Wednesday, December 25, 2019
India Technological University For Projects - 1702 Words
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are utmost thankful to Gujarat Technological University for including projects in our curriculum. We as students have learned a lot and will continue doing so for the rest of the time period of the project. Thanks to our internal guide Prof. Parita Giri for a search-light guidance in our project. They helped us quite for project and report both. Special thanks to our HOD C.D. Kotawal for opening up a new way of seeing things and doing projects. With his unflinching directions and clear mind he illuminated us. And last but not the least our parents and friends for their patience, love and care while we dragged through this venture. For standing by us in toughest of time, we thank them. Above all, to GOD, almighty, we bow and lay down our sincere prayers and thank him. ABSTRACT The project is designed to minimize penalty for industrial units by using automatic power factor correction unit with the help of zig-bee. Power factor is defined as the ratio of real power to apparent power. This definition is often mathematically represented as KW/KVA, where the numerator is the active (real) power and the denominator is the (active + reactive) or apparent power. Reactive power is the non working power generated by the magnetic and inductive loads, to generate magnetic flux. The increase in reactive power increases the apparent power, so the power factor also decreases. Having low power factor, the industry needsShow MoreRelatedA Project Report On India Technological University1258 Words  | 6 PagesGUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY (GTU) NOBLE GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS Affiliated with GTU A Project Report On â€Å"FACTs BY SVC†Prepared as a part of the requirements for the subject of PROJECT-I B.E., Semester – VII ( Electrical ) Submitted by: Sr. Name of student Enrollment No. 1. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Cancer Is A Disease Of Cancer - 2627 Words
Introduction Cancer is a disease that takes many forms and affects a multitude of people in the world. The specific type of malignancy will determine the proper course of treatment to take to deal with the illness. The most prevalent type of cancer in males between the ages 15 to 34 is testicular cancer (Cavayero et al., 2015). As a result, this is also the most common cancer in young men around the world and the cause of 1-2% of all male tumors (Carey et al., 2015). In the US, we see around 9000 new testicular cancer diagnoses made per year (Agarwal et al., 2015). However, even with the malignancy’s prevalence in the world, testicular cancer is one of the great success stories in the advancement of treatments and cures. Due to the effectiveness of different treatments, testicular cancer has about a 98% 5-year survival rate and a very positive prognosis when detected early on (Cavayero et al., 2015). Some of the standard treatment options used by patients in the course of their disease are orchiectomies, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and active surveillance (Meyts et al., 2013). In addition, retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND) is another surgical option that is becoming a more common and viable option for patients (Dudderidge, 2014). However, even with the high rates of success and remission, we see many potential long-term physical and psychological effects from the disease and it’s treatments. Background Research has shown that germ cell cancer of the testis isShow MoreRelatedThe Disease Of Cancer And Cancer975 Words  | 4 PagesCancer is the name given to a collection of many diseases. Cancer is uncontrolled cell division due to genetic changes that interfere the cell cycle and activate cell division. The cancer start in any part of the human body, such as in blood, lung, and colon. Cancers are different in the ways they spread and grow. Cancers types have its own characteristics. The general characteristics of Cancers are they work in the absence of growth factors, make their own growth factors, don’t respond to the signalRead MoreIs Cancer A Disease?2564 Words  | 11 PagesCancer is a disease that is hard to define in one aspect because how it is defined is ever changing due to new unravelings every day, and each individual s interpretation. Public awareness and misinterpretations make it even harder to define the disease, yet the public is the most fundamental aspe ct needed to spread knowledge of the impending epidemic and fund it’s defeat. Researchers have been attempting to overcome public speculation and funding obstacles many. To do so, these laborers must redefineRead MoreCancer : A Type Of Disease1203 Words  | 5 PagesResearch Paper: Cancer Cancer, is a type of disease that involves abnormal cell growth and has the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. 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For one, cancer is ofRead MoreCancer Is A Disease Of The Cells865 Words  | 4 PagesCancer is a disease of the cells, Inside all cells are coded instructions for making new cells and controlling how cells behave. These coded instructions are genes. Abnormal changes in genes can turn normal ovarian cells to cancer cells. Normal cells grow and divided to make new cells. New cells are made as the body needs them to replace injured or dying cells. When normal cells grow old or get damaged, they die. Cancer cells don’t do that. The changes in genes causes cancer cells to make too manyRead MoreBreast Cancer : A Disease1737 Words  | 7 PagesWyrick 1 Leah Wyrick Ms. Basinger AP Language and Composition 12 May 2017 Breast Cancer Breast cancer is a disease in which most commonly occurs in all women no matter their size, shape, race, or ethnicity. About one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer every year, a fatal disease if not discovered early. 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Even though family and friends can be good caregivers for love, ones with cancer if they receive the proper educational training. Some people are unable to be caregivers for cancer patients, because being caregivers for patients with cancer are too emotionally, financially, and physically demanding for familyRead MoreCancer Is Not A Single Disease?1692 Words  | 7 PagesCancer has been an undeniably terrible disease and with no known way to prevent cancer it has taken the lives of many and has no intentions to cease. Cancer, defined by The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, is â€Å"Not a single disease but a group of about 100 diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells, many of which form masses (tumors), and the ability of those cells to spread by way of the circulatory and lymphatic systems from the original site to distant parts ofRead MoreCancer Is A Deadly Disease1554 Words  | 7 PagesIntro Cancer is a deadly disease that affects many people year in and year out. Cancer continues to be a huge problem and affect not only the cancer patients live but their loved ones. It’s caused millions of deaths over the years, and hopefully one day society will find a cure. We can honestly say the disease is foreign due to how many different forms there are of it and the fact that we’ve yet to find a remedy. Even with all the different treatments for cancer it still is causing a prompt decline
Sunday, December 8, 2019
A Pair Of Tickets By Amy Tan free essay sample
Essay, Research Paper Amy Tan is an writer who uses the subject of Chinese-American life, concentrating chiefly on mother-daughter relationships, where the female parent is an immigrant from China and the girl is a exhaustively Americanized # 8211 ; yellow on the surface and white underneath. In her book, the female parent tries to convey their rich history and bequest to her girl, who is about wholly nescient of their heritage, while the girl efforts to understand her hopelessly old- fashioned female parent, who now seems to harbour a secret wisdom, who, in the terminal, is right about everything all along. At the gap of the narrative # 8220 ; A Pair of Tickets # 8221 ; Jandale Woo and her male parent are on a train, the are destined for China. Their first halt will be Guangzhou, China where he father will reunite with his long lost aunt. After sing with her for a twenty-four hours they plan to take a plane to Shanghai, China where Jandale will run into her two half sisters for the first clip. We will write a custom essay sample on A Pair Of Tickets By Amy Tan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is both a blissful clip and yet a clip of compunction, Jandale has come to China to happen her Chinese roots that her female parent told her she possessed, and to run into her two duplicate half sisters whom her female parent had to abandon on her effort to fly from the Japanese.Some people have no chance to acquire to cognize their heritage and their long lost household members. Jandale nevertheless, had about waited her full life to link with her heritage and her household. She was willing to see China and meet with her two half sisters merely in acknowledgment to her female parent # 8217 ; s wants. Jandale should hold been delighted to hold the chance to see China and acquire to cognize her roots and her household. The subject to this narrative was efficaciously treated in that the reader could see the reunion of the sisters, but yet could experience hurting and grieve interior of themselves.Having the narrative take topographic point in China, helped it to go more realistic for the reader. The reader can experience as Jandale tra ces her Chinese roots and becomes in touch with her heritage and her past. It is also possible for the reader to place themselves in the same situation and experience the feelings that are being portrayed by the characters. The reader can certainly sense the joyful and the sorrowful events and their hearts can be touched by the happiness and the pain.The main character in the story is Jandale Woo; she is the one the reader becomes a part of because it is her life that is mostly being affected. When her mother told her that she would one day feel her Chinese blood, she never believed it, but now the reader can get a perception of her understanding her Chinese roots and believing in what her mother has told her. Although Jandale was not born and raised in China like her mother she now has a grasp on her life and on her mothers life too.The story is told through the eyes of Jandale, a Chinese-American women attempting to learn of her Chinese culture and her mothers past. Women readers may relate to this story more than the men because it is told by a woman character. Men may not connect to the experiences of a mother withdrawing from her own children to save their own lives. I, myself being a young women reader can connect with the pain that is felt throughout the story considerably better than a young man could.Learning about family heritage is something people do not always understand, like Jandale people do not always want to believe their past and the past of their families. When coming to an understanding of their past, people can lay to rest their urging thoughts and can come in closer contact to their present life. Now that Jandale has meet her sisters, she can now make peace in her life knowing that she has fulfilled her dreams and the dreams of her mother. She can now lay to rest the thought of her mother never seeing her twin daughters again and continue on with her existing life.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Salim Group free essay sample
The focus of the Salim Group’s operations adapted to Indonesia’s economic policies and shifted from trading to manufacturing, and ultimately diversified into a series of unrelated sectors. Following the fall of Suharto and the 1997 Asian financial crisis, the Salim Group has continued to internationalize its portfolio with Liem’s son, Anthony Salim, as the group’s chief executive. Currently, the Salim Group’s main holdings are in food, media, automotive, property and telecom with aggregated revenues estimated at 14 billion USD in 2012. The biggest companies in the portfolio include First Pacific Ltd. , Indofood and Indomobil. The competitive landscape consists of other multinational companies and Indonesian conglomerates on a group level, and industry specific competitors in each distinct business field. Although certain elements of the Salim Group are comparable to the traditional Chinese family business, such as its extensive network of relationships, through adaptations to this model, including the professionalization of management and business, an open and informal culture, and a decision-making process supported by strict internal monitoring procedures, the group has been able to achieve significantly greater scale and success. We will write a custom essay sample on Salim Group or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Anthony Salim has already dictated the firm’s future strategy, which entails an expansion throughout Australia-ASEAN-China (‘Axis of Prosperity’), a portfolio focus on industries known to the group, and the development of local managers for regional adaptation. Going forward, the Salim Group should closely consider changes in the institutional environment of ASEAN countries, succession planning, and the centralization of control, as well as both the benefits and concerns associated with its Axis of Prosperity expansion. 1. History of the Salim Group The historical events of the Salim Group can be classified into three phases that the Indonesian conglomerate experienced. These phases are broadly grouped time periods that share characteristics and observe similar trends. We begin by examining the first phase of the Salim Group’s accomplished history, which includes the actions that led to the creation of the company and its earliest business activities. Prior to the Second World War, Liem Sioe Liong immigrated to Indonesia from China’s Fujian province. When Liem arrived in Central Java, there was already an existing and organized Chinese community. This is a direct reflection of the increase in Indonesia’s Chinese immigrant population, a group considered to be economically higher than the local Javanese as they were used by the colonists as intermediaries and traders. The importance of Liem’s ethnicity will be discussed in later sections. Liem began trading and lending in the early 1940’s before the Japanese occupation. Similar to many Chinese immigrants, Liem abandoned his Chinese name and adopted the Indonesian-sounding Sudono Salim, hereafter referred to as Sudono. Shortly after the Japanese occupation in 1942, Sudono engaged in Dangbangke trading, which consisted of smuggling small goods with bicycles. At the same time, Sudono started a family and fathered both Anthony Salim and Andre Halim, two sons that would eventually play a prominent role in the Salim Group. It is in the 1940’s that the Salim Group was founded; however, sources do not specify the exact commercial nature that Sudono pursued. After the Japanese occupation, Sudono actively supported the Indonesian Independence movement who were fighting the Dutch army. Sudono was part of the Futsing Hwee movement and helped hide revolutionary leader Hasan Din, the father-in-law of Sukarno, for over a year. This would prove to be an important connection for Sudono as the Indonesian nationalists won independence and enabled Sudono to resume trading commodities such as peanut oil, cloves, and coffee. Through his connection with Hasan Din, Sudono was labeled as a â€Å"trustworthy supplier of the military†. As a result, Sudono profited from helping the Indonesian army both during and after their independence movement (Dieleman, 2007b). Following independence, Sukarno took over Indonesia in 1957 and implemented a closed economic policy that rejected foreign capital and focused on creating a greater role for government nationalism (Dieleman, 2006). Although Sukarno’s policies attempted to favor indigenous businessmen with his Benteng program, Sudono and Indonesia’s Chinese minority economically dominated the country. Sudono moved his family to Jakarta where he would continue to supply the Indonesian army. In addition, Sudono develop several business partnerships outside of his family network with other Chinese immigrants. Dieleman points out that the Salim Group began to rapidly diversify because of Sudono’s belief that â€Å"all businesses are good†(Dieleman, 2007, p. ?). The group continued to develop textiles, became the army’s supplier of soap and purchased the Bank of Central Asia (BCA), which would grow to be Indonesia’s largest bank. The group’s â€Å"business ventures adapted to the unpredictable environment and grew by taking the opportunities as they came, without a focused business strategy†(Dieleman, 2007b). Here it can be seen that Sudono’s activities shifted from trading to manufacturing and financing. Indonesia’s political environment changed again as Suharto seized power from Sukarno in 1967. By this time, Sudono had already established large businesses and built up a powerful network of political elite. President Suharto’s New Order policy opened up private and foreign investment for many of Indonesia’s commercial industries. Sudono utilized his connections with Suharto to acquire licenses that gave him exclusive rights over certain strategic exports. In addition, Sudono kept close ties with the Indonesian Army, which was now the dominant political force. Suharto implemented policies aimed at rapid industrialization from 1970 onward that also promoted import substitution. As a result, the Salim Group expanded to include domestic flour milling, cement and automobile production. Each of these industries had established favourable conditions that encouraged domestic production through government programs. The Salim Group had companies in highly diverse sectors and profited from the wave of Indonesia’s industrialization (Dieleman, 2006). See figure 1 to see the Salim Group’s growth during Indonesia’s industrialization. 1. 2 Phase Two: Transition to the Second Generation The next phase of the Salim Group is distinguished from the previous period of unrelated diversification, a common characteristic of Chinese family businesses. In 1972, the Salim Group stopped randomly diversifying and Sudono’s strategy shifted by targeting select industries rather than being driven solely by opportunity (Dieleman, 2006). The purpose of this shift was to decrease the group’s dependency on government contacts and enable internalization. Dielmans highlights that overseas partners in Japan helped the Salim Group by providing both technology and knowledge to the company. This is likely a result of Akamatsu’s proposed flying geese strategy (Bu, 2012a). In addition, Anthony Salim and other family members joined the business in 1972 to help manage the sheer number and diversity of the companies that the Salim Group owned. However, most of Sudono’s business partners were Chinese immigrants, stemming from the bamboo network of overseas Chinese across Asia. The Salim Group continued to grow and engage in commercial activities on a much larger scale. This was aided by the government’s changing policy from import substitution to export led growth, following the pattern of many NIEs and other ASEAN governments. In addition, the Salim Group continued steady growth through the 1980’s and moved into more capital-intensive industries such as chemicals and steel-making. Sodono also recognized the risk of Indonesia’s political instability and intensified the group’s internationalization rate in the 1980’s and 1990’s, specifically in Singapore and Hong Kong. In 1982, Sodono founded First Pacific in Hong Kong, which was owned by the Salim’s and opearated businesses throughout Asia (Dieleman, 2007b). Refer to figure 2 to see a breakdown of the Salim Group’s internationalazation in the 1990’s. The result was an extremely diverse yet powerful family business that structured its business offerings across the value chain. Another major event in this phase of the Salim Group’s history was the changeover in leadership. Anthony Salim assumed control of the family company in 1993. The ever-expanding business required the help of professional managers, which Anthony continued to hire to help manage the Salim empire. By 1995, the Salim Group had become a giant, representing 5% of Indonesia’s total GDP, with revenues above 20 billion and 200,000 employees. Refer to figure 3 to see a snapshot of the Salim Group’s commercial activities in 1995. 1. 3 Phase Three: Financial Crisis and Reform The final phase of the Salim Group’s history begins with the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 and continues to the present date. The Salim Group borrowed heavily from foreign banks to capitalize on superior lending rates, making them highly vulnerable to currency risk. As Indonesia’s currency rapidly devalued in 1997, the Salim Group was faced with increasing debt obligations. Refer to figure 4 for a breakdown on the corporate leverage of selected Asian economies and figure 5 for a breakdown of the growth of US, reflecting foreign, borowing for the Salim Group. The group’s pyramid ownership structure and internal lending compounded the situation as the largest Indonesian conglomerate’s debt-to-equity ratio skyrocketed. Even more concerning was the fall of Suharto, an important political connection that helped the Salim Group flourish under his corrupt ruling period (Dieleman, 2006) As a result of these factors, Anthony Salim was faced with tough decisions on honoring over $5 billion in loans. See figure 6 to see the impact of the Asian financial crisis on select economies. The Salim Group transferred 107 of their companies to the Indonesian government to settle their debt obligations. Many of these assets were ultimately bought back by the Salim Group at a discount, likely due to the corrupt Indonesian government. Since this period, the Salim Group has been on the road to recovery and has continued to experience growth by refocusing its portfolio while also internationalizing rapidly. See figure 7 to see how the group’s actions reflected Indonesia’s political and institutional environment and figure 8 for a complete summary of the Salim Group’s strategic actions. Using history as a basis of analysis, it is clear that the Salim Group exhibits many of the characteristics of a Chinese family business. These include centralized decision making through a dominant CEO, family ownership and control, the importance of external networks, and a high degree of strategic flexibility. The details and justifications for these characteristics are further developed in the following section of the report. Big whales swim in the deep sea, in the salt water, but we are talking fresh water here. †(Anthony Salim) The competitive environment of the Salim Group is as complex and opaque as the company itself. As the conglomerate operates in various and mostly unrelated business fields, it is not easy to determine its main competitors on an aggregate level. The second difficulty is the fact that these different operations are often spread amongst different countries in Southeast Asia. Although it is not possible to find a directly comparable conglomerate, operating in exactly the same businesses and geographical regions, it is possible to identify those whose main businesses overlap with the primary commercial activities of the Salim Group. In doing so, we found three major competitors: (1) multinational giants such as Unilever and General Electric1, (2) Indonesian conglomerates operating in similar sectors and (3) other large industry specific competitors, not necessarily conglomerates. While the first two have the potential to compete n a macro or group level, the third category of firms mainly competes in one specific business field. The American food company General Mills, for example, is a direct competitor of Indofood, but does not possess the potential to jeopardize the Salim Group as a whole. Please see figure 9 below for a peer group overview on a macro level. In summary, we find that although the group has competitors of similar and larger size, there is no competitor that could take complete market share from the Salim Group as a whole. This is primarily a result of the Salim Group’s high level of diversification. As the Salim Group operates across numerous business lines, even if one aspect of the business was facing tough competition or declining sales, the group as a whole is large enough to compensate for fluctuating financial performance. 3. Features 3. 1 Ownership and Organizational Structure Chinese family businesses (CFBs) are typically fully owned by the family members. Top-management positions are occupied exclusively by members of the core family and senior management positions are usually taken by other close relatives or long-term employees with proven loyalty. This context restricts quick promotions or the acquisition of professional management that distinguishes itself through high performance. Thus, growth is limited and the organization is maintained at a small scale. Another feature of the structure of CFBs is their aptitude for unrelated diversification in terms of products and geography, with an additional focus on short-term returns (Chen, 2004; Bu, 2012c). In contrast to these characteristics, Sudano Salim began to professionalize the group’s business while in charge. When Anthony took over, he hired even more professional managers that also had access to top management, organized the group into divisions and initiated IPOs to list companies on stock exchanges in Indonesia and abroad (Dieleman, 2007a, p. 22). The latter resulted in companies having to conform to transparency rules and to develop working organizational structures and controlling systems on the one hand, and provided access to foreign capital on the other hand. The inflow of foreign capital came along with a dilution of ownership.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Praseodymium Facts - Element 59
Praseodymium Facts - Element 59 Praseodymium is element 59 on the periodic table with the element symbol Pr. Its one of the rare earth metals or lanthanides. Here is a collection of interesting facts about praseodymium, including its history, properties, uses, and sources. Praseodymium was discovered by Swedish chemist Carl Mosander in 1841, but he did not purify it. He was working on rare earth samples, which contain elements with such similar properties they are extremely hard to separate from each other. From a crude cerium nitrate sample, he isolated an oxide he called lantana, which was lanthanum oxide. Lantana turned out to be a mixture of oxides. One fraction was a pink fraction he called didymium. Per Teodor Cleve (1874) and Lecoq de Boisbaudran (1879) determined didymium was a mixture of elements. In 1885, Austrian chemist Carl von Welsbach separated didymium into praseodymium and neodymium. Credit for the official discovery and isolation of element 59 is generally given to von Welsbach.Praseodymium gets it name from the Greek words prasios, which means green, and didymos, which means twin. The twin part refers to the element being the twin of neodymium in didymium, while green refers to the color of the salt isolated by von Welsbach. Praseody mium forms Pr(III) cations, which are yellowish green in water and glass. In addition to the 3 oxidation state, Pr also occurs in 2, 4, and (unique for a lanthanide) 5. Only the 3 state occurs in aqueous solutions.Praseodymium is a soft silver-colored metal that develops a green oxide coating in air. This coating peels or spalls off, exposing fresh metal to oxidation. To prevent degradation, pure praseodymium is typically stored under a protective atmosphere or in oil.Element 59 is highly malleable and ductile. Praseodymium is unusual in that it is paramagnetic at all temperatures above 1 K. Other rare earth metals are ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic at low temperatures.Natural praseodymium consists of one stable isotope, praseodymium-141. 38 radioisotopes are known, the most stable being Pr-143, which has a half-life of 13.57 days. Praseodymium isotopes range from mass number 121 to 159. 15 nuclear isomers are also known.Praseodymium occurs naturally in the Earths crust at an abundance of 9.5 parts per million. It accounts for about 5% of the lanthanid es found in the minerals monazite and bastnasite. Seawater contains 1 part per trillion of Pr. Essentially no praseodymium is found in the Earths atmosphere. The rare earth elements have many uses in modern society and are considered extremely valuable. Pr gives a yellow color to glass and enamel. Around 5% of mischmetal consists of praseodymium. The element is used with other rare earths to make carbon arc lights. It colors cubic zirconia yellow-green and may be added to simulated gemstones to mimic peridot. Modern firesteel contains about 4% praseodymium. Didymium, which contains Pr, is used to make glass for protective eyewear for welders and glass blowers. Pr is alloyed with other metals to made powerful rare earth magnets, high strength metals, and magnetocaloric materials. Element 59 is used as a doping agent to make fiber optic amplifiers and to slow light pulses. Praseodymium oxide is an important oxidation catalyst.Praseodymium serves no known biological function. Like other rare earth elements, Pr exhibits low to moderate toxicity to organisms. Praseodymium Element Data Element Name: Praseodymium Element Symbol: Pr Atomic Number: 59 Element Group: f-block element, lanthanide or rare earth Element Period: period 6 Atomic Weight: 140.90766(2) Discovery: Carl Auer von Welsbach (1885) Electron Configuration: [Xe] 4f3 6s2 Melting Point: 1208 K ​(935  °C, ​1715  °F) Boiling Point: 3403 K ​(3130  °C, ​5666  °F) Density: 6.77 g/cm3 (near room temperature) Phase: solid Heat of Fusion: 6.89 kJ/mol Heat of Vaporization: 331 kJ/mol Molar Heat Capacity: 27.20 J/(mol ·K) Magnetic Ordering: paramagnetic Oxidation States: 5, 4, 3, 2 Electronegativity: Pauling scale: 1.13 Ionization Energies: 1st: 527 kJ/mol2nd: 1020 kJ/mol3rd: 2086 kJ/mol Atomic Radius: 182 picometers Crystal Structure: double hexagonal close-packed or DHCP References Weast, Robert (1984). CRC, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Boca Raton, Florida: Chemical Rubber Company Publishing. pp. E110.Emsley, John (2011). Natures Building Blocks: An A-Z Guide to the Elements. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-960563-7.Gschneidner, K.A., and Eyring, L., Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths, North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1978.Greenwood, Norman N.; Earnshaw, Alan (1997). Chemistry of the Elements (2nd ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 0-08-037941-9.R. J. Callow, The Industrial Chemistry of the Lanthanons, Yttrium, Thorium and Uranium, Pergamon Press, 1967.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Using Replacement Behavior to Lessen Problem Behaviors
Using Replacement Behavior to Lessen Problem Behaviors A replacement behavior is a behavior you want to replace an unwanted target behavior. Focusing on the problem behavior may just reinforce the behavior, especially if the consequence (reinforcer) is attention. It also helps you teach the behavior that you want to see in the target behaviors place. Target behaviors might be aggression, destructive behavior, self-injury, or tantrums. Functions It is important to identify the function of the behavior, in other words, Why does Johnny smack himself in the head? If Johnny is smacking himself in the head in order to deal with tooth pain, obviously the replacement behavior is to help Johnny learn how to tell you his mouth hurts, so you can deal with the tooth pain. If Johnny hits the teacher when its time to leave a preferred activity, the replacement behavior will be to transition within a certain time to the next activity. Reinforcing approximations of those new behaviors is replacing the target or undesirable behavior to help Johnny be more successful in an academic setting. Effectiveness An effective replacement behavior will also have a similar consequence that provides the same function. If you determine that the consequence is attention, you need to find an appropriate way to give the attention the child needs, while at the same time reinforcing a behavior that is acceptable. It is especially helpful if the replacement behavior is incompatible with the target behavior. In other words, if a child engages in the replacement behavior, he or she is unable to engage in the problem behavior at the same time. If the target behavior is the student leaving his seat during instruction, the replacement behavior might be keeping his knees under his desk. Besides praise (attention) the teacher might also put tally marks on a desktop â€Å"ticket†which the student can exchange for a preferred activity. Extinction, ignoring a behavior rather than reinforcing it, has proven to be the most effective way to get rid of problem behavior, but it may be unsafe or incompatible with supporting student success. At the same time punishment often reinforces the problem behavior by focusing on the problem behavior. When choosing and reinforcing a replacement behavior, you draw attention to the behavior you want, rather than the behavior you dont want. Examples Target Behavior: Albert does not like to wear a dirty shirt. He will rip his shirt if he doesnt get a clean shirt after lunch or a messy art project.Replacement Behavior: Albert will ask for a clean shirt, or he will ask for a paint shirt to put over his shirt.Target Behavior: Maggie will hit herself in the head when she wants the teachers attention since she suffers from aphasia and cannot use her voice to get the teacher or aides attention.Replacement Behavior: Maggie has a red flag that she can fix on the tray of her wheelchair if she needs the teachers attention. The teacher and classroom aides give Maggie lots of positive reinforcement for asking for their attention with her flag.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Technology as Politics and Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Technology as Politics and Culture - Essay Example Technology is useful in a lot of ways. Technology is playing a greater role in our lives with the passage of time and with time our awareness of its influence on our lives also vanishes and we just stop looking for alternative ways to do things. Scolve believes that its essential for people to seek for alternative technologies which would be more in line with our aspirations and ideals. Importance of polypotency of technology I think technologies in some way assist in regulating the social behaviors because technology is governed by political and physical laws. For example, technologies like X-ray machines and automobiles are legally regulated and if they are misused then that could result in a penalty enforced by society. Not just this, the penalty of misusing technology could also include systems failures and economic loss. This is how I think technology helps in structuring human behavior. Not only this, technology also has an impact on the third parties which are also known as it s spill over effects. Many examples can be included here. We can hear our neighbors playing their radios or using their lawn mowers. People living near an industrial facility breathe noxious fumes.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Ethnography of Soup Kitchen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Ethnography of Soup Kitchen - Essay Example The area turned out to be dissimilar in different aspects ranging from the physical appearance to the level of professionalism incorporated. In the situation such as that of the soup kitchen, there are elements of favour-seekers, lawbreakers and the corrupt. Hence, all these form the broader category of the opportunistic members of the society. The society presents a conventional culture stipulating favour to the visitors. The situation is real when the group enters the House of Bread for the research. As earlier proposed by one of the group members, the people at the restaurant are perceived as welcoming. The researchers are accorded profound priority of accessing the critical section of the kitchen and performing the serving tasks. This aspect concurs with the typical human psychology with a lurking intention of seeking generosity perception on the recipient of favour. The scenario at the cafeteria upholds the family culture, but not necessarily related to each. There is a group of persons who seem familiar to each other, yet they come from different locations. These individuals form particular types of families as a result of meeting at the House of Bread. The situation is ordinary among people since they are social beings, and their frequent meetings at this institution allow them to understand each better because they have common interests. These groups would always segregate themselves from other people who do not belong to their inner circles to embrace their preferences. Concerning the authority in the soup kitchen, the rules are notably relaxed due to the weaknesses attributed to by the enforcers. The staff members and the volunteers opted to act as the overseers of the processes in the soup kitchen, yet they manifest numerous facets of irresponsibility. They are the authority figures of the establishment and run the entire show, although the kitchen’s rules are remarkably relaxed and beneficial towards the guests. Nonetheless, there is an under standing that guests are the most fundamental group that is worth the considerations by the soup kitchen authority. The House of Bread regards the guests as their employers and act at their favour in the hotel. In the assessment, it was noticed that there is evident favouritism at the benefit of the guests. Most of the guests were served according to their wishes. For instance, at the coffee serving point, the maximum number of scoops was three, yet many guests would prefer four or five and the patrons are reluctant to restrict the actions. Imperatively, there exists another breed among the House of Bread users who have the full knowledge of the kitchen processes and the staff implying that they were regular visitors. This scenario is common in a normal society for its completion. The hidden motive of this group is to seek favour of the House of Bread formalities. Conclusion The research incorporated assumptions derived by notions concerning the House of Bread cafeteria. Eventually, there was a conflict of presumptions’ with reality. The study disapproved the thought that the institution was a food bank that only helped the unprivileged members of the society. The study led to the understanding that the institution is meant for every individuals. When the researchers reach the cafeteria, they realize that the place accommodates everyone in spite of age, religion or social class. There was also an initial assumption that volunteers will be optimistic because working in the cafeteria
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Pepsi Next Dancing Baby Essay Example for Free
Pepsi Next Dancing Baby Essay There are several different types of advertising in the world today, like newspaper ads and magazine ads. Then there are commercials, they can be very manipulative in persuading specific audiences to buy their products. In the Pepsi Next â€Å"Dancing Baby†commercial, they use what is called a trick image. It is the funniest part of the commercial and is what makes it so appealing. This trick image is the baby in the back ground dancing and doing tricks; it is very eye catching and hilarious in my opinion. This commercial uses different types of appeals to make it more interesting. The husband and wife mention some of the statistics about the product to help enhance Pepsi Next. The target audience is parents of children six months to one year of age and new mothers trying to lose weight. This commercial affects me positively because it is funny and the statistics are true. In the Pepsi Next â€Å"Dancing Baby†commercial, the scene is set in what looks to be a small apartment. The apartment has an open floor plan, and the commercial is set mainly in the living room and kitchen area. The first shot is in the living room area of the mother and her young child, about six months to one year old. The mother is talking to the baby and taking pictures of him. Then the father enters the apartment with three twelve packs of Pepsi Next and one can tucked under his chin as he walks to the counter to set them down. The man seems very enthusiastic about the product as he tells his wife that he bought Pepsi Next. He proceeds to tell her that it has sixty percent less sugar and that it taste like real cola. She does not believe that it taste like real cola if it has sixty percent less sugar. So she tries the Pepsi Next and is so mesmerized by it taste of real cola that neither her nor the father of the baby realize that the baby is dancing and doing the worm in the background. This is a trick image in the commercial because everyone knows that a baby is not capable of doing all these things. This trick image is what makes this advertisement so interesting and humorous to most people. There are a number of things that contribute to making Pepsi Next appealing in the commercial. There are the predominant colors in the room, which are orange, blue, and red. Other than the colors and the dancing baby, there are also the facts that are mentioned in the commercial by the mother and father. They tell us that the new Pepsi Next has sixty percent less sugar and that is still has that real cola taste. Toward the end of the commercial these words are also shown for us to read. The phrase â€Å"Drink it to believe it†, this infers that the viewer must try the product to believe that it does taste like real cola even though it has sixty percent less sugar. In this commercial they use different types of appeals. One of the appeals used is humor. In the commercial this appeal is the dancing baby in the back ground it catches the viewer’s attention. The second appeal used is exaggeration, which is the baby unrealistically dancing in the back ground in the advertisement. Third is brand appeal; n this commercial they use the Pepsi Next colors as predominant colors and close ups on the twelve packs of Pepsi Next to make a brand statement. The fourth one is the play on words/words appeal, they use a catchy phrase to convey a message like in this commercial â€Å"Drink it to believe it†. Last but not least is statistics, in this advertisement they use statistics, like sixty percent less sugar, to show the aspects of the product. These appeals all help to enhance the product being sold, because the viewer’s learn the facts about Pepsi Next and enjoy a good laugh. This commercial is targeted toward two audiences. One is parents of children six months of age to one year old. I believe this audience is targeted because of the fact that the commercial revolves around the baby and the Pepsi Next. I think that parents of young children would be more inclined to buy this product because of the dancing baby. The second is new mothers trying to lose weight. This is because of the facts that are mentioned in the commercial. It mentions numerous times that it has sixty percent less sugar and that it taste like real cola. New mothers trying to lose weight would be interested in this product because they can still have that great taste but with less sugar, and that will help them to lose weight. This advertisement affects me positively because I am one of the targeted audiences. I say this because I am a mother of young children and I will soon be a new mother again and will be trying to lose weight after she arrives. There are many different types of advertisements in the world today. Commercials are one of the most manipulative ways to advertise because commercials appeal to the viewers in a totally different way, other than just reading or looking at a picture. In the Pepsi Next commercial â€Å"Dancing Baby†they use a trick image. This trick image is what makes the commercial so appealing to its specific audience. The trick image is the baby in the back ground dancing around, it is very eye catching and hilarious. They mention some of the statistics about the product and use many different appeals to help enhance their product, Pepsi Next. The target audience is parents of children six months to one year of age and new mothers trying to lose weight. This commercial affects me positively because it is funny and the statistics are true.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Taking The Castle of Otranto as your example, outline the main conventi
Taking The Castle of Otranto as your example, outline the main conventions of the Gothic novel, and show how your knowledge of Taking The Castle of Otranto as your example, outline the main conventions of the Gothic novel, and show how your knowledge of these conventions affects your reading of Northanger Abbey. Is Northanger Abbey most accurately described as parody of the Gothic genre, or is there a more complicated relationship going on? Gothic novels purport to revive old stories and beliefs, exploring personal, psychical encounters with the taboo (Williams, 2000). The genre, as typified by The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole, involves a beautiful innocent young woman who is held captive by an older, powerful, evil man in his large, ancient and gloomy residence for his own lustful purposes and who escapes, with the aid of supernatural manifestations, errors caused by â€Å"false surmises and conjectures based on partial narratives†(Hoeveler, 1995, p127) and a handsome young hero. Walpole's novel centers around the tyrant where the female writers in the genre, for example, Ann Radcliffe, focus more on the female victim and what she is thinking and feeling, exploring women’s anxieties about their lack of control of their feelings, their bodies, and their property, and their desire for something far more extraordinary and exciting than simply to be a domestic woman. The use of the supernatural by Walpole is so frequent and monstrous as to excite laughter rather than terror but for Radcliffe and Austen the supernatural is not visible but is an invisible hand that makes sure that good always triumphs and evil is always punished (Andriopoulos, 1999) . It is necessary to be aware of these Gothic conve... ...omy and the Gothic Novel.†ELH 66.3 (1999): 739-59. Austen, Jane. The Novels of Jane Austen. Ed. R.W. Chapman. 3rd edition. Oxford:OUP, 1933-69 Cudden, J.A. Dictionary of Literary Terms & Literary Theory. Penguin: London, 1999. Hoeveler, Diane. â€Å"Vindicating Northanger Abbey: Mary Wollstonecraft, Jane Austen, and Gothic Feminism.†Jane Austen and Discourses of Feminism. Ed. Devony Looser. Houndsmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan, 1995. 117-35 Jerinic, Maria. â€Å"In Defense of the Gothic: Rereading Northanger Abbey.†Jane Austen and Discourses of Feminism. Ed. Devoney Looser. Houndsmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillian, 1995. 137-49 Neill, Edward. â€Å"The Secret of Northanger Abbey.†Essays in Criticism 47 (1997): 13-32 Williams, Anne. â€Å"The Horror, the Horror: Recent Studies in Gothic Fiction.†Modern Fiction Studies 46.3 (2000): 789-99
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Diversity and Individual Behaviour
Diversity is what the world is made of. Without diversity, the world would be an uninteresting and inhospitable place. Without diversity, there would be no variety of opinions or alternate views. There would be no different views or ways of thinking. Being diverse provides a way for people to express opinions and views to others who may not have pictured a situation the same. Four factors that cause diversity are ethnicity, gender, religion and sexual affinity. These groups have an outcome on the course of daily choices. The author of this paper will look into each of the groups and how the aspects have an impact on individual behavior. Ethnicity has an influence on behavior that cannot easily be ignored. At work the influences of ones ethnicity is dealt with everyday. African-American stereotypes have led to â€Å"being black as similar to having a felony conviction when regarding the chances of finding a job. The results of a study suggested black men must work at least twice as hard as equally qualified white men to rise above the stigma their skin color provides (Pager, 2009).†The humiliation is, for the most part, due to labeling. According to Devine and Elliot (1995), in the 1930’s the adjectives used to describe an African-American were superstitious, lazy, and ignorant, and today the adjectives vary from unintelligent, loud, and criminal to musical, athletic and very religious. Discrimination is often difficult to observe, and yet, despite the antidiscrimination laws discrimination still occurs. The author of this paper is a case manager for individuals with developmental disabilities, and observes the subtle nuance of bigotry almost on a day to day basis. Being articulate and having a name that belies the true ethnicity frequently surprises people when meeting in person. The dumbfounded expression is not easily hidden regardless of one’s efforts to mask it. Statements such as ‘you sounded different over the phone, or you look nothing as I imagined’ are uttered frequently during these meetings. After such meetings, those who are truly prejudiced will request to work with someone else; giving superficial explanations to the request. For example, ‘we prefer to work with someone with more experience’, or with a man, regardless of the fact the author has more than 20 years of experience in the profession. Being African-American has its hardships. In addition to that adversity, consider the privation of being an African-American woman. The author’s supervisor admitted to being cautious with relaying the information about the requests of those who had recently met the author in person. Why was the supervisor afraid to approach the author? Because, the African-American woman is often portrayed as a defiant, smart-mouthed, sassy, finger-waving and eye-rolling person, it is easy to understand her fear. The African-American woman has to be diligent in the efforts to contradict the assumptions. Just being female impacts a woman’s behavior. Women are portrayed as and believed to be whiners, nags, flakes and shopaholics. Women are thought to be helpless and in need of rescuing; by a man, of course. In the business world certain jobs have traditionally been considered gender specific. A woman who holds a stereotypical masculine position, such as construction ‘foreman’, is capable to use the equipment just as successfully has the men, but often the men see her as delicate; unable to work too hard, resulting in less productivity and more stress in the workplace. Women want the same respect, opportunities and responsibilities as men. However, chauvinistic attitudes often obstruct a woman’s advancement. The author has overheard such comments as: ‘she doesn’t need a promotion, her husband makes more’, presuming a female employee has no right to a full fledged career, or a larger salary comparable to the male employees. Surprisingly, th e comment was made by a female. Sexism is evident in all areas of life. For example, people debate if women should play a sport traditionally played by men. The year 1896 is when women playing football was first documented. The men’s reaction to the football game was mentioned more than the game itself: ‘the crowd of men looking on, excited by the struggle, closed in with a rush.’ It was not until 1970 that a woman was allowed to play on a men’s semipro football team and not until 1999 did The Women's Professional Football League begin playing professional women’s tackle football games (Women's Professional Football League, n.d). Sexism exists in religion as well. To the Catholic Church, Mary, the mother of God is the most perfect human being. Yet, a woman cannot be ordained as a priest. The woman’s highest role in the Catholic Church is that of a Nun; a servant living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. In other faiths women have more of a role, for instance in the Episcopalian religion; a woman may be a priest. In Judaism rabbis have been known to depict women as envious, unproductive, lazy, greedy, and prone to gossip. In Judaism a Jewish woman’s role in life is traditionally a wife, mother and keeper of the household. The Jewish woman knows her place and the depictions have discouraged many women from pursuing an education, career advancement and sexual affinity (Marcy Hyatt, personal communication, January 7, 2009). Marcy Hyatt, a Jewish woman and a homosexual, also reported her experience of being homosexual and being Jewish as parallel. She has fought prejudice and fought for civil rights, and although she no longer has to fear being visible, she continues to work to maintain her self-worth in the face of ignorance and bigotry. According to the American Psychological Association (2004) while sexual orientation is not a conscious choice that can be voluntarily changed, several homosexual and bisexual people seek to change their sexual orientation through therapy, often coerced by family members or religious groups. In the United States, homosexual and bisexual people often meet widespread violence, discrimination, and prejudice. The discrimination takes many forms from being denied raises, promotions and getting poor performance evaluations to bullying in schools. The fear of being known as a homosexual or bisexual has led to men hiding sexual orientation from loved ones and doctors thereby possibly putting themselves and loved ones at an increased risk for HIV/AIDS. Regardless of the fact that no one can avoid diversity, people fear differences and seek only what is perceived as safe; remaining ignorant to what others have to offer. Fearing people different from us is a natural tendency because of how we were raised. When we treat one another as individuals with feelings, then we will experience true multiculturalism.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Motorcycle Diaries Film Exam Essay
The movie Motorcycle Diaries is about to friends Ernesto Guevara who has the nickname â€Å"fuser†and Alberto Granado. Ernesto is a doctor in the process; he has taken a break from his studies to go on a trip, and Alberto is a biochemist. These two friends set off on a journey that starts off in Buenos Aries to travel across the whole region of South America on a motorcycle. From the beginning these two friends have the same idea, to go have fun and just have sex with the beautiful women they come across on the way. With many troubles to come they find themselves with new challenges that they must overcome. Through out the journey they begin to realize that there is more going on through out the world than what is seen by the human eye. Motorcycle diaries showed the neo-colonialist take over of foreign countries and powers. The example that showed this was that of the American mining company: Anaconda mining company. The reason for the American mining company to go to South America was because they can find cheap labor as well as cheap raw materials because the country needs to find a way to enhance its own economic struggles. By finding a country that is in dire need to raise some funds for themselves the companies see a chance to corrupt the deal, whether it being by making child labor, low wages, no benefits, and countless others. It also showed the traditional colonialism because from the anaconda mining company the workers that choose which men they will allow to work place themselves as a higher power so they are creating hierarchies, they are coming from an other country: taking the land to use for their needs, and taking the raw materials from the foreign country to grow for their own nation. It is basically both forms of colonialism combined. In the beginning of the movie Ernesto is only occupied with one thing, to have sex with beauties around South America; he is a sex addict sort of speak. Ernesto being born into a family that is well off has a good house, healthy family, and almost no problems to worry about. In the start of the travel he experiences just mechanical problems with the motorcycle and emotional conflicts with Alberto. When the bike constantly starts to break down they are forced to hitchhike on the back of trucks filled with poor indigenous natives, sees how they have to sleep, how they live and the basic problems of being poor. More through out their travel Ernesto instead of just realizing what is going on with the poor people he begins to care and wonder. While he is in a village he is asked to treat a sick woman even though he takes a look at her and knows that he can not do anything he leaves her medicine to try and help her for at least a little while. He begins to ask everyone he meets what has happened to his or her village and as to him or her as well. While staying with some of the people who are not in the greatest place he reads stories and books written from the poor persons point of view and own experiences. With the care towards the people with the least he starts to join the poor and sick. The first action that leads to this is when he gives his 15 dollars he has received from his ex girlfriend to a homeless and poor couple that has to keep traveling to get work to survive. His final step through the journey was that he joined the people who have close to nothing, in a figurative sense. While at the institute for the sick patients he beings to bond with them even more, starts talking to the sick patients about his personal life and giving them surgeries that will help them recover. He realizes that through out the world there is many boundaries that have been created but not by companies but by mankind themselves. To prove that these boundaries can be broken on the night of his birthday he decides to swim across a huge river separating the sick and the healthy to celebrate with them all; brining them together.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Shaping a Nation essays
Shaping a Nation essays The United States of America is constantly changing. Each president makes changes that shape this country. Three presidents that made some of the most important contributions to our nations history were, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. They were involved in the three most important wars fought by the United States of America. George Washington was a great president who led this country to independence. He fought the British until they surrendered. The United States won the war. Furthermore, he appointed people to counsel him in making decisions that helped form economic and social stability. As the first president, he created a pattern whereby all future presidents were given the opportunity to make their own improvements to the country, yet, allow a continuity of leadership. Abraham Lincoln came to the presidency in a time of turbulence. Although he faced hardships while in the office of president, he faced challenges before he was elected that helped him know how to cope with controversy. He was born into poverty, failed in business, and suffered a nervous breakdown. Also, he lost eight elections before becoming president. The Civil War had the power to divide this nation. Lincoln pulled these two sides together and helped them unite. He abolished slavery with the thirteenth amendment and managed to keep the southern states from seceding from the Union. Franklin D. Roosevelt was the president that brought the United States out of the great depression and positioned it as a superpower. His most significant contribution was introducing the New Deal. He also was the president to create social security. Roosevelt helped the Allies in World War II with the Lend-Lease Act, which allowed Britain to place orders on supplies and weapons without paying money. Roosevelt was the president that launched the United States into its ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Can You Write in the ACT Test Booklet
Can You Write in the ACT Test Booklet SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips I don’t know about you, but scratch paper is really useful for me when I’m working through a test. You might know that you’re not allowed to bring paper or notebooks in with you when you take the ACT - you also won't get scratch paper. But are you allowed to write on the ACT test booklet? The short answer is yes, but there’s a bit more to it than that. Here, I’ll go through exactly when and why you’re allowed to write on the booklet. Then, I’ll tell you how you can use the ACT booklet to your advantage by taking the most effective notes possible. Can You Write in the ACT Booklet? AsI mentioned above, you are allowed to write in the ACT test booklet. You can write all over it, in fact - anything you want. The real question is what should you write? Here’s what you should know before you go to town on that ACT test book. You Can Write Wherever You'd Like Any free space you see is yours to use. There are no limitations - you won’t be penalized for writing on any of the test pages. Since you won't receive scratch paper, this booklet will be the only place for you to take notes or work through problems. But Nothing You Write in the ACT Test Booklet Will Be Graded Graders won’t even see your test booklet.This is great if you need to scratch out some notes that no one will understand but you. This is not great if you only record a response in your test booklet and forget totransfer it to the answer sheet. Quick tip: You might find it helpful to work through a section just on your test bookletbefore transferring all your answers to the response sheet at the end.Most students actually save time by bubbling in all their responses after finishing the questions. Worried about timing? Check out our guide to budgeting your time on the ACT. How Do You Use the ACT Booklet Effectively? A pristine ACT test booklet is a sad test booklet. Here are the best ways to use this de facto scratch paper to your own advantage. It's the only scratch paper you'll get, so you might as well use it wisely. Use Notes to Engage With Reading Passages Something I see a lot of students struggle with is staying focused while reading passage after passage. This goes for the science section as well. You may end up wasting time if you get distracted and have to re-read passages or sections of passages multiple times. Actively reading - taking notes and engaging with the passage the first time you read it - may help you save time. If you understand the passage better the first time you go over it, you won’t have to go back and re-read as often. This gives you more time to focus on the questions. Here are some active reading strategies I like to use: Underline topic sentences and thesis sentences Circle key terms Take notes in the margins alongside each paragraph (just a few words summarizing the main point) Work Through Math Problems (Especially Word Problems) When you have to keep track of several variables, writing down your thought process will keep you from getting confused. You should also mark up geometry diagrams with information that’s provided to you! This is especially helpful when figures are not drawn to scale. Mark Up Your Answer Choices You know that only one of the answer choices can be correct. If you use the process of elimination, get a visual of your thought process by crossing off the answers you know to be incorrect (this saves you time if you come back to the question later). Speaking of coming back to questions later †¦ it’s a great time management strategy if you’re taking too long on a particular problem. Circle those difficult time-suck questions, so you find them again quicklyonce you've worked through the rest of the section. Don't Waste Your Time Writing Things That Won't Help Your Score Don’t worry about explaining your answers (I know it’s a force of habit for many students). There are no points for showing your work. If you're bored, try not to doodle! Extra time at the end of a section should be used to review your answers. Can You Write in the ACT Booklet: The Short Answer Yes, you can write all over the ACT test booklet. In fact, writing on the ACT booklet can help you work through many of the problems on the test. Just remember that nothing you write (outside of the bubbles on the answer sheet) will be graded, and you’ll be good to go! What's Next? There's a lot more to learn about preparing for ACT test day!You can start by taking care of logistical concerns (and taking care of yourself) the night before the ACT.Learn about exactly what to expect the day of the test and how you should prepare. Finally, read our top five tips for preparing for the ACTand 14 last-minute ACT strategies you should use. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Potential careers Icome in crimianal justice positions Essay
Potential careers Icome in crimianal justice positions - Essay Example ("Criminal justice careers," 2013) No matter what you have interest in, be it science, psychology, or art there are careers within criminal justice that will put these skills or talents to use. Two fields’ specific careers that are both, in demand yet are quite different in their focuses and functions. The first is Animal Cruelty Investigator, which is a relatively new addition to the criminal justice training available in the United States. The second field is Crime Scene Investigator, or CSI, a title that is well known because of the success of the television series of the same name. Discussing the two will outline what makes each of these specialties important, relevant, and worthwhile career choices. In this age of illegal dog fighting rings, animal hoarders, and puppy mills Animal Cruelty Investigators are needed to protect and rescue animals within our communities. These investigators actively follow-up on animal abuse/cruelty reports, collect evidence for persecution of owners if warranted, and remove animals from obviously dangerous situations. This is an ideal career for people who have a love for animals, however, it, also, requires the ability to conduct and control oneself in all situations with the public. In other words, you cannot let your love and compassion for animals make you behave inappropriately and unprofessionally in the face of the harsh realities of animal neglect and abuse cases. If one is considering a career in this field then a background in law enforcement is helpful, but not always required. However, it is suggested that working or volunteering at the humane society, local animal shelter, or for a veterinarian would be beneficial.("Criminal justice ca reers," 2013) Crime Scene Investigators, often called forensic examiners, are responsible for evaluating existing evidence at a crime scene, the collecting, securing, packaging, and labeling properly of that evidence for later, further
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Pandemic Flu Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Pandemic Flu - Assignment Example Accidents resulted from unregulated workplaces. According to Wever and Bergen (2014), pandemic influenza killed many Americans soldiers far more than the ones who died during the war in Europe. There several factors that contributed immensely to the spread of the influenza. Pandemic Influenza is a communicable disease that can spread easily from one individual to another. One factor that contributed to spread of influenza in camps was crowding. Spaces in camps were limited and as a result soldiers had to stay together in small spaces. Morens et al. (2010) point out that the cause of 1918 pandemic flu was the influenza A virus of subtype H1N. The source of the virus is related to birds, mainly waterfowl such as ducks and geese. The birds mentioned above act as reservoirs for the virus. However, it is still not clear how bird related influenza viruses adapt to the mammalian host, infect different cells and spread to humans. On the other hand, the current pandemic flu especially the 2009 H1N1influenza s said to have resulted from the recombination of genes. The genes that brought the current H1N1 are virus that caused 1918 pandemic flu and the swine virus adapted to birds. There are, however, factors in the current society that can trigger the spread of the virus to the population. In ancient times, the virus could spread easily throughout the world. The current society can contain the virus by keeping infected people in one place. Nonetheless, the problem is the availability of medical staff to deal and contain the spread of pandemic
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Reading Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reading Analysis - Essay Example The author has listed the central role that parliments attain in the establishment and acknowledged familiarity; parliament receives as being the highest decision-making body of the nation. The author explains that initially it was the government sector who worked on the economic’s transformation but the changing government and political parties have enabled bureaucracy to manage a major portion of economics. Politicans of the state favor the development of the private companies that will, in turn, support their political activities. Author has created a very convincing statement for the dominance of bureaucracy by implying the facts like control and regulation; Amakudari and administrative guidance in the favor of bureaucracy dominace. The author further argues that national bureaucracy control and regulates the functioing and production of business community and strictly holds its authority over private-sector companies in Japan. The dominance of bureaucrats over private business sector is well-acknowledged. To support this argument regarding bureaucracy hold on private sector business world, the author has provided some details of the rights that bereaucracy have, like selection of intelligent graduates from university for their management abilities and incorporating them in government sector. By controlling the official’s appointment in government sector, bureaucracy is often believed as real power holder of the nation by many people. Government sector is capable to hold its control over the developme nt of private business sector by managing the activities of production, sales and distribution; but the insight regarding the dominance of bureaucracy over private sectors appears quite appealing. The author adds further weight to the perception of bureaucracy control by exposing the dependency of muncipal governments on the subsidies from natural government as they have restricted rights for
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Engineering Management at Toyota
Engineering Management at Toyota Toyota Motor Corporation is the second largest producer of automobiles in the world. It has its headquarters in Japan and is present in a large number of countries around the world. This multinational company was established by Kiichiro Toyoda in 1937. It was formed as a result of a spin-off from a company known as Toyota Industries which was owned by his father. At present, the company leads a group composed of 522 subsidiaries. Toyota has also ventured in to other fields of business like financial services and production of robots in addition to its automobile production operations. The company, in combination with its parent group-Toyota Industries, forms one of the biggest conglomerates of the world. It also has the honor of being the only automobile producer appearing in the top10 BrandZ name recognition ranking. The premier brands owned by the company include Toyota, Lexus and Scion. It has a majority shareholding in Daihatsu Motors and has a minor share in Fuji Heavy Industries, Isuzu Motors, and the engine, motorcycle and marine craft manufacturer Yamaha Motors. The values adopted by the company’s management have been developed by its founders and have played a significant role in its success. These values have emphasized the importance of terms like, Lean Manufacturing and Just in Time Production (JIT). Toyota has also developed a unique approach, popularly known as The Toyota Production System (TPS) which forms the basis of its Lean manufacturing. The TPS is a wonderful blend of the values adopted by the company and the practices implemented by its management. The system is responsible for ensuring a proper coordination with the customers as well as the suppliers. Its preliminary business objectives were to get profit from the technologies offering potential to develop the customer experience through personalization and streamlining the internal processes in order to ensure a sustained profitability for the business (Liker, J 2004). However, Toyota has always made improvements in its existing processes to sustain its current growth rate. As a result of this, the company is able to withstand the fierce competition experienced in the automobile sector, for a number of decades. Just In Time (JIT) Just in Time is an effective combination of a number of techniques that aim to increase the return on investment of a business-activity. This is done by decreasing the size of the in-process inventory, and various associated costs, related to it. It has been observed that this technique results in remarkable improvement in an organizations return on investment, quality, efficiency and effectiveness. In fact, JIT has been considered as an integral component of an organization’s philosophy and not merely as a production technique. (Ohno 1988) JIT was first developed and mastered inside the manufacturing units of Toyota by Taiichi Ohno in order to satisfy the requirements of the customers without causing any kinds of delays. Later on, Taiichi Ohno came to be known as the father of JIT. Thus, the credit for publicizing the technique is given to Toyota Motor Corporation of Japan. Toyota was successful in overcoming the increasing challenges for its existence through this technique as it focused upon people, plants and systems. (Toyota Highlander Hybrid 2004) The company was very quick to realize that the successful execution of JIT is possible only when each individual within the company contributed towards it. Toyota pioneered this concept to upgrade its current manufacturing process in order to compete with other major players. For a long time, the company was unable to bear the expenses of huge amounts of land used for storing its finished products and spare-parts. Due to this, the economic lot size of the organization was reduced, which led to a very low return on investment for its manufacturing units. Thus, a need was felt for making these units more flexible and eliminating the overhead costs, which were affecting the profitability. With the help of constant research-work, the engineers at Toyota redesigned the manufacturing operations in order to develop a commonality of tooling for various production processes. It also made use of flexible robotic systems for performing a majority of these operations. As a result, common subassemblies were designed that could be used in several models, without wasting much time. The development and implementation of Just In Time technique led to significant improvements for the company. As the work-in process inventory was sold immediately after it was built, a rapid increase in the liquidity was observed. At the same time, the response-time for the customer’s demands came down to about a day. The rate of customer satisfaction increased in no time as vehicles were delivered before their expected deadlines. Moreover, the risk of warehousing the vehicles was completely eliminated as the company adopted the built to order policy for them. (Just in Time- Toyota’s Manufacturing Technique 2008) The very nature of JIT emphasized heavily on the quality aspect, which in turn resulted in the production of high-quality vehicles with minimum complaints. Finally, Toyota redesigned its entire manufacturing process to remove any kind of tolerances, and implemented efficient statistical controls. Consequently, Toyota trained its suppliers to ensure a quality and timely delivery for the spare-parts. JIT increased the motivation levels of the workers, who aimed to accomplish more challenging goals. It also allowed Toyota to concentrate on group effort, which resulted in talent-identification, sharing knowledge, problem-solving skills, ideas and the achievement of a common goal. All these helped the company to secure a competitive position for itself. Stock Control Automobile industry incurred high cost on storage of materials and components. Companies used to store bulk of materials and components. It is the Toyota Corporation that invented just-in-time, a system of stock control. Toyota has adopted JIT method of ordering inventory, for instance it does not keep many assembled cars in its stock. Rather, it manages to assemble the cars in 4 hours after the order is placed. There are many plants of the company who deliver parts and components for manufacturing. Wastage of time is minimized through just-in-time stock control. Detailed production schedules were worked out by manufacturers to find the efficient manufacturing system. Card ordering system ‘Kanban’ was developed to reduce the space and cost attached with large quantities. In Toyota, components were ordered only after the instruction of ‘Kanban’. According to this plan, material that can be used in 1 hour is kept in the stock. But production of whole car plant would be stopped if there is any delay of more than I hour. Initially, it was not easy to cope with the new system ‘just-in-time’. Very soon, Toyota outperformed and developed effective production system. (Hancock, Bolling Pearce 2001) Toyota production system is surprising and highly successful. The production system is valuable and useful due to its integration. Toyota production system focuses on removing waste. Lean manufacturing specialist says ‘just find and eliminate waste’ (Lean manufacturing, 2001). Searching for the waste and eliminating it leads to continuous improvement. Wastes are of many types such as organizational, psychological and materialistic. Bad design is one of the most terrible and careless mistakes, which occurs due to negligence. Bad design problem starts at the commencement of manufacturing and have an effect on other functions. Designing not only includes the design of tools and parts but also the design of manufacturing process. It is expensive to fix the poor design. (Lean manufacturing 2001) If there is a defect in any manufacturing phase, it goes down the line. This defect leads to losses that increase exponentially. Toyota has quality control system, which emphasizes on finding defects. Quality of work in an organization cannot be improved if labor feel shameful on their mistakes and have fear in their mind. (Lean manufacturing 2001) In Toyota, there is an environment of pointing out of fault by the person who has committed it. The organization has an efficient manufacturing environment, in which an employee is encouraged not to commit the mistake again instead of being punishing for that mistake. Employee training is of paramount importance in Toyota Production System. Voice of employees is listened by the management of company. Consumer demand is center of gravity in inventory management of Toyota production System. Employee feedback is also an important part of production system. Strict actions are taken on management mistakes, as they are important and harmful than the mistakes committed by the worker. Management mistakes are taken seriously and proper attention is given to them. Layout of production floor reduces motion of workers and assemblies. Employees at Toyota have specialization in many tasks, which is helpful when main skills of the workers are not required. In the period of low demand, plans are set to hold the meetings and improvements are made in off time. Inventory is highly reduced in production system. Toyota Production System stresses on consumer demand for material resource planning. Inventory is not pushed from behind rather it is pulled forward through manufacturing chain. Major source of waste is overproduction, which is minimized. The company tries to maintain relationships with few trustworthy suppliers as many suppliers involve much time and paperwork. Manufacturing process is standardized so that efficiency can be maintained. Design of the manufacturing process is such that it is forward looking as it helps in reducing the expenses of changeovers. Environmental Protection Toyota Corporation has always been known for its active participation in the environmental protection efforts. It regards the protection of the environment as a key issue for the constant growth of a business organization. In 2000, Toyota framed the Toyota Tsusho Group’s Environment Policy for guiding the actions of its managers and employees in accordance with the environmental issues. In the same year, the company set up the Earth Environment Committee, to promote its environment-related efforts. In fact, this committee formed the basis for the current Conference on the Global Environment. Another major effort of the company in this direction came in the form of Toyota Turkey Project. This project is assigned with the responsibility of economic development and progress based on acceptable principals of the ecological studies, for the coming generations. Since, high-quality products are manufactured in secure and hygienic working-environment; the project ensures that its operations strictly follow the global Toyota environmental policies in product development, design and manufacturing processes. (Environmental Factors 2008) Toyota aims to achieve its environmental protection goals with the help of following processes- Manufacturing automobiles with minimum utilization of natural resources, increased usage of renewable resources, low waste production, and causing less environmental impact by the release of hazardous substances and high levels of noise. By obeying the rules concerning the legal requirements associated with environmental issues and other environmental protection legislatures to continuously assess its environmental performance. By increasing the awareness about the environment issues among various sections of the society by training them. By starting open communication with customers and public institutions in regard to environmental management system efforts and environmental protection practices. Thus, to constantly upgrade its environmental performance, Toyota sets annual goals and targets with respect to the environmental management system. Due to its responsible behavior and exemplary efforts in this direction, the company has been certified with the ISO 14001 Environment Management System Certificate. Nearly, 5.644 m ² of the manufacturing area of the company is being lightened by the sunlight, in order to decrease the electricity consumption. Similarly, the water-pipes constructed of steel are converted into HDPE pipes, to control the wastage of water. Toyota also motivates its business-partners to actively participate in the environmental protection campaigns. With the help of the trainings, members recognition about environmental concerns is increased. For this, the company celebrates the month of June as the Environment Month, every year. In this month, various programs are organized for increasing the level of environmental awareness among all people associated with the company. On similar lines, the company has launched an environmental bulletin- Toyota Green, to complement its efforts in the given direction. In addition to this, the company undertakes detailed inspections before making further investments in business to determine its environment-related impact. It is interesting to note that these inspections are based on surveys aimed to protect the environment, before setting up any new manufacturing units. For this, the company demands detailed investigation from its procurement sources to avoid any kinds of problems related to the environment. In addition to this, check sheets are designed for undertaking surveys and properly dispose off the waste materials, released as a result of the manufacturing operations carried out at the given location. Conclusion It has been seen that the company has a strong presence in the automobile market-segment. The company has a very impressive history and believes in strong cultural values. It lays a great emphasis on the aspect of quality and efficiency to win the confidence of its customers. Moreover, the company believes in making constant changes in its existing processes to remain competitive. In fact, Toyota has always been known for the adoption of latest technologies and concepts to increase its work-efficiency and productivity from time to time. This attitude of the company is supported by the introduction of modern concepts such as JIT, Kanban and Robotics, etc. At the same time, Toyota is always prepared to experiment with the new ideas suggested by its employees, suppliers or customers. Due to this flexible approach, the company has been successful in maintaining its position in a very fierce competitive scenario. At the same time, it has been able to satisfy and fulfill the demands and requirements of its customers, in the most profitable manner. Thus, the company would be able to sustain its current growth-rate and profitability, without facing any difficulty in the near future along with its mission to protect the environment from further deterioration. It is also expected that the company would continue to develop efficient and revolutionary work-methods which would be of great utility for the entire industry. However, it has to remain attentive to the constant changes taking place in its external environment and its areas of operation. References Environmental Factors 2008. Retrieved April 1, 2008, from Hancock G, Bolling, K Pearce, B 2001, GCSE Graphic Products for OCR.Heinemann. Just in Time- Toyota’s Manufacturing Technique 2008. Retrieved April 1, 2008, from Lean Manufacturing 2008. Retrieved April 1, 2008, from Liker, J 2004, The 14 Principles of the Toyota Way: An Executive Summary of the Culture Behind TPS, p. 37, Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan. Ohno, T 1988, Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production, Productivity Press. Toyota Highlander Hybrid 2004, Canadian Driver Communications Inc.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Chesapeake and New England Colonies: A Comparison :: American America History
The Chesapeake and New England Colonies: A Comparison During the late 16th century and into the 17th century, European nations rapidly colonized the newly discovered Americas. England in particular sent out numerous groups to the eastern coast of North America to two regions. These two regions were known as the Chesapeake and the New England areas. Later, in the late 1700's, these two areas would bond to become one nation. Yet from the very beginnings, both had very separate and unique identities. These differences, though very numerous, spurred from one major factor: the very reason the settlers came to the New World. This affected the colonies in literally every way, including economically, socially, and politically. The Chesapeake region of the colonies included Virginia, Maryland, the New Jerseys (both East and West) and Pennsylvania. In 1607, Jamestown, the first English colony in the New World (that is, the first to thrive and prosper), was founded by a group of 104 settlers to a peninsula along the James River. These settlers hoped to find gold, silver, a northwest passage to Asia, a cure for syphilis, or any other valuables they might take back to Europe and make a profit. Lead by Captain John Smith, who "outmaneuvered other members of the colony's ruling and took ruthlessly took charge" (Liberty Equality Power, p. 57), a few lucky members of the original voyage survived. These survivors turned to the local Powhatan Indians, who taught them the process of corn- and tobacco-growing. These staple-crops flourished throughout all five of these colonies. New England was north of the Chesapeake, and included Massachusetts Bay Colony, Plymouth, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Haven (which soon became part of Connecticut). The New Englanders were largely Puritan Separatists, who sought religious freedom. When the Church of England separated from Catholicism under Henry VIII, Protestantism flourished in England. Some Protestants, however, wanted complete separation from Catholicism and embraced Calvinism. These "Separatists" as they were called, along with persecuted Catholics who had not joined the Church of England, came to New England in hopes of finding this religious freedom where they would be free to practice as they wished. Their motives were, thus, religious in nature, not economic. In fact, New England settlers reproduced much of England's economy, with only minor variations. They did not invest largely in staple crops, instead, relied on artisan-industries like carpentry, shipbuilding, and printing. The Chesapeake and New England attracted different types of settlers and, by 1700, the populations differed enormously.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
What Is Culture and Socialisation Interact in Sociology
SLSS102 Explorations in Sociology – Assessment 1 Minor essay Word limit: 1500 words Weighting: 20% Due date: 9am AEDT Monday 1 April Assessment overview Write a 1500 word essay on ONE of the following topics: Topic 1: Which is more important in shaping individual identity: social structure or social interaction? ?OR Topic 2: Explain how culture and socialisation interact in a sociological context? Assessment details In your essay you should: Demonstrate your understanding of themes covered so far in this unit. †¢ Use the three texts listed in the resources box (right) to answer your selected question. †¢ In addition you should use a minimum of TWO references to augment the material in these texts. †¢ Support your discussions with examples from the social world. †¢ Use correct Harvard referencing. Criteria for assessment Your essay should clearly address the question and include relevant ideas from the unit and your knowledge and experience.When marking you r essay, your eLA will ask: †¢ How well have you used relevant ideas from the unit readings and additional materials to answer the question? †¢ How well have you used relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience to answer the question? †¢ How convincing and coherent is your answer? †¢ How well is your answer written and presented? ?Resources To answer your essay question, use the following resources: Your eText: Henslin, JM, Possamai, A, and Possamai- Indesedy, A 2011, Sociology: A Down to Earth Approach, Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest. nd the following two ebooks: Plummer, K 2010, Sociology: The Basics, Taylor and Francis Back, L. , Bennett, A. , Edles, L. ,Gibson, M. , Inglis, D. ,Jacobs, R. , Woodward, I 2012, Cultural Sociology: An Introduction, Wiley. Note: These resources are also listed under Assessment1: Minor essay, in the Assessments section in Blackboard. To augment the material in these texts you may use other Sociology textbooks, artic les from the Swinburne library database and current media articles. SLSS102 Explorations in Sociology 1 SLSS102 Explorations in Sociology – Assessment 1 Minor essay Assessment 1: Minor essay submission details †¢ All pages should include your name and student number in the document footer †¢ All references should be appropriately cited using the Harvard style. There is also a link to this guide in Blackboard, under the Assessments section. †¢ Submit your assignment as one Microsoft Word or PDF document †¢ Save your file as follows: [student numberA1. filetype] e. g. 1234567A1. pdf or 1234567A1. doc †¢ Submit your essay via the Blackboard link > Assessment > Minor essay
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