. The end result would make up for what he lost on his way and enjoys the pain and damage he causes which he ‘approves’. The first soliloquy in this act shows us how narrow-minded Iago is and lacks emotions or feelings towards the people around him or himself. W. H Auden describes Iago as a â€Å"Practical joker of a peculiar appalling kind. †W. H attempts to portray Iago as a more humane character than he really is. Loyalty, love, friendship and guilt are all emotions that make us human. Iago misunderstands this concept of feelings, which leads him to his downfall. Shakespeare presents Iago with loss of emotional connections in his character show the tragedy of how isolated Iago is. Shortly after Roderigo raises the alarm under Iago’s instructions, Shakespeare uses dramatic irony to present Iago’s actions as he pretends to be the peacemaker. Othello aroused from his sleep ask ‘honest Iago’ for an explanation of the disturbance. Without being disloyal to Othello or to Cassio, he ironically follows Montano’s advice upon his honour as a solider to tell the truth of his version of the night’s events. While trying to save Cassio by making excuses for him, Iago endures that Othello will have no other option than to remove him as his position for causing a shameful public display. The irony of Iago’s account, we known that Iago constantly tries to underplay Cassio’s part in the fight, ‘I had rather ha’ this tongue cut from my mouth, Than it should do offence to Michael Cassio. ’ With subtle additions such as, ‘And Cassio high in oaths, which till tonight / I ne’er might see before’ and ‘ but men are men, the best sometimes forget’ reveals that Cassio has disgraced himself to befit a high ranking officer. Cassio sacked from his lieutenant position, Iago pretends to be a true friend by advising Cassio to seek help from Desdemona to gain his position back. ‘This broken joint between you and her husband entreat her to splinter’. Shakespeare cleverly portrays Iago as an evil mastermind who appears to aid Cassio, instead manipulating the situation in order to make it appear to Othello that Desdemona has emotions for Cassio when she pleads for his job. This sequence allows us to see Iago’s manipulative nature in a continuous flow; from the way he has made others see him to the revelation of his true self. The way he’s portrayed, we are amazed by his mastery of switching facades or identities without a trace of guilt. Iago when speaking with Montano, questions Cassio integrity and his position as a Lieutenant. Iago manages to suggest his support and concern for his comrade while at the same time, destroying his credibility and honour. He mentions to Montano that Cassio is a ‘solider fit to stand by Caesar’ as 2nd in command but his drinking habits matches his ‘virtue’ and implies he drinks every night. Iago’s apparent concerns furthers as he criticises Othello’s judgement for trusting Cassio to be his lieutenant shows his jealousy to be overshadowed and therefore lost his ‘social class’’ that he lacks of. His hatred dominates him just like he dominates all the other characters. Iago seems to master all the emotions that might affect his facade and never shows a trace of nervousness that intensify the power he has over the characters in the play and his ability to control the situation to his will. Furthermore when Iago protests to Montano that he is reluctant to highlight Cassio’s problems to Othello, as he ‘loves’ Cassio and would not wish him any harm. The irony of this situation is the fact that once Montano suggest it would be an ‘honest action’ to inform Othello, Iago declines. This is the only time we see Iago is speechless and to make him look more trustworthy, he implies that his allegiance is to a higher kind of ‘honesty’.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Barbara Corcoran Effective leadership qualities Essay
Barbara Corcoran is an American businesswoman, consultant, investor, speaker, author and TV personality. She is the owner of $5 billion business ‘The Corcoran Group’. She is known as one entrepreneur with a real story of ‘rags to riches’. Barbara was born in the year 1949 in Edgewater, New Jersey. She graduated with a degree in Education from St. Thomas Aquinas College in the year 1971. Upon graduation, she got a teaching job which she did for about a year. Barbara was never settled at teaching, so she quit and sought other jobs. However, things did not go as smooth as she had expected, as she had to quit one job after the other. By the time she was 23, she had been in and out of more than 20 jobs. It is her last trial at jobs that would ultimately change her life completely, making her one of the richest women in America. After trying different odd jobs, Barbara felt that she wanted to become her own boss. So she started a small real estate agency, dealing with brokering entry to vacant houses. However, this transformation needed money which she did not have at that moment. She asked for a loan of $1000. On one trip to see a vacant house with a client, things turned out for the best she had never imagined- the client became interested in buying the property rather than renting it. From the sale, she earned a commission of $3000 for the Corcoran-Simone partnership. This excited her, giving her the idea to transform her business into more than just the letting of vacant houses, to include even property on sale. The business began to grow, and the couple was reaping considerable profits until Barbara’s boyfriend, Simone, decided to quit the partnership after running away with Barbara’s secretary and marrying her. The division ended in 1978, when she immediately founded The Corcoran Group. When Simone withdrew his shares, he mocked Barbara that she would never make it without him. This particular incident encouraged her even the more to work hard and prove him wrong. Her determination paid, with The Corcoran Group, the first female-owned realty firm in the Big Apple, expanding to a workforce of 7 agents and over $350,000 in revenue in just her first year. Corcoran Group thrived under Barbara’s leadership, thanks in large part to her unique style. By the year 2006 when she decided to sell the company, The Corcoran Group was so big, with a staggering sales force of 850 agents and annual revenue approaching $100 million. It was sold at $66 million to NRT Inc. I chose Barbara Corcoran because her rise to the top is outstanding, thanks to her exceptional leadership skills. Barbara motivates me to push on despite my humble present- theirs is so much room up there! My vision is to grow into one of the most celebrated leaders of my time, and she fit perfectly as a person who started with nothing and turned every small thing she got into something big. Her definition of leadership is quite unique. â€Å"I never thought of it as leadership, but I knew I wanted to be loved by the people who worked for me,†Corcoran says. â€Å"I built the business exactly the way my mother built and ran her family. I wanted a replication of the big, happy family I grew up in. I wanted happy people having fun†, Barbara says ( She believes that leadership is making people feel they belong to the company like it was their family. That is how she enabled others to act, a quality discussed by Kouzes and Posner (2012). Barbara says, â€Å"I found out that the more fun I created in the company, the more creative and innovative it became,†she says. â€Å"That was the big kahuna–the fun piece. That’s what built that culture upside down and inside out. You got innovation. You got loyalty. You got people who would recruit for you.†( She effectively encourages the heart (Kouzes and Po sner, 2012). Barbara Corcoran displays many qualities of a good leader. One unique is that she understands the value of other people she works with. Despite being the boss, Barbara respected every worker in her firm and she let them carry out their tasks with a lot of trust and space. As she says, she never knew what the firm’s revenue was, having delegated accounting duties to Esther Kaplan, the first agent she brought in. Secondly, Barbara believes in rewarding workers for their exemplary performance. She personally put colored ribbons on those workers who performed well. Her rewarding quality became even more evident when she eventually rewarded Kaplan’s hard work with a 10 percent commission in the firm, allowing her to cash in when the firm was sold. Corcoran is a leader who models the way (Kouzes & Posner, 2012). She never sat down and let her agents do all the work. She continued to make sales herself, working very hard. This encouraged her employees to develop a similar determined character. Barbara also exercised her authority very strictly. She gave all new employees a grace period of three months to make a first sale, failure to which they would leave the firm. The fifth leadership quality in Barbara is that she never let her past failure’s pull her down. In high school she scored D’s, but it never bothered her later in life. She was determined to move from one success to the other. Her undying spirit is a clear way of challenging the process (Kouzes & Posner, 2012). However, it is not all that easy for Barbara; she faces various problems as an investor in the New York realty market. While she is a popular investment consultant in the city, she admits that she has problems advising because other factors come into place. After selling her realty company, she was left with several buildings in the city; these building are her source of income, beside other investments. For instance, the values of properties have plummeted and interest rates have gone down tremendously. This gives her problems in deciding what to tell investor to do, especially because they look upon her success for guidance. References Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2012). The leadership challenge: How to make extraordinary things happen in organizations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Hann, C. (2014). Barbara Corcoran’s Leadership Style: Rainbows and Steel-Toe Boots. Entrepreneur. Retrieved 15 August 2014, from Source document
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Indigenous Music of Australia Essay
Australia is a society of many cultures from all over the world. The music of Australia’s indigenous people represents a wide variety of music styles created by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. The music styles range from contemporary to styles that are fused with European sounds. The music of these people has become an important part of the society and culture of the people even though the ceremonies may have changed. â€Å"The traditional forms include many aspects of performance and musical instrumentation which are unique to particular regions or Indigenous Australian groups; there are equally elements of musical tradition which are common or widespread through much of the Australian continent, and even beyond. †(â€Å"Indigenous Australian Music. †Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 13 May 2007. 17 May 2007. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Indigenous_Australian_music) The Indigenous populations of Australia have learned from other travelers that have visited Australia for trade or other reasons. The colonization of Australia brought many changes to the way Aboriginal society functioned. It changed the land and how the people went about their daily lives. Before 1788 the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders inhabited Australia. In 1788 the Aboriginal people lived on mainland Australia and the Torres Strait Islanders lived on the islands between Australia and Papua New Guinea, in what is now called the Torres Strait (Dreamtime. net. au. Australian Museum. 17 May 2007. http://www. dreamtime. net. au/indigenous/index. cfm). Many of the Europeans that came to Australia misunderstood the Aboriginal culture and created policies that did not benefit the people. They worked against the people by creating policies that benefited the farmers who moved across the continent using up natural resources and exploiting the Aboriginal people for labor. The European colonists did not understand the way the native people used the land for food and spiritual balance, thus causing many problems. The Indigenous cultures of Australia are one of the oldest in the entire world. â€Å"We’ve been here a long, long time†( Koori Mail. October 1996). Their ability to adapt over time has allowed them to last. The Aborigines talked of â€Å"Dreamtime†or â€Å"the Dreaming†, which was their version of a creation story. The Rainbow Serpent created the Australian world. As she moved back and forth along the land she created great rivers and from her body the tribes, birds, and animals of Australia emerged. The Aborigines took great pride in the land because they believe that they emerged from it. They believed the Great Ancestral spirits put the plants, animals, and people in their places according to the land forms and spirits surrounding them (FrogandToad’s Indigenous Australia. The Travel Around Company. 19 May 2007 http://indigenousaustralia. frogandtoad. com. au/cultural. html). By the time Europeans arrived to colonize Australia there were more than 700 Aboriginal tribes. Each tribe had their own unique traditions, language, and customs. Traditional music of Australians indigenous people gives great meaning to their lives. There were three distinct types of Aboriginal music. The first was used for sacred ceremonies. The second type of music is semi-scared and is sung by men, with the women dancing. This music was used for initiation. The third type of music was not sacred and was used for entertainment. This is the only kind of music that can be performed by any person at any time. Music was used throughout the Aboriginals lives to teach what must be known about their culture, about their place in it, and about its place in the world of nature and super nature. Aboriginals encouraged their children at a very young age to dance and sing about everyday tasks. (Telford, Hans W. â€Å"Australian Aboriginal Music. †Santa Clara University. 20 May, 2007. http://www. scu. edu. au/schools/sass/music/musicarchive/AusGeneral. html). When the girl or boy reaches puberty he or she learns about totemic plants and animals of the clan and the mythology of their group, also known as karma songs. Karma is the Aboriginal type of oral literature that tells a historical story of the people ( Indigenous Australian Music). These songs have specific melodic formulas that distinguish them from other tribe’s songs.. Because the stories come from oral tradition the music is learned my imitating elders and is passed without writing everything down. Before a man marries he learns more lively and fun songs that are entertainment for the tribe. When he marries and becomes a responsible tribe member he is to depend on the karma songs to keep him strong. The man matures by the knowledge he acquires through song and when he is older his on her is based partly on his mastery of the secret sacred songs of the tribe (Telford, Hans W. ). Some clans in Aboriginal Culture may share songs known as emeba, fjatpangarri, and manikay. These songs are directly tied to the story telling of Dreamtime, when the features of the land were created and named. When they sing the songs in the correct order the tribe could navigate vast distances. They relate the person who keeps the song with the land itself (Indigenous Australian Music). A traditional for of music is Bunggul. This style of music is known for its intense lyrics, and is usually stories about epic journeys. These stories continue or repeat after the music stops (Indigenous Australian Music). A death wail is also a very traditional music style in Aboriginal culture. It is a mourning lament performed in ritual fashion after the death of a family or tribe member. Roy Baker, a descendent of the Murawari tribe describes the death wail, â€Å"You hear the crying and the death wail at night,†he recalled, â€Å"it’s a real eerie, frightening sound to hear. Sad sound†¦ to hear them all crying. And then after the funeral, everything would go back to normal. And they’d smoke the houses out, you know, the old Aboriginal way. †Aboriginal Australians used the resources around them to make their instruments. Most of their instruments fall into the idiophone class. An idiophone instrument is made from resonating material that does not have to be tuned (Encarta World English Dictionary). Their instruments consisted of two separate parts, which are stuck together to make a percussive sound. There are no string instruments in their culture, but they did use a skinned drum type instrument and wind instrument. Idiophones were the most common types of instrument and the most basic. The first example is sticks. Each singer would hold a pair of wooden sticks and clap them together. They could also be shaken to make a rattling sound. Boomerang clapsticks also were used in the same way. Aboriginal Boomerang Clapsticks[pic] If there were no sticks, hand clapping or slapping various parts of the body were substitutes for a pair of sticks or clapsticks. A rattle usually accompanied songs. These rattles were made by holding bunches of seed ponds in ones hand. [pic] Seed rattle. The most well known of all the Aboriginal instruments is the didjeridu. The didjeridu is usually formed when termites hollow out a tree branch. The branches are usually cut to about 5 feet and are smoothed to make a suitable mouthpiece. When blown the didjeridu is a rich and complex sound. The function of the didjeridu is to provide a constant drone on a deep not, somewhere around D flat. The note is broken up in rhythmic patterns and accents by the use of the player’s tongue and cheeks. Constant air pressure s maintained by simultaneously blowing out through the mouth and breathing in through the nose, known as circle breathing. Great stamina is needed to play the didjeridu. [pic] [pic] Most contemporary styles of indigenous Australian music come from the fusion with European traditions. It also represents from the fusion with mainstream styles of music such as rock and country. Artists like The Deadlys give us an example of this using rock, country, and pop. Common traditional musical instruments such and the didjeridu and clapsticks are used to give a different feel to the music (Indigenous Australian Music). Overall, most ancestors stay true to their past roots of music. The remaining indigenous Aboriginal tribes still practice their culture and pass it down from generation to generation. The traditions have all remained the same even though European colonization changed the tribes forever. Even though there aren’t as many tribes remaining, the people of Australia keep their music alive in traditional and contemporary ways. Works Cited â€Å"Indigenous Australian Music. †Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 13 May 2007. 17 May 2007. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Indigenous_Australian_music (Dreamtime. net. au. Australian Museum. 17 May 2007. http://www. dreamtime. net. au/indigenous/index. cfm Telford, Hans W. â€Å"Australian Aboriginal Music. †Santa Clara University. 20 May 2007. http://www. scu. edu. au/schools/sass/music/musicarchive/AusGeneral. html.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Theories Of Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Theories Of Motivation - Essay Example Maslow's hierarchical nature of human needs points to what motivates a person at a particular stage of his/her career. For example, people at the bottom of the 7-stage pyramid of the hierarchy value the basic physiological needs more. When the lower stage needs are met, the relevant factors lose their importance as motivators and a higher degree of motivating factors come into play, which is more psychological nature. Thus, as they move up to, for example, the fourth stage, self-worth, and self-esteem become more relevant as ‘needs’ – in other words, motivating factors. Significantly, Sun-2-Shade workers seem to be yearning for such recognition having already achieved secure jobs, good pay and working in a progressive/growing company.A word about the interaction of the age factor is relevant. The supervisor and the workers are of the age group – Gen Xers and Millennials. Obviously, the age group is a mix of the seniors of the former and juniors of the latte r categories. Gen Xers prefer ‘flexibility and freedom’ while Millennials value ‘structured, supportive environment’ but can ‘expect and demand more’ (ibid.). Hence there are subtle differences in the groups of workers and this can point to the solution to the problem.Using Herzberg and McGregor theoriesHerzberg's two-factor motivation theory proposed that hygiene factors have the ability to reduce dissatisfaction while motivators increase job satisfaction.... Significantly, Sun-2-Shade workers seem to be yearning for such recognition having already achieved secure jobs, good pay and working in a progressive/growing company. A word about the interaction of the age factor is relevant. The supervisor and the workers are of the age group – Gen Xers (born 1965-‘76 period) and Millennials (born 1977-‘98 period) (Thielfoldt and Scheef, 2004). Obviously, the age group is a mix of the seniors of the former and juniors of the latter categories. Gen Xers prefer ‘flexibility and freedom’ while Millennials value ‘structured, supportive environment’ but can ‘expect and demand more’ (ibid.). Hence there are subtle differences in the groups of workers and this can point to the solution to the problem. Using Herzberg and McGregor theories Herzberg’s two factor motivation theory proposed that hygiene factors have the ability to reduce dissatisfaction while motivators increase job satisfaction (Anon., n.d, online). The hygiene factors like pay and benefits, job security, working conditions, company policies, etc. determine how an individual rates his job/employer against his own expectations. In the process of such assessment, the individual is less concerned about his own credentials and more concerned with what he is getting out of the job. The better the hygiene factors the more the satisfaction level, which then works as the basis for the motivators. The motivators like work content, recognition, promotion etc. help an individual to gain a sense of job satisfaction. Hence, the Herzberg theory supports the view that motivation cannot be achieved if the underlying hygiene factors are ignored. McGregor’s
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Competitive Growth Strategy ZARA and H&M Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Competitive Growth Strategy ZARA and H&M - Essay Example A close analysis of the two companies namely Hennes and Mauritz (H&M) and Zara reveals that they both have strengths peculiar to their business operations. One major strength characteristic of both companies is that they have vertically integrated business models which allow them to set the pace of information flow thereby determine their own business operations. Their stores have diversified products as well ranging from clothing for all age groups to cosmetics which give variety to shoppers. Another notable strength characteristic of both organisations is the ability to have the global patent, which is exclusive rights to their brand names and products which make them different from other rival competitors’ products. It shows that they are operating legally which creates mutual trust among customers. This can also be done by making their brands absolutely unique from other products already on the market as a way of showing that they are not mere copycats. By also establishing well-defined distribution channels, the company would stand better chances of positive growth. Whilst the two companies have different approaches to their distribution methods, it can be noted that they have efficient distribution systems which offer a credit in the success of the business. However, there are bound to be weaknesses faced by H &M as well as Zara in their attempt to achieve this feat of establishing themselves as forces to reckon with in the market. One major weakness that is evident for H & M in its endeavour to establish itself as a formidable organisation is its apparent lack of competitor and customer analysis. This often is dangerous as it risks failing to keep pace with customer needs as a result of lack of information. On the other hand, Zara’s major weakness is that its design and product development are human intensive which leads to less retail returns than the cost of production. On the other hand, opportunities for both companies lie in their ability to penetrate international markets which may have a different appeal than the local markets.Â
The Past and Future of Energy Usage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Past and Future of Energy Usage - Essay Example Two works that have recently been published that attempt to replace this rhetorical sideshow with legitimate information is Vaclav Smil's Energy at the Crossroads and Alfred Crosby's Children of the Sun. Crosby's work offers a natural history of energy consumption from the development of fire and cooking all the way to third millennial technological possibilities such as the holy grail of nuclear fusion. Smil's presents a more detailed analysis of the economic and energy situation of the past century focusing specifically on the statistical utilization of hydrocarbon technologies in various countries. Their respective accounts and arguments give a good overall picture of the natural evolutionary, economic and environmental impact of the past, present and long-term future of energy. The primary thrust of Crosby's argument is that the story of technology in tandem with humanity has always been about finding novel ways of exploiting the same source of energy: the Sun. As humanity has expanded and become more socially and culturally sophisticated technology has responded by finding consistently more efficient ways to harness the sun's powers, indirectly through wood and biomass and in more recent times, directly through wind and solar power utilization. However, unlike other analyses Crosby places humanity within nature versus against nature, and thus his work is a "natural history" of energy consumption rather than a litany of environmental offenses we have committed against nature. Of course, Crosby is sympathetic to the Malthusian end game at stake. He reveals through historical examples that every crossroads or crisis point, humanity has found a way to transform technologically the way in which we utilize energy to avoid the collapse of civilization. One speci fic example of this was the dependence on whale oil in the 18th century. "Humanity's yearnings for the convenience of light at night, though implemented through a primitive technology, were endangering a whole species of Cetacea."1 The two options to resolving this yearning included conservation, unthinkable by all except for the most progressive of individuals, or finding a substitute, which turned out to be kerosene and "the history of human exploitation of sun energy took another violent turn."2 The situation is much the same, today's whale oil is petroleum, with two "minor" complications here in the 21st century 1) the global political and economic dynamic have interposed agendas on technological transformation, and 2) hesitancy in adopting conservationist practices has placed a significant stress on the planets resources locally and globally. The question of Oil is more than just a question of natural history; it has become the bellwether issue of our time. Many would assert that the current situation in the Middle East is directly related to this question, and the political catchphrase of the decade has been "reducing our dependence on foreign oil." Smil's statistical analysis of oil usage is thorough and he means to tackle the popular debate regarding the "Peak Oil" theory. Peak Oil offers that at some point in the near past or near future3 maximum oil production will be reached followed by terminal decline. The consequences of failing to find a viable alternative energy form or
Monday, August 26, 2019
Final Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3
Final Exam - Essay Example Homosexuals and lesbians are allowed to adopt children, while this was never acceptable before the 19th century. Americans came to realize that dissent is good for the nation. Through opposition, the country can identify the areas that need change, and the right direction through which the change should be guided. Eventually, American culture evolved into various subcultures based on people’s opinions and practices. American culture became heterogeneous. This paper will describe how the modern changes of the late 19th and 20th centuries contributed to a fragmented and heterogeneous culture. In the early 19th century backwards to the early centuries, the society was divided into two sections; between the rich and the poor. There were physical divisions as well as divisions based on values and ideas. The rich thought that they were untouchable, and it was the responsibility of the poor man to take a lower position in the society, for him to be rich and stay on top. The rich thought that the poor had no right to fight for freedom or try to get rich. The society according to them was perfect as it was. They had accumulated enough wealth to keep them on top for periods of time. Any grievances by the poor people were considered a nuisance, ridiculous, and an obstacle to achieving the aims of the rich. A rich person, for example, in the 1880s or even before, could have had aims of building a new home or constructing new working sites. Workers’ strikes at the time would be a nuisance because they disrupted the progress of such projects. To them, whatever the poor were fighting for was impossible. The perception of strikes at the time is that strikes were a nuisance; they were a waste of the employers’ time and money. They were a threat to the society. The perception of strikes in the current society, however, is different. It is viewed as people fighting for their rights and it is also considered legally right. The class structure in the early centuries
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Impact of social media on project stake holder management Research Paper
Impact of social media on project stake holder management - Research Paper Example It forms an important part that leads to smooth completion of the project that has been undertaken. This is a very important discipline that is mostly addressed by successful people they believe that the opinions and ideas of these stakeholders are very much fruitful for the overall project development and in the majority cases leads to the success of the project rather than failure. There are various reasons that lead to failure of a project; however, the factor that is taken into consideration in this research study is the communication factor. An effective communication platform and coordination are the most important pillars of stakeholder management. As the stakeholders need to be aware of every possible detail of the project so that they are able to contribute towards such project so that it results in a success. Social media in the present scenario is not only bounded within Facebook, Twitter, etc., but it has proved itself to be a beneficial tool when there is a requirement t o improve upon the level of communication amongst the team members and also amongst all the other stakeholders who play an important role in the success or failure of a project. There are various approaches in social media platform that helps in enhancing communication and applying such principles in a project helps to manage effectively the stakeholders, facilitates better collaboration, beneficial for problem-solving. Social media as a model helps an individual to focus on how information is being shared, used and aggregated.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Asssigment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Asssigment - Essay Example The management regularly deducts the pension contributions from the employee’s salaries. Another pension plan version occurs when the company contributes the entire amount to a lump sum pension fund account. Consequently, the employee can select a plan that generates a higher retirement benefit return. Investing in a riskier pension fund will increase retirement benefit returns. The employee can also choose another plan where the investments are funneled into a safer fund that generates a lesser benefit return (Kieso et al., 2006). Additionally, the employee can choose to receive the retirement amount in one lump amount or the employee can decide to receive the retirement amount in equal monthly installment amounts. The second method allows the retiree to receive the monthly retirement benefits throughout one’s lifetime (Kieso et al, 2006, p. 1244). Funding principles. The fund is also classified as a plan. The fund entity is a separate agency that manages companiesâ₠¬â„¢ pension plans. The fund entity receives the money invested by the company. When the employee retires, the fund company distributes the pension and other retirement benefits. The employer contributes to the pension fund and generates earnings. The employee receives benefits as pension fund recipients. The fund agency accumulates the employers’ contributions as either contributory or noncontributory (Kieso et al., 2006, p. 1244). Defined benefit plan. The defined benefit plan includes the amount of benefits that the employees will receive when they decide or are forced to retire. The state requires that employees are mandatorily required to retire when they reach a certain age. The company allocates a regular amount for the employees’ retirement benefit plan. The benefits are based on the employee’s total pension fund contributions. Likewise, the retirement amounts are based on the salaries of the employees. Employees with higher salaries will receive higher pension retirement benefits when compared to the salaries of the lower ranking line and staff employees (Kieso et al., 2006, p. 1211). Defined contribution plans. Under this plan, the employer contributes a regular amount to the pension trust. A formula is used to decide the monthly contributions. The formula incorporates the number of years of the employee’s work, the company’s business profits, and the salary. The plan indicates the amount that the employers will contribute to the plan. However, the plan does not indicate the amount that the employees will receive as retirement benefits. An example is the 401 (k) plan (Kieso et al., 2006, p. 1244). Pension fund allocation. In terms of the formulation, different companies allocate different pension expense amounts for different pension fund budgets. During 2009, General Motor’s $98,527 pension fund required a $3,405 pension expense. During 2009, the Coca Cola Company’s $3,032 pension fund amounts require d a $218 pension expense budget. During the same accounting period, the Merck company’s $10,835 pension fund needed a $407 pension fund expense (Kieso et al., 2009, p. 1211). Components of pension expense. In terms of formulation, accounting for pension funds entails allocating the cost of the retirement funds to the appropriate accounting period. The service cost forms a part of the pension expense total. The interest on the liability should be added
Friday, August 23, 2019
Mobile Phones Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Mobile Phones Development - Essay Example Contrary to digital standards, in 1G, the voice is merely modulated to frequency equal to or above 150 MHz (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 36, 2000). Following 1G was 2G or second generation, which was more efficient than 1G in three important ways. First, as mentioned before, 2G worked on digital signals rather than analog signals. Second, the 2G system s were far more effective then analog in that they allowed for way higher levels of penetration. Finally and most importantly, 2G brought with it, data service beginning from SMS messaging. Next comes the third generation or 3G, which refers to standards specified by ‘International Mobile Telecommunications’' (Hamill & Lasen, 41, 2008). This evolved version offers services like wide-area wireless, mobile internet, video calls, and mobile TV. According to IMT conditions, 3G system provides minimum 200 Kbits/s data rate (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 36, 2000). Current rel eases of this generation of mobile phones provide broadband access to other accessories like laptop and smart phones. A study of this progressive change in the industry reveals that a new generation of mobile phone appears every ten years. Each generations brings with it new bands of frequency, faster data rates and irrevocable transmission technology. Currently, WiMAX is considered the 4G or fourth generation of the mobile phone industry (Harper & Buress, 119, 2008). This newest update promises IP based mobile broadband to laptops and smart phones, gaming and streamed multimedia. â€Å"Mobile phones have undoubtedly revolutionized the communication industry in every possible way†(Hamill & Lasen, 41, 2008). Gone are the days when people would wait endlessly for someone to return to their homes to talk to them. Mobile phones today bring everyone together, connecting everyone to the virtual world of information, day in and day out. One way mobile phones have affected telecommu nications is that no one now uses telephones. Although marketing research analysts do not agree that rapid growth in mobile industry will result in collapse of landline usage, there is a little reason to believe otherwise. One reason for disagreeing is the expanding growth of VoIP, Skype, and Google voice over the past few years. For instance, Australia witnesses the growth in VoIP market by 3% a month (Harper & Buress, 119, 2008). VoIP attracts this large number of market because of the same service of conventional landlines offered at reduced costs. Many people argue that connection of phone to internet is not smart enough since call drops every time the connection fails. However, the modern fiber-optic internet provides more than 95% efficiency, which makes the connection quality equal to that offered by traditional landlines (Harper & Buress, 119, 2008). The increase in drop of landline usage has an important implication. Since there is no one centralized directory for mobile ph one numbers, the risk of harassing-on-phone and violation of privacy increases. This also comes down as a bane for telemarketers who now find it difficult to get through o potential customers since the caller ID’s are available in most cell phones. Another way in which mobile phones has affected communication industry is through its ability to bring everything together under one roof. Mobile phones are a blend of TV, laptop, tape recorder, IPod, camera, video recorder (Horst & Miller, 30, 2006). Instead of carrying all these gadgets separately, all one needs
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Titration Lab Essay Example for Free
Titration Lab Essay The equivalence point is characterized by a sharp change of pH which can be followed with a pHmeter. A graph of pH versus concentration will indicate the molar equivalence at the inflexion point of the curve. The point observed experimentally is never exactly the molar equivalence but a â€Å"best estimate†and is given the name â€Å"end point†. It is easier and cheaper to identify the end point with an indicator instead a pHmeter. Some chemicals such as phenolphthalein will change color when the pH changes sharply between two given values called the indicator’s range. The range of phenolphthalein is 8. 3 to 10. 0. The shape of a pH curve varies widely with the type of reactants and needs to be taken into account when choosing an indicator. We will titrate a strong base (NaOH) of unknown concentration with a strong acid (HCl). The objective is to find the purity of NaOH pellets. The pellets are close to purity but not 100 % because NaOH is very hydrophilic and the pellets are likely to be slightly hydrated. The procedure: The first part of the laboratory experiment will be the preparation of the reactants and the choice of an indicator. You will need to prepare the analyte, a solution of NaOH, of a chosen concentration and volume and prepare a solution of HCl, the titrant, accordingly. Accordingly means that the end point should be reached after the delivery of manageable volume. If a 50. ml burette is used the volume to be delivered should be between 15. ml and 40 ml. The chosen concentration of NaOH means the concentration of NaOH that you would obtain if the tablets were pure, with the understanding the objective of the titration is to give you a more accurate measurement that you will use to calculate the purity of the tablet. Acid-base chemistry tells us that the reaction between the hydronium and hydroxide ions is extensive and that the pH of the equivalence point should be close to 7. You will design a titration procedure indicating the reactants, the equipment, the data to be collected and the calculations. You will then proceed with two or three measurements depending on the precision of the first two. Your report will review the chemical background, present the data and the result and justify in your error analysis the number of significant figures of your reported concentration. The average of the trial is 24. 3 mL. The molarity of NaOH was found by using the M1V1 = M2V2 equation, resulting in 1. 1 M of NaOH. Discussion In the Titrations Lab, 50. 0 mL of 0. M HCl and appropriate amount of NaOH were titrated to find the molarity of NaOH and the pH of the solution after x mL of NaOH has been added. The lab discussed the difference between equivalence point, the point at which the reaction between titrant and unknown is complete, and the endpoint, the point where the indicator turns color. The color change occurs when the concentration of more dominant form is ten times as great as the less dominant. However, color changes in a solution does not necessarily equal to the equivalence point. Equivalence point can be found by observing the indicator, or using a pH meter and finding midpoint of vertical line in the titration curve. Endpoints can be found by observing the color change of the indicator. The titration lab also involved indicators. Indicators are substances which undergoes a color change in the pH interval of the equivalence point, allowing physical observation of pH change. Most indicators are weak acids, so protons shift from acid to conjugate base. The concentrations of indicators in a solution do not change molarity value.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Character, theme and narrative in the soap opera Essay Example for Free
Character, theme and narrative in the soap opera Essay From watching one particular episode of the famous soap Eastenders I was able to attain plenty of information and reference to certain areas of a soap. There are specific codes and conventions to particular narratives that are easy to identify. Obviously in each soap, the same sort of things occur and the audience can recognise this, thus such an appeal for soaps. In this single episode of Eastenders, the themes included are easily identifiable as being part of a soap. It includes all the drama in everyday life within one session of 30minutes. We are able to see potential fights, arguing, loving and a typical goodie and baddie scenario. Also there is mention of wedding and divorce, evidently showing mixed emotions. Furthermore, a noticeable feature of Eastenders is that there is a comic relief as there is a build up of suspense and tension, then a scene change to Patrick who supplies the audience with moments of laughter, along with a small selection of other characters. Location is an immense feature to Eastenders. There are a number of places you anticipate to be featured in each episode the Queen Vic pub being the most notorious. Also within one street (square) there is 6 places of work all featured in this one episode. The jobs all being inter-gender and featuring different types of characters who play different roles with a wide range of age gaps. Ie. Garage, launderette, cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½, E20 nightclub and a B B. In this 30 minute slot, which in Eastenders time is one full day from early morning to late night, we are able to see the pub closed, quiet and busy. Also when the pub is featured, the concentration is only on a conversation involving just two people, although you can hear other characters in the atmos, they are not seen. This is where camera angles become important. Over the shoulder shot is most commonly featured throughout when showing a clip of two characters talking. Also whilst in the middle of a conversation there is a sharp camera swap to a close -up view of the person speaking, which only last for a few seconds. These are things that the audience take for granted but need plenty of thought and trials. There is only one point in the episode where one person is shown alone this being Peggy Mitchell who is talking to herself and allowing the viewers to empathise with her and share her emotions. She is a dominant family-heading female who is stressing her unhappiness to the viewers. This is when we see a wider range of camera angles used as the photographers want us to see her differently and also let us see the setting and background which is a clever tactic so we can recognise where she is and what her method of thinking is. Also the cameras seem a similar distance away from each character, and this means they never raise their voice and throughout the same volume of speech is enforced. A synopsis of what is actually happening in the episode is a number of storylines revolving around each other most of them having some sort of link or connection. The storylines are as follows : * Phil Mitchell after his disturbed ex-wife Lisa and his baby * A triangle love situation between Little Mo, comical Billy and Mr. Nasty Trevor. * Sonias relationship with both Gus and Jamie * Janines flirting and misleading this linking into events occurring in the bed and breakfast. * Toms mental state of mind * Jim Brannan losing his job and Ricky in desperate need of one There is also other small ones developing but these are the main pinpointed ones. The storylines are age specific, therefore aimed at a wide range of viewers. In addition to this as storylines build up and characters become uneased in the episode, there seems to be no atmos/background music to dramatise the situation, which is a convention often employed by soap-makers. No music at all is used throughout the episode, excluding the catchy and easily remembered theme tune at the beginning of the soap. Also the mini-cliffhangers at the conclusion of the soap is followed by the distinctive tune. This soap, like most others has no graphics used or clear use of modern hi-tech technology. There is just a simple, straightforward map of the East end of London at the beginning with the River Thames flowing through. This being very eye-catching and appealing. On the whole it is obvious to see that one 30minute episode of a soap can include so much detail, information and thought.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Viability Of New Provinces History Essay
Viability Of New Provinces History Essay The first ideological state of the World; Pakistan since its independence in yr 1947 followed the concept for electing the members of legislature / parliaments till the time of West Pakistan felt insecure of retaining their seats in the parliament against the erstwhile East Pakistan counterparts. Foreseeing their imminent defeat in the then forthcoming elections, West Pakistan was declared a separate Unit and given more number of seats in the Parliament based on population ratio. The country, since then, has been the victim of personal / party conveniences rather than maintaining a cohesive national approach towards resolution of issues confronted by the nation from time to time. It does not need to be over emphasized that the country continues to face serious administrative and economic issue in the absence of viable and prudent administrative division. The need to have or not to have new provinces has always fell prey to the political and personal expediency rather than the vital n ational requirement. Over the past decades, power hubs and most of the development funds out of national / provincial budgets have been circulated / spent within the limited provincial / federal capital and selected places having direct bearings to personal reputation / comforts. This attitude, coupled with the media blitz, vested interests of non staged actors and administrative difficulty caused to the people of distant cities to approach the provincial capitals have the potential to intensify the sense of deprivation amongst the underprivileged populace of remote / less developed areas within each province. The existing state of deprivation can give further rise to the ethno-political and linguistic divide. The rapid population has only compounded the administrative and socio political affairs. Necessity of creation of the new provinces notwithstanding, it would have considerable economic concerns. The other school of thought considers that by improving the governance in existing administrative setups of divisions and districts, allocating sufficient development funds to immediately undertake major projects in deprived areas would do the trick. Apropos the above mentioned facts, the question of having or not having new provinces, along with its constitutional, political, structural, socio-economic and national implications needs to be thoroughly and dispassionately. Nexus to above, carryout a detailed analysis for the viability of new provinces vis-a-vis existing system, while suggesting a far-sighted way forward. SUB THEME In the recent years, ethnic and political problems have been on the increase in Pakistan. Amongst a host of factors, mal-governance and deteriorating economy situation are considered the major causes of the strife. Coupled with this, the role of religious parties and ethnic organizations has also come under severe criticism. The existing deteriorating conditions of the country and the state of deprivation amongst the masses, has further complicated the ethno-political and linguistic divide. The creation of new provinces would have considerable ethno-political concerns and will further aggravate the instability amongst the masses Government Institutions. Nexus to above, there is a need to carryout detailed viability for creation of new provinces on the basis of ethno-political structures of Pakistan. VIABILITY OF NEW PROVINCES IN PAKISTAN Intro 1. Pakistan was created on the basis of two nation theory. The only bond which connected the people from various regions and classes/casts was the religion. Both the states opted to adopt the Government of India act 1935, which was parliamentary in nature. Since creation Pakistan faced many difficulties and amongst them, promulgation of constitution was foremost. It was very imp due to two main reasons, 1st to give direction to the political forces of all regions and 2nd to give equal and rightful representation to all ethnic groups. After approval of 1st constitution, federal system of Government was chosen for Pakistan, with max autonomy to provinces in mind. Over a period of time, we kept on switching between democratic and martial law regimes, and virtually no one political system has been able to flourish. Resultantly this gave the worst set back of history to Pakistan in 1973. 2. Provincial structuring of Pakistan in its present shape based on linguistic diversity (Punjabi, Baluchi, Sindhi and Pakhtuns) as the factor of territorial equation was probably not kept in view at the time of independence. Thus administrative units were contrived with ethnic units keeping intact. This fact was realized in earlier timeframe and a system of one unit was introduced. However, that too failed and the present structure came into being as described in constitution of 1973. The issue has regained prominence on renaming of North West Frontier Province (NWFP) as Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) and the reaction in its Hazara Division. It gave added impetus to the demand of a separate province in southern parts of Punjab due to prevailing political wrangling of various parties for their vested interests, resurfacing the demand for Bhawalpur and Seraiki provinces since the break-up of one unit in 1970. The demands may set in motion trend for other provinces in rest of the country for which many proposals are already being trumpeted. However, there is a requirement to deliberate upon these proposals on ethno political basis for an ultimate decision in the national interest. Aim 3. To carryout in depth analysis for creation of new provinces on ethno political structural basis in Pakistan and proffer suitable way fwd for having more provinces. Sequence 4. Historical Perspective and Background Part 1 5. Arguments Far Against New Provinces Part 2 6. Analysis and Important Conclusions Part 3 7. Recommendations Part 4 PART- I HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE AND BACKGROUND Background of the Issue History of the issue under evaluation goes back to the time of creation of Pakistan when various princely states and territories formed part of Pakistan as separate entities within the new creation. The periodical changes hitherto in the status of these princely states and territories have given reasons to think for a possible change in the existing administrative structure / division of the country. The administrative units of Pakistan as of today are[update] derived from the administrative units inherited from British India. From independence in 1947 to 1971, Pakistan comprised two wings separated by 1600 kilometers of Indian Territory. The eastern wing comprised the single province of East Bengal. The western wing was formed from three full provinces i.e then NWFP, West Punjab and Sind, one Chief Commissioners Province (Baluchistan), thirteen princely states and parts of Kashmir. In 1948, the area around Karachi was separated from Sind Province to form the Federal Capital Territory. In 1950 name of West Punjab was changed to Punjab. The four princely states of southwest Pakistan formed the Baluchistan States Union in 1952. The One Unit policy was enforced in 1955, whereby the provinces and princely states of the western wing were merged to form the new province of West Pakistan with Lahore as the provincial capital. Simultaneously East Bengal was renamed as East Pakistan with Dhaka as the provincial capital. In 1960 the federal capital was moved from Karachi to Rawalpindi and then to Islamabad when it was completed, followed in 1961 by the merger of the Federal Capital Territory into West Pakistan. West Pakistan was dissolved in 1970 by President Yahya Khan and four new provinces were created. East Pakistan became independent in December 1971 as the new country of Bangladesh. In 1974 the last of the princely states (Hunza and Nagar) were finally abolished and their territory merged with the Gilgit Agency to form the Northern Areas and later as Gilgit Baltistan province. The Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) was formed from parts of Hazara, districts of Peshawar and Dera Ismail Khan in 1975. The status of the Islamabad area was changed to a capital territory in 1981. In 2010, the NWFP changed its name to KPK. This change of name regenerated the notion of creating more provinces in Pakistan on various factors and drivers. The present day Pakistans administrative units [1] is as under:-:- Ser Administrative Unit Population Area (Km ²) Population Density (Per Km ²) a. Baluchistan Province 4.8% 39.3% 18.9 b. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province 12.9% 8.5% 238.1 c. Punjab Province 53.7% 23.3% 358.5 d. Sindh Province 22.2% 16.0% 216 e. Islamabad Capital Territory 0.6% 0.1% 888.8 f. Federally Administered Tribal Areas 2.3% 3.1% 116.7 g. Azad Kashmir 2.2%[ 1.5% 223.6 h. Gilgit-Baltistan 1.3% 8.2% 24.8 Total 100% 100% 193.9 The issue of the creation of new provinces has become an ardent debate; it has started with the KPK (Hazara) and Punjab (Saraiki and Bahawalpur) but may not begin or end thereafter. While supporting the creation of new provinces may appear an easy way out for the politicians, it is going to be a difficult task to actually carve them out. Once the genie is out it will not be possible to force it back into the bottle. Like creation of new districts, addition of provinces would become a political appeasement tool in a run up to each election. At the end of the day, country is likely to end up having a provincial map very close to an existing administrative entity called Division.Pakistan-New-Provinces.jpg Political Structure of Pakistan Federal Form of Government and Implications on Provinces. Pakistan is a federation by constitution 1973. The 1st and foremost feature of the federalism is the existence of two sets of constitution including national / state and regional or provincial. Each is free to function within its own defined field. Various features of the federal system, which are its essence and clearly indicate our limitations, are as under:- It maintains a written constitution which establish the relationship between federations various elements. Division of powers between federation and various entities is on regional / territorial basis and written in law. It does not have some specific formula and every country has made it as per its own requirements. Federal system believes in de-centralized of powers. Common features including the existence of independent judiciary. It is an attempt in heterogeneous societies to promote coop and coordinated in the social, political, economy and administration fields as well as respect and accommodation of diversity for various constituent units. Certain factors which facilitate the smooth function of federalism including:- Units must share the sense of community. There should be no sharp inequality in size, resources and population. Equitable sharing of economy resources. Geographical contiguity. Democratic form of Government and greater decentralization. Political Populous Support in Various Provinces for Different Political Parties. The passage of 18th amendment and the change in the name of NWFP to KPK has arose a sense of deprivation in the people of Hazara which resulted in the sudden increase in the pace of the movement for the demand of Hazara province for which more than a dozen people lost their lives in April 2010 . In the same vain the Nawab of Bahawalpur paced up his demand for a separate province the Saraiky province seekers want to make two districts of KPK and 19 districts of Southern Punjab to make their province. Will it be possible in the light of current party position in Punjab assembly to acquire two third votes for the division of the province? Moreover The government that already have the blood of dozen innocent people of Hazara on its hands can be perceived to allow its two districts to be taken by someone else? All this shows that our motherland is going towards a series of constitutional, political ethnic and financial crisis, which are anticipated as the adverse effects of the creation of new provinces in Pakistan. Meanwhile the master stroke of the chief minister of Punjab (his statement of bifurcating Sindh) has further heated this political debate and has exposed many faces believing more in regionalism than in nationalism. Following have to be considered:- There will be a new debate of the division of revenues, new provincial consolidated funds should be created irrespective of the fact whether the newly created provinces are able to make their way or they will prove to be another liability on the federation. Let us say that the government admits to the demands of the new provinces, what will be the result? More ethnic movements will arise and different ethnicities will ask for separate province on the bases of their ethnicity, some pressure groups will press hard for the creation of new provinces that will severely undermine the already divided sense of nation hood. The creation of new provinces on the bases of ethnicity will be another blow to the already in questioned ideology of Pakistan. Moreover many Nawabs of the states (that exceeded to Pakistan after its independence) will follow the footsteps of Nawab of Bahawalpur that will create another dilemma. If the creation of new provinces will not result in the automatic improvement of the management, if the creation of more administrative units on ethnic lines is going to endanger the sense of nation hood, if more provinces cannot help in bridging the gulf between the ruler and the ruled and if the multiplication of the number of federating units is anticipated to create more constitutional problems that would require another 64 years to solve them then why this frenzy of the creation of new provinces in Pakistan has been created at the time when the land of pure is already in crises. Punjab its Political Dynamics with ref to Creation of Sarikistan Province. Alone Punjab accounts for over more than 50% of the population of the country while Balochistan which is having around 50% of the countrys whole area, is having only 5% of the population. With the movement of Hazara province and 18th amendment there come up a sudden demand for Sareiki Province including two districts of KPK and 19 districts of Punjab. There are three major political parties having different views:- PML (N). This party is not in favour of creation of provinces in Punjab, rather want to have broader consideration. Party wants to have more no of provinces on administration grounds and irrespective of the demands of people. PML (Q). It is an imp actor in this scene. It is in favour of separate province in the southern part of Punjab to capitalize on its popularity for political reasons. PPP. Again just to lower the popularity and Government of PML (N), they are in favor of creation of this province. Other Political Parities. Many small political parties such as MQM, Jamat-e-Islami and JUI does not have considerable influence due to less no of seats in provincial assembly. Change of Political Affiliations. Most of the MNAs keep on switching their political affiliations as per the popular sentiments. This is not for want of the betterment of people rather it is for self served future political benefits. This trend is more pronounced like once elections are nearing. PART-II ARGUMENTS FAR AGAINST NEW PROVINCES Proposals and Political Demands [2] There are many proposals for creation of more provinces in Pakistan. Whereas, each exponent has logic in support of the proposal, these require deliberation before taking a final decision in national interest. Besides many voices, most prominent are from Mr.Javaid Hashmi who is a renowned Seraiki politician in Multan, the largest city in the Seraiki belt. He has on previous occasions supported the creation of new provinces in order to improve governance quality and adm efficiency and had implied support for a Seraiki province. According to Hashmi, a province should be created which incl Multan and Bahawalpur, adding that in the future to solve problems Karachi, Lahore and Quetta could also be made into provinces [3] . The PML-N has approved in principle the formation of new provinces strictly on adm basis Summary of various proposals appeared in media is as fol [4] :- Proposal Exponent Motive Remarks Restoration of former Bahawalpur Province Muhammad Ali Durrani, PML(Q) Ijaz-ul-Haq (PML(Q) Political History Creation of Seraiki Province from Punjab PML (Q) and PPP Political Linguistic Creation of Hazara Province from KPK Hazara Province Political History Linguistic Creating more provinces from Punjab alone on history / linguistic basis Mr Ayaz Amir Linguistic Creating province from Sindh for Karachi and Hyderabad MQM (Initial Stance) Political Ethnic Creating more provinces on administrative grounds Mr Nawaz Sharif, PML(N) Salim Saifullah, PML (LM) Administrative Creating more provinces from all provinces PML (N) MNA Javed Hashmi, PML(N) Political Administration Case for new provinces is also based on the continuous neglect of the far flung areas by successive regimes and marginalization of people residing on peripheries of existing provinces in terms of economic development builds a strong case for creation of smaller units especially with the high population density in certain areas making the quality of service delivery by existing mechanisms poorer and poorer. In fact this panel feels that one major cause of poor governance is failure to create new provinces. As such the following points also merit attention:- Population Growth. The 180 million population with 60 million plus alone in Punjab demands creation of new provinces to develop the areas lagging behind current provincial headquarters / big cities in particular. Spatial Disparities. It is critical that the new provinces are created to remove spatial disparities, develop infrastructure; set up schools, colleges, hospitals. The creation of new provinces will allow the structured development of areas hitherto fore in a state of utter neglect due to lack of time out their urgent needs. Over Burdened Politicians / Bureaucrats. Paucity of time with elected representatives / bureaucrats to entertain issues confronting residents of peripheral areas. The creation of new provinces will speed up focused dev; dispel feelings of marginalization and deprivation by the people who have to wait for days in provincial capitals to get a hearing from the elected representatives and bureaucrats who are busy in the issues confronting mega cities like Karachi, Lahore and the unique law and order issues of Peshawar and Quetta. Comparative Study [5] India. In India, on the other hand language was used as a basis of provincial divisions. As such, India reorganized and created more provinces on the basis of language. In Pakistan, the governments in power felt that language was not an acceptable basis or legitimate source of identity and the creation of new provinces were continuously opposed. The criteria for new provinces on the basis of language were felt to be a potential cause of political destabilization. As such demand/creation of language-based provinces was considered as taboo. Apart from their core communities, these provinces contained large ethnic minorities, which retained provincial aspirations of their own, e.g. Pakhtuns in Balochistan, Mohajirs (Urdu speaking migrants from India) in Sindh, Siraiki-speakers in south Punjab and Hindko-speakers in the Hazara division of NWFP. More over in Pakistan there is a requirement for a two-third majority in the two houses of parliament to create a new province, along with consen t in the assembly of the provinces concerned. These requirements have made the creation of a new province extremely difficult. In contrast in India, a simple majority of the LokSabha is required while opinion of the state legislature has to be sought. USA. In case of USA, there are 50 states and each state has its own constitution, however, the federation has its control through a federal presidential form of government with the Congress and the Senate. Afghanistan. Afghanistan, our next door neighbour has 29 provinces for a population of about 28 million. The division of Afghanistan into provinces is based on ethnic and tribal affinities and these provinces are controlled by the ruler in Kabul historically. The ruler in Kabul always managed these provinces through the tribal hierarchy. Afghanistan has been subjected to revolutions, civil wars, insurgencies and invasions but the unity of Afghanistan remained intact due to large number of smaller provinces. Other Examples. While large unequal provinces are always prone to breed and fuel secessionist mind-sets, smaller provinces serve as a safety valve against such tendencies. Nigeria, facing religion-bases secessionist war in Biafra Region in 1960s solved this problem by forming smaller provinces. Most of the large and medium sized countries in todays world have divided themselves into smaller provinces or states as administrative units. Examples are:- China 34 provinces, India 28 states and seven union territories, Iran 30 provinces, Indonesia 33, Egypt 26, France 26, Germany 16, Nigeria 38, Philippines 80, Thailand 78, Turkey 81 and UK 114 counties. Looking at the systems of other developed and developing countries, we find ourselves a unique example of federation with almost no parallel anywhere in the world. No country, roughly equal to Pakistan geographical or population size, has so few and such large provinces [6] . In an unequal setup, no method of government will work. It is a system designed for paralysis which we are already experiencing. Rationale / Necessity [7] for Having New Provinces The neglect of the far flung areas and marginalization of people residing on peripherys of existing provinces in terms of economic development form a major necessity resulting in demand for more provinces. Other reasons are:- Exponential Growth. Pakistan is the sixth most populous country in the world. The exponential growth in population demands creation of new provinces to improve service delivery. Neglect of Peripheral Areas. Neglect of many parts due to attention to provincial capitals and big cities resulted in poor governance and said neglect of the peripheral areas by successive Governments. Removal of Disparities. Need to remove special disparities. Develop infrastructure; set up schools, colleges and hospitals. New Province creation likely to speed up focused development and dispels feeling of marginalization / deprivation. Opportunities for less Privileged. Creation of more provinces is thought to provide more opportunities for the less privileged classes. End of Dynasty based Politics. It may lead to ending dynasty-based politics in the country which on rise at the moment. Ease of Access. On administrative grounds to facilitate poor masses to have access to line departments close to their localities. Grass Roots Level Empowerment. Creating more provinces would empower people at grassroots level to facilitate the people at their doorsteps. Creative use of Ethnic Diversities. Unnatural unity tends to strengthen sub-identities and have often weakened the commitment to Pakistani identity. Ethnic diversities, being inerasable components of the human genome, cannot be cured and hence must be endured. In fact, must be celebrated and managed creatively. De-centralization of Power. De-centralization of power to the provinces is necessary. In a decentralized system, local representatives make local autonomous decisions towards achievement of its local goals aimed to culminate into national good. Governance improvement. Creation of more provinces may lead to possible improvement in governance. Enhancement of Unity of Nation. Splitting provinces into more compact, efficient and effective units has the benefit of reducing the importance of provinces, which interfere with the cohesion of the country as one nation. Adm, Log and Cultural Harmony. Once the country will be divided into more compact smaller units, than it will have positive effs. So more provinces are likely to ensure the smooth administrative, logistic and cultural harmony. Estb of the Writ of the State. Failure of the state to establish its writ in many parts of the country has created a situation where far-flung neglected populations are in danger of shifting their allegiances to the terrorists, extremists and criminals. Greater Homogeneity. Creation of more provinces will afford greater homogeneity. This homogeneity will benefit the country in overall progress. Reduction of Congestion in Big Cities. More provinces means more developed cities and all the population congestion towards Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar and Quetta will be reduced. Distribution of Resources. Distribution of provinces into more compact and smaller units, if coordinated and agreed will result into better distribution of resources. Pakistani Nationalism. It will give rise to Pakistani nationalism rather than Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto or Balochi, if the division is not based on languages. Filtration of Bad Politicians. It probably will allow the politician to seriously work for their people once they dont have big brother Punjab to blame for deprivation and problems. Rationale / Necessity for Not Having New Provinces [8] There however are certain impediments which may hinder creation of more provinces. Details are as following:- Stress on Pakistani Nationhood. Fear of the stress that they may exert on the untested foundations of Pakistani nationhood. People were killed in rioting leading up to a mere change of name from NWFP to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Rise to Ethnicity. May give further rise to ethnicity. Creation of more provinces on the basis of ethnicity exacerbates the feeling of isolation. This is a self-destructive tendency. Creating new provinces may affect Pakistans unity like it did to Yugoslavia. Problem of Adm and Pol Realities. Ethnic aspirations cause problems to recognize administrative and political realities. Every ethnic aspiration does not justify a province. If the move to make new provinces catches roots, Pakistan would be de-novo decimated into several petty ethnic provinces. Equality of Geography and Population. The degree of equality of geographical and population sizes across provinces may not be a balanced one giving rise to problems of its own. Sindhi Nationalist Ideology. Sindhi nationalists strongly oppose division of Sindh. Economy Difficulties. Raising funds locally would be difficult particularly under the current not so healthy state of Pakistans economy. Size. There is no definition of correct size of a province or state. Division of Punjab. Punjab plays a major part in Pakistan politics and its division may not be accepted by influential politicians. Poor Institutions. Smaller provinces would have lesser human capital and civil society institutions and therefore might be susceptible to the problem of poorer institutions. Inter Provincial Struggle. The division of larger provinces may cause inter provincial struggle / friction for resource control. Balkanization. With uncontrolled increase in population growth, the country cannot be subjected to balkanization. Division of Balochistan. Pakhtun province carved out of Balochistan until the more sensitive Baloch grievances are resolved would be detrimental to Pakistans unity. However, the rationale for the creation of new provinces carries more weight due to the fact that development of areas which in the last sixty four years have been unable to show any tangible socio-economic development, the new provinces will enable them to generate their own resources, make their own decisions to address the years of neglect and lack of focus on areas away from the provincial Capitals and the big cities. PART-III OPTIONS AVAL AND ANALLYSIS Options and Analysis Above discussion straight away lead us to various options for creation of more provinces or for that matter more administrative units, which are mentioned as under:- Option-1. Declare the former administrative commensurate divisions as provinces. However, this would result in creation of over 30 provinces which in the present socio-economic and political circumstances is not viable option. Advantages Creation of more than 30 provinces. Creation of more minor administrative units. Well defined and establish boundaries. Non lingual and ethnic basis. Disadvantages More no of administrative units. More expenses. Viability of few administrative units with reference to bearing their own burden will be questionable. Distribution of resources amongst units will be difficult. Option-2. Popular option can be to create more provinces on the basis of cultural, ethnic and linguistic lines. However, such creation would have a negative impact on national cohesion. Advantages Societies will remain united as per their culture, ethnic and lingual lines. No cultural or ethnic or lingual dichotomies. Most political parties are expected to agree with that. Disadvantages Will give rise to ethnicity instead of national cohesion. Viability of few administrative units will be questionable. More expensive option. Boundary demarcation will be disputed. Option-3. Another option of creating new provinces is base
Education And Psych :: essays research papers
Psychology in My Profession Psychology is involved in almost every job field in the modern era. Marketers use psychology to figure out how to convey their product to consumers. Car designers use psychology to give their cars features that would persuade potential buyers to choose their car. Doctors use psychology to understand their patients better. My chosen profession is education, and there are an unlimited number of applications for psychology. In teaching, psychology is the basis in which teachers understand their students. The specific area that would be most pertinent to teaching would probably be social psychology. College students basically take the same courses over their 4-year tenure in the university. But only certain students want to regurgitate the knowledge that they have acquired over the years. These are the students that have chosen teaching as their profession. The ones that want to pass on what they have learned to students need to not only be knowledgeable in their subjects, but need to know how to understand the students. If a teacher can not understand their students, then there is very little hope for the professor teaching the student anything. Understanding a student is a complex process that takes a lot of training. A teacher needs to know what the child is thinking in order to fully understand them. Teachers need to be able to communicate with the students so the student can tell the teacher what he is thinking. Another way to understand a student is to study social psychology. Social psychology is the study of the effects of people on people. More specifically, social psych observes how interactions between people affect an individual. Social psychologists study how people react in groups, emotional behavior, and attitudes and opinions of people. Since there is never a time in school when a child is alone, it is imperative that a teacher understands how children act and react when they are placed in a group or classroom. A teacher needs to understand why some kids are more outgoing, while others seem to fade away in classes. It is the teacher’s job to know the reason a child is not learning to the best of his capa bilities. Social psychology looks at these problems and researches solutions that will remedy a child’s abnormal behavior in the classroom. A teacher that is fluent in social psychology and understands the way a child thinks is much more equipped to take on the everyday problems of teaching. Education And Psych :: essays research papers Psychology in My Profession Psychology is involved in almost every job field in the modern era. Marketers use psychology to figure out how to convey their product to consumers. Car designers use psychology to give their cars features that would persuade potential buyers to choose their car. Doctors use psychology to understand their patients better. My chosen profession is education, and there are an unlimited number of applications for psychology. In teaching, psychology is the basis in which teachers understand their students. The specific area that would be most pertinent to teaching would probably be social psychology. College students basically take the same courses over their 4-year tenure in the university. But only certain students want to regurgitate the knowledge that they have acquired over the years. These are the students that have chosen teaching as their profession. The ones that want to pass on what they have learned to students need to not only be knowledgeable in their subjects, but need to know how to understand the students. If a teacher can not understand their students, then there is very little hope for the professor teaching the student anything. Understanding a student is a complex process that takes a lot of training. A teacher needs to know what the child is thinking in order to fully understand them. Teachers need to be able to communicate with the students so the student can tell the teacher what he is thinking. Another way to understand a student is to study social psychology. Social psychology is the study of the effects of people on people. More specifically, social psych observes how interactions between people affect an individual. Social psychologists study how people react in groups, emotional behavior, and attitudes and opinions of people. Since there is never a time in school when a child is alone, it is imperative that a teacher understands how children act and react when they are placed in a group or classroom. A teacher needs to understand why some kids are more outgoing, while others seem to fade away in classes. It is the teacher’s job to know the reason a child is not learning to the best of his capa bilities. Social psychology looks at these problems and researches solutions that will remedy a child’s abnormal behavior in the classroom. A teacher that is fluent in social psychology and understands the way a child thinks is much more equipped to take on the everyday problems of teaching.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Formatting Requirements for Publications :: Publishing Papers
Formatting Requirements for Publications Abstract. In this paper, we describe the formatting requirements for CSCL 2005 publications, and we offer a number of suggestions on writing style for the worldwide CSCL readership. These instructions pertain to the published component of submissions only. Some submissions may require other documentation in addition to the published paper. Keywords: Guidelines, formatting instructions, author's kit, conference publications INTRODUCTION The CSCL 2005 Proceedings will provide a persistent record of the conference, published in both CD-ROM and paper formats. We hope to give the proceedings a uniform, high-quality appearance. To do this, we ask that authors follow some simple guidelines. In essence, we ask you to make your paper look exactly like this document. The easiest way to do this is simply to download this template and replace the content with your own text and graphics, being careful not to add any new styles or redefine the template styles. You may want to open this document in Word and then Save As â€Å"CSCL 2005†by saving the Change As Type pull-down list to Document Template. PAGE SIZE All material on each page should be centered on an A4 (8.26 x 11.69 inch) page with 2.5cm (or 1 inch) margins all around. It is important to check these margins even if you use this Word template, because they might have been overwritten by your local settings. TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES Long papers should be 8-10 pages. Short papers should be 4-5 pages. All other published material, including doctoral consortium abstracts and descriptions of interactive events and workshops, should be 2-3 pages. This includes everything: from the title to the references. FORMATTED TEXT Carefully format your submission using the following styles: Title and Authors The title (Helvetica 18-point bold), authors' names (Times New Roman 12-point bold) and affiliations (Times New Roman 12-point not-bold) run across the full width of the page. We also recommend that you add your e-mail address using the affiliations style. If only one address is needed, center all address text. For two addresses, use two centered tabs or a table (as in this paper), and so on. For more than three authors, you may have to improvise. There should be one blank Normal (10 pt.) line between the title and authors. Abstract and Keywords Place two blank Normal (10 pt.) lines after the title, followed by an abstract of about 100 words. The abstract should begin with the word â€Å"Abstract.†in bold, and should be formatted in the â€Å"Abstract†style provided in this template (like Normal, but indented 1cm each side).
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Organizational Ethics Essay -- Business Management
Market economies as ultimately embarked consumer sovereignty as the cornerstone of capitalism; further, bearing moral compasses in a pluralistic society of ethical behaviour. Hence, dictating the normative enactment of corporate social responsibility subsequently undertaken via individual businesses. Consumers under capitalism are, accordingly to ideology, the decision makers on the allocation of society’s resources (N. Smith, 1990). Echoing, mere imperatives for companies to articulate their role, scope & purpose in order to maintain their validity, reputation & self worth depends on their ability to understand their place in society (W. Visser, D. Mallen, M. Pohl, N. Tolhurst, page 101). As such, meriting thorough analysis of FirstGroup plc rather compulsion of fulfilling both ethical and corporate social responsibility in an ever evolving societal landscape will be undertaken. FirstGroup plc operates a transportation business model with a wholesome revenue stream of over  £6 billion & employs 130 000 staff throughout the UK & North America with a testimonial annual total passenger calculus of 2.5 billion and a justifiable 23% market share (UK bus and rail division). Griseri et al (2010) points out such core stakeholders of the company which are reluctantly vital for the existence and success of the company. These stakeholders form the principal resource base for the company. As FirstGroup maintain and improve their ability to on the resources held via their core stakeholders. In contrast, the second group (depicted above) relates to the company’s competitive position within the company’s particular industry and market. The main challenge for the company with this group of stakeholders is to establish and sustain relati... ...ivil society: emerging embedded relational governance beyond the (neo) liberal and welfare state models’, Journal of Corporate Governance, 5 (3), 159–74 Robert W. Kolb (2008), Encyclopedia Of Business Ethics And Society, Vol. 5, page 71 John Henry (2004), Between Enterprise and Ethics-Business and Management in a Bimoral Society, page 111 FirstGroup plc., 2010. Section 3 – Employment, . [online] FirstGroup plc Available at: [Accessed 16 December 2010]. Ghoul, S. et al, 2010. Does Corporate Social Responsibility Affect the Cost of Capital?, [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 December 2010]. Heinkel, R., A. Kraus and J. Zechner, 2001, The Effect of Green Investment on Corporate Behavior, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 36, 431-449.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Gilgamesh, Persepolis and Hamlet: Exam Paper Essay
The following are the pool from which the three (3) questions on your Midterm Exam will be culled. As explained in the syllabus you are required to keep exam journals for the Gilgamesh, Persepolis and Hamlet readings, based on the separate questions listed on Blackboard for each text. You may use your Exam Journals together with your completed Freud Vocabulary when you take the Midterm Exam 1. Both Ophelia and Marjane experience bouts of deep depression. In what ways are the conditions that contribute to their respective depressions similar and how do they differ? What, other than the difference in their temperaments, might account for each responded to her sorrows? What events led to each young woman’s depression? What were the elements that helped Marjane recover that weren’t available to Ophelia? 2. Compare and contrast the friendship between Hamlet and Horatio to that of Gilgamesh and Enkidu. How did they meet and become friends? What roles do Enkidu & Horatio play in helping Gil & Ham achieve their goals? How do Enk & Hor help their friends perceive the supernatural? Who mourns and eulogizes whom in Gil & in Hamlet? What might indicate that each relationship could have been homoerotic? 3. In what way might Freud’s concept of psychological resistance explain Gilgamesh’s response to Enkidu’s death? Hamlet’s response to the death of his father, King Hamlet? Use the technical Freudian terms for the psychological resistances and why you think they apply to each 4. Which Freudian concepts might help explain the underlying psychological reasons why the reigning mullahs instituted such harsh restrictions on the status and behavior of women in Iran? Use the technical Freudian terms for the psychological resistances and why you think they apply 5. Both Marjane and Hamlet sense that â€Å"there is something rotten†with the governance and policies of their native countries. What are the similarities and differences between how they respond to those wrongs? What did Hamlet feel was rotten in Denmark? Marjane in Iran first under the Shah then under the Ayatollahs? How did each try to avoid dealing with those conditions? How did each try to accommodate their behaviors to those conditions? What actions did each take to try and correct the wrongs they perceived? 6. Describe the advantages and challenges that Gilgamesh, Marjane and Hamlet each experienced as a result of living the dynamics of a â€Å"Dual Identity?†What ways might their experiences been similar and how did they differ What conditions drove each to assume a dual identity? What were the natures of their respective dual identities? What did their respective dual identities allow them to do and what toll did it place on them? 7. Freud observed that ancient mythology ascribes to oracles and the gods effects that he claims are manifestations of the unconscious (eg. Parapraxes and Dreams). Citing examples based on your reading of Hamlet and Gilgamesh do you agree or disagree with his claim? Might specific instances of dreams and parapraxes represent manifestations of Gil’s unconscious? Might the Ghost and his reaction to Yorik’s skull represent manifestations of Hamlet’s unconscious? 8. In Gilgamesh sex plays a civilizing function. Freud claims that our sexual urges constantly threaten civilization. What are the pros and cons of each position and can they be reconciled? After Shamhat has sex with Enkidu the animals reject him. In what ways does heterosexual coupling lead to greater civilization? In what ways does Freud indicate that our aggressive, sexual urges (Id) can subvert civilization? Are these 2 views mutually exclusive or can they be reconciled? 9. Freud claims that the OedipalElectra dynamic plays a significant role in human development. How might understanding this dynamic help us interpret Hamlet’s actions? Ophelia’s actions? How might Hamlet’s unresolved issues with Gertrude, King Hamlet and Claudius explain his actions? How might Ophelia’s lack of a mother figure and relation to Polonius explain hers? 10. Based on the typology of Joseph Campbell, Lynne Milurn describes a typology of the Hero’s Journey. A. Apply her stages to the journey of: i. Gilgamesh & Enkidu’s from the poem’s beginning thru their journey to the Cedar Forest ii. Gilgamesh’s search for immortality iii. Hamlet B. In what ways do the aspects of Marjane’s journeys correspond and how do they deviate from Milum’s typology? Indicate those elements and characters of the Hero’s Journey present in Persepolis In what ways might they not follow the progression of stages that Milum details C. Can these same stages might be applied to the psycho-analytic (From the time one realizes the need to go to a therapist til one is cured) and or psycho-sexual developmental journey (from birth to adulthood) as described by Freud?
Friday, August 16, 2019
Pens vs. Pencils Compare/Contrast
You are in the middle of writing the best story of your life. Every word is rolling out of you with ease; you feel as if nothing could stop this continuous flow of ideas, and then snap! That’s the sound of your pencil lead breaking. You get up to sharpen the utensil, but find that you have no way of doing so. You get out a small pocket knife and begin frantically whittling the end, hoping to see some sign of the soft graphite showing, so that you may continue your story, which is quickly evaporating from your brain.As you wait in the hospital emergency room, blood dripping from your punctured hand, you realize that you will never remember the end of the story you were writing, and you think to yourself, â€Å"Could anything be worse? Would a pen have saved my finger? †Well, my answer: Maybe. You make many decisions throughout your life, but one quandary that presents itself on a daily basis is the decision between writing with a pen or a pencil. Although both a pencil and pen function in very nearly the same way, there exist some key differences between the two. Pens and pencils are similar in a large number of ways.First, they both are used for writing and are essentially the same cylindrical shape. Also, they will both eventually, if used enough, be rendered useless: the pen by running out of ink, the pencil by running out of lead. Both a pen and a pencil can be relatively cheap to purchase also, and both can be erased, although the mark of a pen is often more difficult to remove. Recognizing all of these similarities, one may begin to think that pens and pencils are nearly the same, but this is far from true. One major way in which a pen and pencil differ is in the length of usage.Many pencils are quick to break, requiring sharpening again and again, while you are forced to watch helplessly as your new pencil quickly transmutes into an embarrassing stump of a writing utensil. Pens, on the other hand, never require sharpening, and they will oft en last days and days longer than even the best of pencils. This is not even to mention the annoyance of losing a brand new pencil eraser the first time you use it, because it decides, instead of yielding neatly and doing its job of effacing the misplaced mark, to completely snap off when the lightest of pressures is applied.Surely, the reader is familiar with this hazard and can see that the longer length of usage provided by a pen far outweighs the, some might say, advantage of the erasability of pencils. The major difference that can be noticed between these two utensils is more subtle. In regards to the feeling in the hand of the movement of the writing utensil, the difference between writing with a pen compared with using a pencil is nearly the same as the comparison between writing with a smooth, brand new Expo marker and scraping your sharpened nails down a two hundred-year-old crusty chalkboard.One is smooth, the other is not, and gratingly so. Many people prefer pens for ex actly this reason: the smooth feeling of writing with one. Where pencils can be rough and, if poorly sharpened, irritatingly dull, pens rarely fail to provide a smooth writing experience. Pens and pencils, though seemingly very similar, in fact, have a few major differences, and these differences show the advantages of using a pen. A pen will not normally break and will last a lot longer than a pencil.Pens also provide a smoother writing experience and do not give a feeling of scraping a chiseled piece of rock against your work. So, next time you have the decision to make between a pen and pencil, choose wisely, and remember these words if you make the wrong decision and end up in the hospital with your whittling knife stuck in the pad of you hand with the best story you have ever contrived slowly erasing itself from your mind. Pens vs. Pencils Compare/Contrast You are in the middle of writing the best story of your life. Every word is rolling out of you with ease; you feel as if nothing could stop this continuous flow of ideas, and then snap! That’s the sound of your pencil lead breaking. You get up to sharpen the utensil, but find that you have no way of doing so. You get out a small pocket knife and begin frantically whittling the end, hoping to see some sign of the soft graphite showing, so that you may continue your story, which is quickly evaporating from your brain.As you wait in the hospital emergency room, blood dripping from your punctured hand, you realize that you will never remember the end of the story you were writing, and you think to yourself, â€Å"Could anything be worse? Would a pen have saved my finger? †Well, my answer: Maybe. You make many decisions throughout your life, but one quandary that presents itself on a daily basis is the decision between writing with a pen or a pencil. Although both a pencil and pen function in very nearly the same way, there exist some key differences between the two. Pens and pencils are similar in a large number of ways.First, they both are used for writing and are essentially the same cylindrical shape. Also, they will both eventually, if used enough, be rendered useless: the pen by running out of ink, the pencil by running out of lead. Both a pen and a pencil can be relatively cheap to purchase also, and both can be erased, although the mark of a pen is often more difficult to remove. Recognizing all of these similarities, one may begin to think that pens and pencils are nearly the same, but this is far from true. One major way in which a pen and pencil differ is in the length of usage.Many pencils are quick to break, requiring sharpening again and again, while you are forced to watch helplessly as your new pencil quickly transmutes into an embarrassing stump of a writing utensil. Pens, on the other hand, never require sharpening, and they will oft en last days and days longer than even the best of pencils. This is not even to mention the annoyance of losing a brand new pencil eraser the first time you use it, because it decides, instead of yielding neatly and doing its job of effacing the misplaced mark, to completely snap off when the lightest of pressures is applied.Surely, the reader is familiar with this hazard and can see that the longer length of usage provided by a pen far outweighs the, some might say, advantage of the erasability of pencils. The major difference that can be noticed between these two utensils is more subtle. In regards to the feeling in the hand of the movement of the writing utensil, the difference between writing with a pen compared with using a pencil is nearly the same as the comparison between writing with a smooth, brand new Expo marker and scraping your sharpened nails down a two hundred-year-old crusty chalkboard.One is smooth, the other is not, and gratingly so. Many people prefer pens for ex actly this reason: the smooth feeling of writing with one. Where pencils can be rough and, if poorly sharpened, irritatingly dull, pens rarely fail to provide a smooth writing experience. Pens and pencils, though seemingly very similar, in fact, have a few major differences, and these differences show the advantages of using a pen. A pen will not normally break and will last a lot longer than a pencil.Pens also provide a smoother writing experience and do not give a feeling of scraping a chiseled piece of rock against your work. So, next time you have the decision to make between a pen and pencil, choose wisely, and remember these words if you make the wrong decision and end up in the hospital with your whittling knife stuck in the pad of you hand with the best story you have ever contrived slowly erasing itself from your mind.
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